If you want to hire a carriage or a bard, or buy horses and other animals for your house, you have to hire a steward. There is no other way to get these things. Stewards can also furnish and decorate rooms in your house if you don't want to bother scrounging up the materials and building it all yourself. However, they will eventually add all furniture and decorations available for any room you have them furnish. They can also buy lumber and other building materials for you if you don't want to mess with mining it yourself or visiting the sawmills.
For roleplaying purposes, if you adopt kids but don't marry, the steward will be there to watch over your kids when you leave to do other stuff. You can also ask them to follow you at any time. One thing about stewards, though, is that once you hire them, it's a job for life. The only way to replace them with someone else is to have them die. Also, a steward can only provide services at one house, the one you hired him/her at first. You cannot change the home they're steward of.
As to who to hire, the NPCs available for hire as stewards are available as followers, but not all followers in the game can become stewards. The wiki has a page listing everyone in game you can hire as a steward. I usually pick the housecarls that come with the homes to be my stewards.