» Sun May 05, 2013 4:12 am
A lot of what I would say has been said, but here are the big three reasons I always use some degree of modding (in any TES game I have played on PC, but I'll limit this to TES3):
1) Playthroughs in vanilla are too short. I want mods that slow progression (or even stop it for Misc skills), ensuring that I can play with one Player Character for a very long time, and still have fun.
2) Playthroughs in vanilla are too easy. By the time I hit level 20, I have surpassed most challenges. By 40, there are none at all. I want mods that make everything a little (or a lot) harder. It should not be so easy to become a Guildmaster, for example.
3) Too many things are broken in vanilla. Honestly, I respect not using mods, but I don't get not using the MCP and MPP. These "mods" actually fix a lot of the stuff the devs overlooked, ran out of time for, rushed through, or simply forgot. With some exceptions (enchanting projectiles for example), a game patched with MPP and MCP should be about as close to what was intended to be released as you can get. I always recommend those two, at the very least.
That's my $0.02. YMMV, and I'm sure it will!
PS: Nice topic, OP!