Well i posted this the very first week it came out and they still have not fixed my issue which is still the same thing the day it came out. My left stick does not control the movement of the character instead it aims or looks in a general direction while the right stick moves my character. I thought they would fix this issue right away but apparently not, i gave them ample of time to solve it due to the fact i never touched this game after the week i bought it,until now this same day i am posting this on the forum. I am not hating on you or the game because i very much so like this game. I never seen anything like it even with the glitches galore. ALL i want to know is are you going to fix it, THATS ALL. I literally have no hope in the game as of now. I tried every solution in this forum for this problem which is barely any and it obviously did not work for me. Please reply.