(Yes you can make multiple profiles on 1 cd key: Go to MY CRYSIS, Switch Profile)
Apparently my main account took on the stats of my second account? and it TOOK AWAY the unlocked gear and stats on my primary account!!? WTF!
So its gone.
I also had this happen: During a game, either Crash your computer.... or be kicked, or server failure, and you will lose stats/unlocks/etc. because they do not "updating your profile" and save (like WHEN you leave a server - best done in between games, sometimes doesn't save "during")
EA support told me to "wait it out" and that they had Engineers working on this for a long time...
If I, a Customer could see what happened, and normal game companies FIX what they SEE wrong. Why'd I just lose all my stuff?
Now I'm getting "Your connection to this session has been lost" mid game, or joining a game, and I can talk to people in chat for a minute or seconds, then ..... its obviously not "lost"
also getting kicked from servers? "you have been kicked from the game" either Joining a game, or mid game.
Whats wrong with this game?