» Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:21 pm
I have love/hate relation with steam
pros: discounted price deals are often good, friends list works good
cons: huge abuse of consumers right, flexibility, high level of scam/fraud
Steam is a major annoyance in term of freedom, beause if you buy a game on it, you have to be logged in to play it, i dont know what they think, but I like to have games installed on my 2 computers, so i can play in LAN or coop with a friend. My second computer is a gaming laptop, so it wont have connection available at all times, or the steam port is often blocked in public places/ university. Yes there is the offline mode, but the developper have the possibility to make their game unavailable in off-line mode ( ex.: Garry's mod). Also steam policies for users are way too unfair, for exemple, my friend bought a game on steam a few weeks ago via paypal, but the guy managing steam paypal account canceled the transaction. So he had the game in his account and they had no money, they locked his account, and we had to waste a lot of time on the phone to be able to find a deal to unlock his account ( over 300$ of games in it !). Go ahead, read their TOS/user policy and see how weaponless you are against them.
Nothing beat having the nice retail box on your desk.
None of my games require me to be online with steam, unless you're refering to online games, which require internet anyway. Garrys mod has a singleplayer component, which is playable when offline. Even with it's faults, I still love steam, and would also love to see Crysis 2 making an appearance on it.