I was rechecking all the installing procedure when I noticed that http://devnull.sweetdanger.net/fcominstall.html, if you search for "Unofficial Fran Patches", you'll find out that it's suggested to download and install a specific patch. This guide is very specific, so I guess you are not installing such patch or you would have included it in the list.
Is there a specific reason why this patch is not installed?
I used to replace the UOP, USIP and UOMP patches esp files with the patches provided by dewshine.
however, since Corepc released OMOBS and MOBS patches for vanilla items, and because all FCOM comes with MOBS stats ready, and because I do not use weapons and armors from Fran for my characters who all use bunch of custom made mod-added stuff, I did not think it is necessary to use these patches anymore, i.e. - why bother if I am not going to use these items and don't care about their stats?
Currently I use jewellery from Xia New Amulets; armor from several HGEC armor mods, weapons from Dark Adventuress Bow, Sentuient Weapon, Adonnay's mods, trottlekitty rapiers, Assassin's Creed Exnemised...
Fran MOBS versions of the unofficial patches... they don't touch what I use,don't affect it, and I don't care what enemies wear, I still loot them and sell the stuff.
Of course, if you wear the looted stuff, go ahead, by all means and set better stats for it. I personally avoid wearing clothes with knife wholes on the back

Anyway, added link for those willing to try them and thank you for pointing out the omission
Instead I concentrate on playing.
About Giskaard's Mods - CURP dependent.
I also was reluctant to try the upgraded CURP add-on but to my (actually considering the quality of modders involved it shouldn't surprise me so much, they are great!) surprise, the upgrade went on fluently, so all latest versions like OMG 7.1, TEC 2.5; The necromancer 1.7 work even better than before, they just blend and one thinks: Why Mum Beth didn't think of this first! So, yes, go ahead, try it.
What I did;
1. Installed all 13 packs from Nexus,
2. Installed the addition to CURP from the guld site.
3. Installed the esm 5.1.8
4 Installed the individual mods - so far (2 months later) no trouble at all.