» Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:02 pm
Im not going to reply to every comment here, but just in general.
There seems like there are two types of ppl who have opposed my post.
The first are people who claim that the dungeons are great and exploring is fun ect. They ARE fun, and i would give this game a 10/10 if it was a dungeon crawler. The fact is, this game was sold as an open world rpg, not a dungeon crawler. If i wanted to play a dungeon crawler, which i dont, id play diablo or WoW or perhaps dark souls. These games do dungeons far better than skyrim, with loot that is actually useful. I found the ebony mail recently. It went onto a manequine in my house because it still wasnt better than my deadric plate. The dungeons in these games are also much less repeditive, and most have a multiplayer element that makes them less so. Its not fun to sit on your own doing dungeons, not for me anyway. Even dark souls had interactions, if petty ones, to other people playing, not to mention enemies that required tack to best rather than a health bar a mile long.
In morrowind, my house was so full of stuff i found while questing and exploring, my game crashed when i tried to open it. It was all meticulously placed around the place.
this link should give you an idea. Mine wasnt quite as insane as this one, but it was close.
In skyrinm, after 60 hours, i have found 3 staffs, 2 shields, and 4 weapons worthy of keeping. The rest has gone to vendors or the disenchant button for it was utter rubbish. I remember in oblivion hording so much fantastic loot by 60 hours that my chest in my little shack took over a minute to open. Deadric artifacts actually meant something; they were worthy of using in both games. In skyrim, my crafted deadric set surpasses all of the artifacts. Heck, gold/eltonbrand isnt even in the game to my knowledge, which was possibly the best one handed weapon in tes 3 and 4.
The second type of people are those who praise the simplicity, or say that the market has changed, or that they cbf spending hours on their character. This game was sold as an RPG. What you are praising is a step away from rpg elements, therefore the genre. This game, with its changes, may be more appealing to the masses. Perhaps this is not because the game is better or improved, just the masses have never been overly interested in rpg's that require careful planning or figuring things out. That is fine; rpg's have always been rather a niche market, and not everyone has the time or can be bothered to play through such a game. Bethesda, however, has prevoiusly targeted this niche market, producing fantastic rpg's. Like i keep saying, this game was sold as a rpg. I bought it, expecting an experience similar to previous games, and got an action adventure game with a few rpg elements. Rpg;s are about choosing what to do, making judgements why the character your roleplaying is doing it. In skyrim, the npc's tell you to "go there" . Your journal tells you the same. There is no story behind it, nothing to compell you to actually go out and do it, not to mention the nonexistant rewards for all but the deadric and end of faction quests. This is simply not an RPG and not what i expected or payed for.
A few other people said to ignore certain quests or that there will be more bad quests than good ones if you play them all. I played them all in oblivion, and close to all in morrowind (maybe leaving half a dozen quests from people out in the wilderness such as the naked nords or stranded adventurers). And not only once. I played through every quest in oblivion over 3 times, the guild lines over 5 times. Each time, i enoyed them. All of them. I find it rediculous that it is expected than only a portion of quests in skyrim should be fun, or that i should explore instead of quest. Even newer games, such as fallout 3 had interesting quests where it could be seen that a lot of effort was put in. The quests in skyrim seem repeditive, thus unenjoyable. I repeated my tes4 quests 5 times. After playing skyrim for a few hours, new quests alredy feel as if ive done them twenty times because thet're all so similar. I did aknowledge there are some good ones. The deadric quests are fantastic. There are a few exellent side quests, such as the murder mystery in windhelm, or the opening thieves and dark brotherhood quests. After 60 hours, i should not, however, be strugling to find 3.
With the main quest, i stated it was a mild improvment over oblivions. The only reason for this is the exclusion of the cliff racer reminicent oblivion gates, and their replacment by dragons. Dragons are much lass annoying than the gates for the simple fact that theyre so easy to kill, so you can just move on faster. In the way of content, the main quest in skyrim is terrible. The emperors assassination, the blades sanctuary, kvatch ect was much more enjoyable in oblivion than the mq in skyrim. I have gotten up to the quest where i am to go to a dwemer ruin to find a particular paper based item that i wount name. I have given up on it at this point tbh. Its just boring.
Modding has been mentioned a few times. Modding fixed many balance and scaling issues in oblivion, i agree, but vanilla oblivion was still fun to play because of the quests. Morrowind did not need mods at all, expet for those that improved graphics, which is to be expected of a 9 year old game. Still, i played morrowind for the first time AFTER oblivion, and i played it vanilla. Modding should net be required to play a game. Modding should be used to enhance a game, but not to make it playable. Personally, i think modding will not be able to fix skyrims problems. Unless someone was to completley redo EVERY quest, EVERY dungeon, EVERY loot chest and redo the entire character system, i see no real hope. Without an entire 3rd party coice acting team, the quests probably cant be fixed unless a morrowind style daloug system was implemented, which would be difficult if not a bad thing. Oscuro has gone, martigen and fran have both stated that they havent the time for modding. Without these 3 modding gods, i see no hope.
I believe the only hope for skyrim is quest mods. Tears of the fiend, malevolent and ruins tale by symiaz were perhaps the best questlines ive played in any game ever. A plethora of unique places, very few dungeons and interesting plots and characters. If symyaz returns, which i doubt, i will play his mods, and other quest mods.
To sum it up, i think skyrim is the result of a company who has given up on what its original fans desired, perhaps on its fans altogether. The terrible UI, the lack of a modifiable exe thanks to the new patch, the forced steam use and the 30 day delayed dlc has done wonders to alienate pc players such as myself. The company has ignored the complaints of over simplification in oblivion, and simplified it more. The number of equipment options has gone from about 17 to 7. The amount of skills from 27 to 18. Shortswords have been cut. The journal entries arent even full sentences. The scaling has returned worse than ever. Bethesda seem to have done all in their power to displease their original fans, fans that got the company to where it is today.