Still "not fixed" in Crysis 2 multiplayer....

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:20 am

Ok.. not sure how well patch 1.8 worked out for the people having severe issues, cause I never had any severe issues, I just experienced a few minor things. There were two things that did really annoy me though..

** First being, the server counting down and getting stuck @ the "1 second mark" and not launching until minutes later. This IS still an issue. Only thing I notice that makes it stop, is you must get "everyone" to cast a vote for map.

** Next, the "Orbital Strike" causing lag... though I have noticed it does not seem to lag as bad / much as it did before, it still causes game lag though. I was playing earlier today, on the first two orbital strikes done, there was no lag issues, but when someone launched a 3rd one, wow.. extreme lag. I was running around the entire map looking @ everyone running in one spot, thought I killed about 4 of them, just to find out it was me that died (ahah?). Anyway.. it's STILL BROKE! I almost wish this feature was disabled until this issue gets fixed, cause it's not just a small lag spike, it's massive game lag out.

Also.. can I ask WHY the "Mobility" was downgraded? Was this a requested from the Crysis 2 community, or something Crytek decided to do? I personally do not recall anyone complaining about it and thought it was just fine before.. sometimes it feels like I'm moving in "slow motion" now.

Was the "Stealth" module downgraded too? Like the time you can stay cloaked while running around? It seems to drain faster to me now? Or.. maybe it's because I'm just moving slower now?
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Kayleigh Williams
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:46 pm

stealth module is not downgraded... while playing Assault mode i found this out... cos im also a stealth + mobility user.

try this: use Stealth Enhance, and a different power module other than Mobility enhance... do a cloak sprint and count how long u take to finish up ur energy...
next, use Mobility Enhance, and a different power module other than Stealth enhance... do cloak sprint again...

*you will realize that ur energy drains faster when u do a cloak sprint with just mobility enhance, without stealth enhance.... ur energy drains slow if u use just stealth enhance without mobility enhance....
**thus mobility enhance is nerfed alot by its energy drain efficiency
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Kit Marsden
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