. . . but I've tried for going on 5 years now to figure out Nifskope and I've never been able to do more than replace texture paths, and even that I don't know how I'm doing it, just that I am. Why would they stick with this backwards, unnecessarily complex program that (to be honest) plain svcks as far as UI and accessibility goes.
I see this post is almost a month old so maybe this is irrelevant now but:
Seriously? Five years?
What don't you understand about Nifskope? What are you trying to do? Did you read the NifTools Wiki? http://niftools.sourceforge.net/wiki/NifSkope/Documentation_And_Tutorials Have you tried them?
I'm not suggesting it's the easiest, most intuitive tool every made, but I had a lot more difficulty figuring out and understanding the subtle nuances of Photoshop than I ever had with Nifskope. Of course, I worked the tutorials, read the wiki, and, when I had problems, I asked questions.
Seriously, if you have questions, go to one of the forums and ask. People are nice. They will help you.
If you've truly spend five years fighting with Nifskope, and not reading any of the instructions, working the tutorials, or asking questions - well, yes, I imagine it was a very frustrating experience. But it's one that maybe you brought on yourself.
~ Dani ~