Still having Quest Troubles

Post » Thu Mar 13, 2014 3:34 am

Okay, so in a previous topic I raised up the problem I was having with my quest not starting even though all the boxes I believed were ticked and the event was set to zero. Is there anything else that any of you can think of as to why my quest is till not starting when I approach the guard?

Question, with dialogue do you need a sound bite for the dialogue to even play? I know it won't stay up for long if it does not have a sound bite because the length is tied to the length of the sound file, but with no sound file does it just fail to start up at all?

Need some help here really badly guys. I really don't want to have to lose so many weeks of work, just to have to resort to a shorter, less annoying quest just so I don't fail my thesis class.

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Post » Wed Mar 12, 2014 7:46 pm

Is 'Start Up Stage' checked? Do you have it anywhere that Start() is called?

You can slap a trigger around the guard and have the trigger start the quest on entry via OnTriggerEnter(with conditions to only do this once)

And your aliases need to be filled.

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