Stimpacks insanely unbalanced?

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:41 am

Just dont put points into that perk that makes the Stimpacks better.

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john page
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:18 pm

I actually see this as good.

They can't be spammed because tehy restore health over time (assuming its like NV)

So yes at Max Medic you get 100% of your HP back, but its over time, so in the midst of a gunfight at say 10% HP you can't just pop a stimpack and take sustained fire and live, you will get out damaged to the amount healed.

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Star Dunkels Macmillan
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:44 pm

Actually from what is being said it sounds fairly balanced.

- Requires perks to increase the healing%. If you dont want the high healing rate then dont put perks into it.

- Must play through a animation before the stim is applied.

- heals over a few seconds and does not stack. So after you apply the stim you have to wait forb the effect to wear off and if you take enough damage during that time frame you can still die.

Sounds fairly reasonable to me on all accounts. Especially when enemies start getting tougher.
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Beth Belcher
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:10 pm

New Vegas and its so called "hardcoe mode" are not even really relevant to this discussion, but the reality is that less than 10 % of the people (reguardless of how hard you try to pretend otherwise by say "But of the people who finished!!!!!!" played played on hardcoe mode, AND that was made by people with a Completely different concept in mind, and Ballanced around THAT concept never mind that "hardcoe" in reality made the game a bit easier in exchange for massively increased annoyance for functionally no difference mode). So Quit Trying To Pretend It Is.

LET Me Spell it out for you so you comprehend

Fallout 3 your option was to hotkey your favorite heal and spam it.

Fallout NV you have a second option, Stop time, go into your inventory and pop down 3-4 food items and some drink items and may-be a stim* pack, and make a couple of auto heals and BINGO! your basically Immune to almost everything.

Fallout 4, you have Stimpacks. Use requires an animation for them to even start to take effect, you cant spam or stack them, and they Heal over time.

*Ironically for me the challenge was keeping my health under the trigger point for Nerd rage in fights.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:59 am

Also, the amount healed might depend on the difficulty level you are playing. The videos so far have been a guy who appears to be playing on the easiest setting. (probably so he can get through the game quickly so he can write his review even though he totally illegally uploaded footage of his game play.)

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:35 am

Well we really don't have about how much damage is taken for the player yet.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:32 am

I would suggest not taking the perk perhaps or playing a higher difficulty. In reality you could cheat and use hacks ect to kill everything but that takes the fun out of it. As gamers we must have self control :) .. Like in skyrim I had to resist the urge to make way OP weapons and armor.
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Ymani Hood
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:37 pm

thanks i needed that today :tops: :rofl:

on topic sounds too me that they nerfed stimpack pretty hard with animation required and addtional time required for healing unlike fo3/NV were you could Face tank death claws for fun while hammering the stimpak key/fire button for your gun.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:35 pm

Excellent idea! Don't take perks to enjoy the game!

Self-control.... right. Maybe also play game with one hand tied behind the back so that we could enjoy the challenge?
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:16 am

40% of lost health independently on how much health you have or much you have lost?

So if I have 100 health and lost 20, it will heal 8 hp.

If I have 500 health and loose 400 it will heal 160 hp.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:18 pm

Medic – Stimpaks now restore 60% of lost Health, and RadAway removes 60% of radiation. (4 Ranks)

Appears to be lost health rather than total health, seems balanced to me since its over-time/unspammable/unstackable and has an animation.

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Penny Flame
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:26 am

This will be much harder than in previous games,

Have a feeling some gamers don't understand the significance of having to stop and apply the Stimpack.

Scene, from Fallout 3.

Lone Wanderer Fighting SuperMutant. Takes half his health damage, opens Pipboy applies Stimpacks till health is topped off, exits menu, and continues gunplay.

Scene from Fo4,

Sole Survivor Takes 1/2 health damage, opens pipboy applies a stimpack and cannot apply a second stimpack...

The menu screen exits, animation of the Sole Survivor pulling a stimpack out, sticks it in his arm, and pushes plunger...This takes some seconds. Meanwhile both of his hands are being used during this animation meaning no ability to shoot a weapon or block with a melee weapon, he is busy with both hands and does not have a third arm mutation.

A 10 second HOT or Heal over Time effect is applied.

Upon realizing it was going to take time to heal up to full the Sole Survivor asks his Super Mutant aggressor for a "Time Out" but since BSG didn't program in a time out dialogue feature for gunplay he just got shot in the head till he was dead instead.

Non-Stackable means that if you apply a second stimpack, you wait for the animation to finish and the HOT TIMER restarts, basically its not a good idea to apply 2 of these inside the same timer.

Seems fair and its reasonable for players today to expect that once the combat is over they can just heal up and head off for the next adrenaline event.

There is nothing imbalanced about the revision of the mechanics and it seems to me that more perk points into the medical perk is just a matter of saving time after a fight is long after finished.

You wont be able to heal up in fights without significantly powerful companions that can/could hold off the attackers while you hide behind a wall.

