Steam required to run to use the CK?

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:31 am

Another possible issue may be in censorship
now im not saying it will happen but would steam allow
if everything has to go through them like
Apple does with its app store

eg sixual explicit mod
kill all npcs including children mod

above example are just possible examples

What i take from the statement is that every mod goes to steam first
and modders have an option to also have it hosted elsewhere

But if steam wont allow it would that then dissallow the modder from
having it hosted it elsewhere

Again its just conjecture at the moment, I just don't get why they want it
integrated with steam, who profits from it and who looses
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Lisha Boo
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:02 am

I use to like Steam but Bethesda is really overdoing their dependency on it. Starting to piss me off.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:20 am

The CK is NOT a 3D creation obviously don't write mods. (or don't understand what the GECK/CK is doing...or are just bad at explaining it). In fact, all user resources that are created for a game MUST be done with tools outside the CK and then the CK is used to integrate those new resources into the game. It does DO 3D redering to display objects and world maps, but no actual 3D resources are "created" by the CK itself (I am making assumptions that the CK is just another version of the GECK modders know and love (to hate)).

Until I see the terms of use on this STEAM WORKSHOP, I'm not going to jump to conclusions or theorycraft the reason for it's existance. The Nexus is a pretty darn good mod site, but if Valve can do it better, I'll keep an open mind.

You obviously don't read to well. The CK provides tile sets, textures, items etc, etc from the games content. Thus allowing one to simply play legos with it. It is a 3D creation program but very dumbed down, as I said. I never once mentioned that it allowed a user to create BRAND NEW MESHES, etc, etc that is something you injected to try and come off as witty and have an argument where there was none.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:39 pm

Another possible issue may be in censorship
now im not saying it will happen but would steam allow
if everything has to go through them like
Apple does with its app store

eg sixual explicit mod
kill all npcs including children mod

above example are just possible examples

What i take from the statement is that every mod goes to steam first
and modders have an option to also have it hosted elsewhere

But if steam wont allow it would that then dissallow the modder from
having it hosted it elsewhere

Again its just conjecture at the moment, I just don't get why they want it
integrated with steam, who profits from it and who looses

I think this can be a concern, but that remains to be seen as well. If they censor mods and disable them that could all but kill the modding community. Having said that, even if you get mods from an outside site (like Nexus), I don't think it then goes to Steam again to for use on the game itself. I am seeing that just creating it, that it can possibly be auto-uploaded to Steam. Now, I don't think Steam wants to be able to stpre explicitly advlt oriented mods on their site. But, will these advlt type mods be blocked from use as well, is a good question. There are already advlt type mods for Skyrim right now at Nexus, so we'll see.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:12 am

I like the courteous people with their insinuations that there is no reason not to run Steam except paranoia, madness or dishonesty. Those guys are great.
However I would prefer that my Steam launcher for Skyrim would work. I know it's a lot to ask. And I know it's my fault, I'm the only person in the world with that problem (with the exception of all the Steam users who had this problem for a whole variety of games) and that Steam has published a magical troubleshooting webpage that I wasn't able to understand, otherwise my game would launch properly.

All that sarcasm aside, I think that the Nexus will be more complete than the Steam Workshop and if I really need to patch my holy executable (O Savior!) there are ways not to use Steam anyway. I would be less inclined to buy DLC though. Now Bethesda can discuss the matter with Steam as they wish. That's their contract after all.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:19 am

I think Bethesda is using Steam to make it easier for people to find Skyrim mods easier.
Like it was hard to find Oblivion mods. :facepalm:

But its going to downlaod and install the mods for you, some people do not have the time or skill to learn how to correctly install mods.
Most are simple, but its much easier now to find and install them.

Here is the bethblog.

I NEVER have problems with Steam

Me either.

Those of you thinking they will charge are flat out silly, how can they charge for something you can put up on the nexus?
And censorship? there is still the nexus! Steam also has the build in "what are are you" thing and a section of mods could simply be tagged 18+.
Regarding noods and kill everything/everyone, those can still go to the nexus.

This is going to open up the mods to many more people, while still having TES for the more inappropriate mods.
To be honest, I am excited. I expect the TES to keep on going, and mods will be much easier for those who have problems installing mods.

I am sure the larger and more involved mods will still reside only on the TES. There is likely a option to upload to steam or not, and I doubt the CS will be changed at all.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:23 am

I use to like Steam but Bethesda is really overdoing their dependency on it. Starting to piss me off.

I use to tolerate it, but I agree.

Ever since the DOS days (yeah, I'm that old) I found using a menu program to launch an installed application unnecessary. Sure, my PC can handle Steam running in the background and it doesn't take much in the way of resources, but it takes some and I like keeping things as simple as I can.

I see no need for Steam (after the initial installation if they need it for DRM purposes), and I don't like it becoming a necessity. I avoided tons of online networks over the years when I installed games, and having no choice really pisses me off.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:20 am

I wouldn't count on it.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:12 pm

Something else in that blog that annoyed me.

Creation Kit — Beginning in January, PC players will be able to download for free the same development tools we used at Bethesda Game Studios to create Skyrim. In tandem with the Creation Kit’s release, we will roll out a new Wiki and videos to help you get started. It also features something we think you’re going to love…

The CK wont be available until January because of this steam workshop integration BS.
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