Only 'cause I recently got it on PC and holy crap mods!
I don't think I've moved from my computer all day today. :C
I went away for a while but I recently bought Dragonborn and started a new playthru.
Huh. That's the same reason I've had a lot of playtime recently, too.
Well, there was chocolate cake involved one week.
I played tonight for the first time since 3/30/14. I made an Imperial sword and shield warrior and played for several hours. I usually play stealthy archers so this character was a pleasant change.
I'm not sure. That might be the most likely reason, but there are a lot of reasons for the factory I work at could have shut down. (One of which being due to the...legitimacy of some of the employees. It's happened before.)
That and since I was a temp worker I was let go 3 days ahead of everyone else, so I dunno exactly what happened.
So, Skyrim. I'm actually surprised I managed to get hooked again even with all the new content I suddenly have access to. Especially since I seem to loathe pretty much every quest and companion mod out there save for Interesting NPCs so far. I could just be channeling my my main character, though, who'se a fabulous grumpy-cat. (Seriously, though, was duller than I expected it to be and Velveeta Vanilla Conchita Vilja is as "meh" as her Oblivion incarnation. Dunno why they're widely recommended as they are.)
I've only had Skyrim for about a year now, so maybe people who have been playing it since release feel differently, but I honestly can't see myself stopping anytime soon.
To be perfectly honest, I have a hard time playing other games after discovering Skyrim. I've joked that this game has "ruined" me, because I've gotten so attached to the customization and just the overall Bethesda "model", that everything else just doesn't seem as good. I've been trying to get into some other games recently (especially some of the well-regarded RPGs, cause I figured they might offer a similar type of experience), but it almost feels like I'm forcing myself. It's probably not true, but there's this part of me that feels like Skyrim is the only game I'm ever gonna feel like playing from here on out, or at the very least until Bethesda puts out a new game.
I'm playing Oblivion right now. But I'll be back!
I will play Skyrim again soon but with next-gen GTA V around the corner and The Witcher 3 early next year my play time will drop off significantly.
Not much, eversince I started coc'ing everywhere -an indication that I reached the burnt up stage.
This is exactly how I feel.
I am not really a gamer.
The only game I played before skyrim are Half Life 2 (and episodes), No one life forever. It was a few years ago. Currently I also play Crysis 3. Even now my work keep me very busy so I rarely play the game.
I took a 2 month break from all video games back in December...then I started playing some Tropico, then a buddy came to visit and we did quite a few classic LAN games in the morning after nights of reckless drinking and fun, a big cup of coffee with some AoE2, Red Alert, Starcraft etc.
Then about a month and a half ago I got back into Oblivion, put around 20 hours into a warrior, then did a Skyrim Requiem play through with a warrior, about 70 hours, and now I am doing a Mage with pretty minimal game play mods (a break from Requiem-I'll be back for the update-I just wanted to play and be able to kill things more or less right away for my mage ) just Better Magic and some other gameplay effects...I hope to put around 50-60 hours into this character...hopefully I won't get bored
Nah, I gave up playing awhile back. Ended up getting burned out.
Still play quite a bit. Something the Silver Bloods appreciate none too much.
I've taken a brief break to finally give some of my other backlogged games a play but the call to return is still strong, especially when coming on here
Yeah, I keep trying new playstyles. Right now I play as a typical nord barbarian (which I avoided since the beginning), living off the land, using plants to heal my wounds and illnesses, hunting, selling animal furs for arrows, stocking up on venison, which people in cities pay so much coin for. None of that dragonborn stuff. Dragons are dangerous. I like it easy and carefree.
Teleporting to different locations using console command "coc"