All of this means you the player have to either plan an appropriate build for your play style for handling a combat situation and/or plan how you will overcome each engagement before entering combat or suffer consequences which is really what Fo3 lacked a lot of the time. That led to a lot of players using Endurance 1 characters wearing light armor due to spamable heal on demand button.

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Hope Greenhaw
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:36 am

They have made stimpacks less powerful than before actually, in FO3 and FNV you could freeze time and spam yourself to full, now they act more like stimpacks in FNV hardcoe mode, overtime but with an additional animation that makes the need for cover all that more important before you apply it.

So no stimpacks actually seem balanced from the very limited gameplay I have seen, and harder to use than before.

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Brian LeHury
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:03 pm

Those higher rank perks do unlock at a much higher level.

Having a delay between pressing the button and the actual healing starting to be applied, and being unable to do anything else (except move?), are serious drawbacks. If your health is to low you could easily take to much damage before the heal even starts applying and die mid-animation.

And if it's true that Stimpacks are now all healing-over-time and don't stack, that is a big drawback as well.

Sure a single stimpack is powerful, but compared to previous Fallout games these stimpacks were instant, could be applied while frozen in time so no risk of additional damage, and they applied maximum healing instantly. Unless playing hardcoe-mode in NV, in which case if i remember it correctly, they still stacked. So the heal-over-time would tick for stupid amounts.

And we have a new mechanic. Radiation. Sure in name it was always around, but as a mechanic it's new and far more dangerous. In old Fallout games radiation was something you could neglect. Now it reduces your max HP, and even small amounts make you more vulnerable in combat.

All of this is just speculation, as without seeing how this all meshes together with the world and the enemies it's impossible to tell if this is balanced or not, and whether the game is to easy or not.

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Georgine Lee
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:07 pm

What I noticed in the leaked footage was one of the players tended to put a lot more points into Endurance, perhaps having more Hit Points mattered for him more than in previous titles where it was something that you could just neglect due to infinite health spam of consumable items.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:28 pm

by the looks of it, the healing thing shouldn't even be an issue, I think what you're seeing here, OP, is that the stimpak isn't the issue: It's the enemies. Seriously, the amount of damage the enemies do is pathetic, even if they're in level-range of the player, it's just too small to really be considered a threat to the player, and the people who are playing the leaked games are obviously rushing and playing poorly, yet they hardly ever needed to heal.

the animation takes 2 seconds to play out, the healing is around 3-4 seconds. It's not slow, it's pretty quick, but I can see this moment where the player can be ambushed and caught with their pants down, however, if the player breaks the game and, let's say, takes the Toughness perk and Lone Wanderer perk, 1st rank, they already have 25% Damage Resistance, not including armor. Imagine that with the armor, and then trying to get damaged. Good luck trying to put yourself into dangerous moments :sadvaultboy: of course it's the players choice, but still, I can see those two perks + healing make the challenge fly away.

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Michelle Chau
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:47 pm

You do realize that they're probably playing on a low difficulty so that they can rush through the game and put info out there?
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Marguerite Dabrin
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:59 am

Possibly, but I doubt it. They probably just slapped the disc in and didn't even try to configure the settings, since they probably know bethesda doesn't make 'supr dupr hard' games. Some of them aren't even trying to do that, they're just putzing around with the game and having video uploads, like the vidme fella. The one's that are trying to get as much info out of the game (a russian streamer was doing it, apparently), had TGM on, and was just running across the map, showing every location as much as he could.

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Charlotte Lloyd-Jones
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:33 am

I always limit myself to not using stimpacks during combat. This helps to keep the game from getting too easy.

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Marquis T
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:00 pm

So don't take the perks?

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Ownie Zuliana
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:02 pm

Guess so. The stimpak still heals a huge amount anyhow, and that's with people with average Endurance.

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Enny Labinjo
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:37 pm

I thought I heard somewhere you can redistribute perks? If so try it out and if it is too OP then put them elsewhere.
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Cassie Boyle
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:44 am

I think the OP's also talking about how much they heal just without the perks as well, which, have to say, is quite a lot. It was the stream with the video that showed how dumb the AI is with Dogmeat? The 'lol dog falls off tower', he heals through it all though he lets a grenade plop beside him and he dies from it.

As for the perk, it seems to be talking about your MAXIMUM health, so if you had 100 HP for example, and you healed for 40% of your health, it would mean you'd get 40 points health back, no matter how low, or how close to full you are, you'll always get 40 points of HP as healing. If so, the last one basically there to kill ANY challenge (100% heal, faster healing), which I suggest not taking it. Then again, many last-rank perks seem to break the game (looking at you, Bloody Mess and Scrounger).

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:17 pm

Mods will fix it! ^_^ When FWE for FO4 comes out, I hope they increase the heal to take over a minute.
On topic: seems pretty balanced to me. I wonder how rare stimpacks are?
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Shannon Marie Jones
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:14 pm

From the streams show, not really. Stimpaks seem to basically rain. They're very common, and the lack of other, specific chems and whatnot make the loot system roll more often on Stimpaks than anything else.

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