The voice acting is much much better. The cities are fine and realistic. There is an improved presence of lore in the game than oblivion, and the monsters have a similar veriety to previous games.
Why then, is this game less compelling to play? For my first 2 or 3 playthroughs of nehrim, morrowind and oblivion, i couldnt stop playing. By a playthrough, i mean every questline and main side quest, usually a 250 hour journey.
Im finding the quests in skyrim to be very very repeditive; its just dungeons after dungeons after dungeons with no real variance except the wall textures. Yes, the dungeons themselves are a massive imporvment, yet after doing one of each type, it feels as you have done them all.
The questlines seem to have suffered greatly in skyrim. I just completed the total of 6 quests for the companions (aka fighters) guild, and i was entirley unimpressed. It was 6 dungoens one after the other, with a certain event i wont spoil afyer about 2 quests. The fact that u gain access to their ruling council after one or 2 dungeons is entirley unbelievable, and each quest lacks backstory. In oblivion, you talked to the contractors or went to different cities such as the maglir quest or the amelion quest, and it ended with a massive finale. Companions ends with another dungeon.
The radient quest system is a massive failure. Because of this, or maybe just poor design, the quests feel more like chores than adventures or requests. The voice acting is good, but quest givers serve only to point me in a dungeons direction rather than give any interesting reasons for me to go there. I was sent to kill an ice wolf in riverwood. It was just standing there next to an npc, doing nothing. The npc diddnt react either; he diddnt aknowledge the wolfs presence or thank me after. The rat quest for the fighters guild in both morrowind and oblivion was much better, with the responsive npc.
There seem to be a major lack of non combat quests. There were multitudes of these in the previous games, such as simple armour delivery quests in morrowind or the mages reccomendation quests in oblivion. Many of the town quests in the previous games, such as the cheydenhall corruption quest, the thoroniir quest or the unexpected voyage quest from oblivion had small amounts of combat, yet had a massive twist or leadup that was interesting rather than hack and slash. That said, the deadric quests in skyrim are very good, and provide interesting and engaging environments and backstories.
Such repeditive quests with so little variation gives very little opportunity for roleplaying and reminds me of a fps more than a rpg. The world simply feels lifeless, with my character being pointed to objectives. This is enhanced by the inability to talk to the majority of npc's or the lack of random conversations between npc's. The conversations that do occur are obviously heavily scripted and seem very out of place.
The main quest itself, while a mild improvment over oblivion, isnt very compelling, not after playing nehrim which had a fantastic main quest that kept me glued to my seat for the full 60 hours untill its completion.
The enemies offer little challenge besides blow exchange; no tactics are ever needed exept for a high health bar, and i am playing on expert difficulty. I did play on master for a while, but it was just more tedious rather than mentally challenigng. The armor and weapon levelling is noticable once again, with a progression from steel to orcish to ebony ect as you level, which was a major problem in past tes games that still isnt fixed.
The dragons in the game are handled very well i think. Their animations are decent and their encounters are enjoyable, if a bit too easy in comparison to other enemies. The same cannot be said for the shouts. Collecting them feels like a rewardless chore; the only ones that are half useful are storm call (when it dosent hit ur follower) and unrelenting force to push enemies off cliffs. The rest often do negligable damage or are shrugged off by enemies as theyre too high level. Shouts seem to be the only major reward for most dungeons, besides a few pieces of levelled armor. This is almost identical to oblivions reward system for dungeons which recived much criticism for good reason.
There are a strange absence of quality artifacts in the game; my deadric sword blows all but molag bals mace out of the water, and the enchantments on most artifacts are petty and pointless, surpassed by random magic items. Some artifatcs simply fail to work as they should, such as the wabbajack wich is resisted by many enemies.
The crafting skills are very very tedious to use; id much rather pay npc's to do enchanting for me as in morrowind rather than grind over the altar.
I wont go to into the magic systems failures, as the problems have been complained about enough for everyone to understand. Its sufficient to say i will NOT be playing a mage character in this game, both from the lack of spell effects and spell making.
The changes to the character development system and levelling are probably the worst alteration in skyrim. I dont feel the urge to level as i did in the other games. Without classes, my character feels very bland and vanilla while the lack of attributes makes levellign rather unexiting. Classes are a important aspect of rpg mechanics, and their removal makes the game feel even more like a fps. I really enjoyed progressing through previous games with my jump height or run speed increasing or perhaps my carrying capacity and weapon damage. In skyrim, i just feel as i can take and deal more hits rather than a progression to power and a feeling of accomplishment. Levelling itself is exeedingly fast; after 60 hours im alredy level 37.
All in all, skyrim is a decent game as games go, but not as TES games go. For every improvment, there seems to be a simplification to go with it. For every piece of new content added, there seems to be two pieces removed and replaced by generic quests. I may finish skyrim; ill definetly give the other guild lines a go, yet i think ill stick to replaying the last two games. While the quests arent new or surprising, i still find them more enjoyable than those in skyrim.