Still Too Easy for Master Level

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:41 am

I read through the forum, i found that i am not only the 1 who feel the Master Difficulty way TOO EASY..

How I play :

1) Focus on Archery, Smithing, Alchemy, Enchanting.

I found that once you get 100 in smithing alchemy and enchanting, you are actually become a godlike DPS+Tanker. FAR more better than leveling your Combat Skill

Among them, potion is way to powerful. What potion i made :
127% Smithing Potion
127% Bow Damage
190 Health
87% Resist Frost/Fire
29% Enchanting Potion
* How to level Alchemy?
Simply buy all the ingredient from merchant, keep making potion and sell them back. ( i make alot of money with this )
Potion with good price ( invisibility, slow, palaysis, Damage Stamina Regen, Damage Magicka Regen.. )
Made only high price potion, higher exp gained for Alchemy

My Smithing Gear :
Full Set Smithing +28% x 4
Full Set Alchemy +28% x 4

My Battle Suit:
1084 Armor Rating of DragonScale armor ( level 4 Light Armor Skill )
+78% Bow Damage
+29% Magic Resist x 2
Fortify Health, Fortify Stamina....
Remember, get the lord's stone blessing...

Another thing, THE LOOT is TOTAL RUBBISH....
Potion / gears all was rubbish. Once i reach Smithing 100 and Alchemy 80+, i feel all the loot is junk........
It really spoil the game, making dungeon and killing foe meaningless.....
I almost skip all the Chest, because i know nothing inside is even worthy to store in my bag...
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Amy Siebenhaar
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:58 pm

If you think that you're overpowered, then get less powerful weapons and armour. You can't complain about being too powerful when you're the one using the high power equipment.
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Timara White
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:38 pm

I just gimp myself by using unenchanted elven weapons and leather armor. :shrug:
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:06 pm

Spoiler in the title!
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Erich Lendermon
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:22 pm

So you powerlevel all crafting skills, focus really hard on becoming as overpowered as possible and then you're surprised that the game gets easy? True, maybe the game needed to be balanced better, but I wouldn't say it's a problem in the game. It is a single player game after all.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:03 pm


Too many people [censored]ed about enemies leveling with you and this is what you get. Deal with it.
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Chrissie Pillinger
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:17 pm

This isnt a min/maxing game, TES has never been known for challenging fights
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Jamie Lee
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:27 am

yep alduins a joke and you didnt even have to tank him all the time,
while i regret wasting time with alchemy, becouse the potions the vendors have are much better, ecnhanting and smithing gave me everything i needed - theres nothing i could possibly find in a chest that i could make use of.

People tell us to not use smithing and pretend to be happy if we find a glass weapon eventho we know we couldve craftet a much better weapon, but smithing is just too good and theres noway i would not want to imrpove my items - giving myself a handicap like that just to have it challenging even on master difficulty is ridiculous.

Atm Im just rushing through dungeons beeing lvl 51, just meleeing everything and not even bothering to stealth/sneak attack my enemies. Even if my enemies would be tougher, I could start using ebony mail and onehit them out of sneak without a problem - thats all on masters difficulty
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:52 pm

yep alduins a joke and you didnt even have to tank him all the time,
while i regret wasting time with alchemy, becouse the potions the vendors have are much better, ecnhanting and smithing gave me everything i needed - theres nothing i could possibly find in a chest that i could make use of.

People tell us to not use smithing and pretend to be happy if we find a glass weapon eventho we know we couldve craftet a much better weapon, but smithing is just too good and theres noway i would not want to imrpove my items - giving myself a handicap like that just to have it challenging even on master difficulty is ridiculous.

Atm Im just rushing through dungeons beeing lvl 51, just meleeing everything and not even bothering to stealth/sneak attack my enemies. Even if my enemies would be tougher, I could start using ebony mail and onehit them out of sneak without a problem - thats all on masters difficulty

Even with Dragon Armor, a Daedric Mace at 105dmg, and 100 smithing, almost 100 One Handed and 80 Heavy Armor an Ancient Dragon clobbers me at level 42.

You guys are on crack. Stop playing on easy.
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Crystal Clear
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:18 am

Even with Dragon Armor, a Daedric Mace at 105dmg, and 100 smithing, almost 100 One Handed and 80 Heavy Armor an Ancient Dragon clobbers me at level 42.

You guys are on crack. Stop playing on easy.

You simply Dont understand what is Magic Resistance..... Dragon attack you with Magic dmg, your dragon armor is useless.

Read MY POST : Fully enchant ring , necklate , helmet, with magic resistance + fire/frost Resistance.

Get lord's stone blessing = 25% magic resistance ( magic resistance apply to fire/frost/shock dmg )

When fighting dragon, drink a potion of self-made resistance potion( crafted with full set alchemy armor ), u will get 85% resistance potion for fire/frost.

Dragon attack = painless.
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Jacob Phillips
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:05 am

I also feel that the crafting skills kind of ruin the game, they make it much easier and ruin the fun of finding loot.

Although maxing them all out and finding the best possible way to be as strong as you can be and then [censored]ing about the game being too easy is kind of stupid.
I'm playing on normal and find the difficulty to be pretty good.
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Harry Leon
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:57 am

You simply Dont understand what is Magic Resistance..... Dragon attack you with Magic dmg, your dragon armor is useless.

