I know that we have seen some different armors in videos and whatnot, but are the same armors still going to be ranked the same. I know they'll probably be revamped in look, but will Daedric/Glass still be the best?
We saw elven armor in the demo, so this is where the concern came from.
I'm going to be playing a Guardian (Heavy armor, blades, shield, restoration, etc) and I want to have the choice between several different armor sets at endgame, not just be stuck with Daedric.
Oblivion was very limited in armor. There was a set armor for your level and type, and that was it.
Morrowind was better than OB, it had more variety, but due to the time the game was made, the armors all look a little... weird.
At endgame, I want my guardian to have choices. Maybe between Daedric, Dragon Bone, Ayleid Plate, etc.
I know, I could use armor thats weaker, but I can't do that. Don't know why, never have been able to. (thats why I no longer have my 100% Chameleon suit, its to tempting.)
I loath Daedric armor and weapons. I'll mod some steel plate and decent looking steel weapons if I have to, but I'm not using that junk...glass either.