The essence of ES games and ESO, is that we can build whatever "class" or archetype we want from a template. After playing about 10 hours this weekend, I still see people in the same traditional archetypes. A tank dragonknight, a stealthy dagger wielding nightblade OR stealthy bow wielding nightblade, a healing templar, and a mage/caster sorcerer.
Do I see any greatsword wielding nightblades? Do I see any mages in full heavy armor tanking? Do I see templars using destruction staves and dpsing? I dont.
I still see the run of the mill build choices you would find in any other MMO. I think this is because deep down in the game, being a greatsword wielding nightblade just wont work.
Could someone prove to me otherwise? Are there any videos out there of someone completely breaking the mold with their class/weapon/armor choices?