Read MY POST : Fully enchant ring , necklate , helmet, with magic resistance + fire/frost Resistance.

Get lord's stone blessing = 25% magic resistance ( magic resistance apply to fire/frost/shock dmg )

When fighting dragon, drink a potion of self-made resistance potion( crafted with full set alchemy armor ), u will get 85% resistance potion for fire/frost.

Dragon attack = painless.

So... by giving you the ability to prepare for certain things the game is too easy? Of course it's easy when you're properly prepared! If you were to study for a really difficult exam and did good on it, would it be easy? No, you were just better prepared.
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sally R
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:00 am

I also feel that the crafting skills kind of ruin the game, they make it much easier and ruin the fun of finding loot.

Although maxing them all out and finding the best possible way to be as strong as you can be and then [censored]ing about the game being too easy is kind of stupid.
I'm playing on normal and find the difficulty to be pretty good.

Sorry, you still dont understand...

1st, why there are difficulty setting?
If you think you want to challenge the hardest setting of the game, pick Master.
Usually what we need to complete the hardest setting in a game, is Min/Max, finding the strongest possible playthough for our character and complete the game.

What my complaint is, we research so much on Min/Max setting, and finally found out that, it wasnt necessarily, since you still can complete the hardest setting with no-brainer...
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:18 pm

Min/maxing makes games easy by definition, whatever the difficulty is on. If the Master difficulty was designed with pure min/maxers in mind only the game would have been boring.
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DAVId Bryant
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:52 pm

Gosh, I don't know... how about stop the min/maxing and just play the game?
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:14 pm

Min/maxing makes games easy by definition, whatever the difficulty is on. If the Master difficulty was designed with pure min/maxers in mind only the game would have been boring.

Uh...why? What purpose would an ultra hard difficulty setting serve except to cater to powergamers? Everyone who didn't want to powergame can just play normal difficulty.

That's the point of difficulty settings, isn't it? To give enjoyment to different types of players?

Easy: Casuals
Normal: Normal people
Hard: Powergamers

Why would such a breakdown be a bad thing?
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:46 am

i think that MASTER difficulty Needs ALOT more Enemies! i mean i find at this level its either you one shot them or they one shot you sorta affair now.

but because theyre using the same old engine they couldnt do it.

I also find master difficulty not challenging enough.
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Kathryn Medows
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:22 am

Even with Dragon Armor, a Daedric Mace at 105dmg, and 100 smithing, almost 100 One Handed and 80 Heavy Armor an Ancient Dragon clobbers me at level 42.

You guys are on crack. Stop playing on easy.

A few things.

First Daedric is better than Dragon armor. Are you using Lord stone? What's your magic resist? Personally I have capped physical resist(567 armor), capped magic resist and my 2h hits for 400 every half second(elemental fury 4tw) without abusing the crafting skills... If I did that I could hit for 3k a swing. It's not the difficulty that's the problem it's simply you don't understand the game.
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Queen Bitch
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:18 am

Uh...why? What purpose would an ultra hard difficulty setting serve except to cater to powergamers? Everyone who didn't want to powergame can just play normal difficulty.

That's the point of difficulty settings, isn't it? To give enjoyment to different types of players?

Easy: Casuals
Normal: Normal people
Hard: Powergamers

Why would such a breakdown be a bad thing?

~ T O T A L L Y A G R E E D E D ~
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Robert DeLarosa
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:56 am

They need to cap the enchanting and potion effect stacking at 50% or so...
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Nicole Coucopoulos
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:38 pm

Even with Dragon Armor, a Daedric Mace at 105dmg, and 100 smithing, almost 100 One Handed and 80 Heavy Armor an Ancient Dragon clobbers me at level 42.

You guys are on crack. Stop playing on easy.

I call B.S. You're doing something wrong.
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Emily Jones
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:04 am

Exploiting makes you too strong, everyone knows this since the start of gaming :)

However, It becomes an even bigger problem when these methods are actually required.
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Alex Blacke
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:38 am

They need to cap the enchanting and potion effect stacking at 50% or so...

Why can't people just cap themselves. The game can be as easy or as hard as you make it. "If i do this and this and this the game is too easy and I am too powerful".......well just dont do those things, how easy is that. Do people not have the self control to restrict themselves? I guess that is why there are alot of crackheads out there.
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Tikarma Vodicka-McPherson
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:08 am

Uh...why? What purpose would an ultra hard difficulty setting serve except to cater to powergamers? Everyone who didn't want to powergame can just play normal difficulty.

That's the point of difficulty settings, isn't it? To give enjoyment to different types of players?

Easy: Casuals
Normal: Normal people
Hard: Powergamers

Why would such a breakdown be a bad thing?

Because the game design would start to revolve around balance much much more than around anything else. People on lower difficulties would have to live with decisions made to cater to the powergamers, which would skew the game far too much one way or the other unless a concerted effort would be made to homogenize every single skill.

TES just isn't the place for this.
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Josh Sabatini
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:20 pm

How many of these "I brought a machine gun to a knife fight and easily killed everyone there" topics PER DAY does there really have to be? Do these people actually believe that they are posting a revelation?
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