Steam update question

Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 3:00 pm

I don't have an internet connection at the moment, so I took my computer to a friend's to apply the latest Vegas patch.
After testing the game back home and closing it, a Steam message popped up. It said something about a downloaded
update, and if I wanted to go online to apply it. NO! God... I'll never buy a game that depends on Steam again - ever.

After restarting my pc, and playing/quitting the game, the message popped up again. I don't care if it pops up every
single time after quitting the game, but I do have one question - will Steam eventually 'force' me to go online to apply
the Steam update, or can I just keep choosing not to?

Thanks in advance!

PS: Does anyone know if the fully patched GOTY will still depend on Steam?

Edit: typo
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Alex Vincent
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