coc=center on cell (console command). Past a certain point, I wouldn't even bother to take the trip from e.g. Breezehome to Dragonsreach -I'd simply teleport there. Apparently, I need a good break.
coc=center on cell (console command). Past a certain point, I wouldn't even bother to take the trip from e.g. Breezehome to Dragonsreach -I'd simply teleport there. Apparently, I need a good break.
I'm thinking about starting up again soon. Having so much fun with mario kart 8 and wolfenstein atm I cannot find any time for skyrim. But i'll be back
Holy crap mods indeed! It's all I've been playing for the past few weeks. I found out the limit for the mods are 255 of them xD! I added so many spell mods that make the game fun again.
So yea...I've been playing a lot. Heh