Stop calling Crysis 2 a console/PC/360/PS3/whatever port

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:46 am

It's not a port. Just to assure you guys, the way CryEngine 3 works is that all platforms it is being used on has it where the game is simultenously made GROUND UP on each and every platform. It's not like making on PC first then porting after, or 360 first and then porting. Everything is simultenously made and is maxed out as much as possible for each platform (which is why the PC version is best, then PS3 is second best, then 360 is last best).
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Javaun Thompson
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:55 pm

I do agree that the PC versions of the game will be always better. This is because the latest next gen hardware supports new advanced gaming graphical features etc.

I don't understand why you assume the PS3 is better than the 360 version. Most other games on 360 look better than what they do on the PS3. (Has all 3 gaming systems)
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:40 am

I do agree that the PC versions of the game will be always better. This is because the latest next gen hardware supports new advanced gaming graphical features etc.

I don't understand why you assume the PS3 is better than the 360 version. Most other games on 360 look better than what they do on the PS3. (Has all 3 gaming systems)

Crytek already announced the PS3 version will look/perform better than the 360 version. It has stronger hardware, but the thing is that when it comes to multiplatform games on a engine like Unreal 3 or something, the games are usualyl made on one engine ground up for 360 then ported to PS3. Not often are the ports extremely well done. Bayonetta is an example and has a TERRIBLE PS3 version ported by xbox 360.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:49 am

Actually, all multi console games are set like this. PC > Xbox > PS3. It's just how it is, easiest to code, to the hardest to code.
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Adrian Morales
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:51 pm

^umm no...
ever see final fantasy xiii?, also metal gear solid rising is going 3d on the ps3 while leaving the 360 in the dust. PS3 games ported to the xbox 360 are also very horrible for the 360. So yea I think in crysis 2 ps3 will beat the xbox if crytek implament mlaa to the ps3 version which I think they will :)
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Stefanny Cardona
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:14 pm

Oh god look what you've done.
you started another annoying console war.

@ everyone
Look, cryengine 3 works like this.
You USE a PC to make levels and such (because thats how every game is made), then the levels are exported from the editor to game code (i.e. so they can be run like a game, not through the editor). Once that happens, you boot up the game and run the level /whatever. There is no 'porting'. They arent making the game first on the PC and then re-making it for consoles, and they're not making it on one console and then 'fixing' it so it runs on another.

Cryengine 3 is truly unique in the fact that it does this for you all at once - i.e. no porting involved. Also, Crytek said NOWHERE that the PS3 is better than the 360, or the other way around. What they DID say is that the PS3 handles CPU calculations a bit better, and that the 360 handles GPU calculations a bit better. I.e. they both have their advantages. However, now that we have the config files (someone posted them somewhere, far before the leak - from the 360 demo), we can basically figure out the differences. And surprise surprise, the consoles are basically identical. They each render the exact same stuff with the exact same shaders. The only visual difference will be in the brightness / gamma / contrast, and thats insanely easy to fix via in-game settings.

Basically in the end, GRAPHICALLY and TECHNICALLY, the order will be PC > All. When it comes to consoles its 360 = PS3. PC is the only platform getting DX11, and its the only one with significantly higher settings available.

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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:29 am

I dont believe its a port at all, yea they may have chnaged the way the suit works so the console controller would have enough buttons to deal with all the modes, but i think the graphics will be awesome maxed out on pc.
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Trent Theriot
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:42 am

I do agree that the PC versions of the game will be always better.

Yep and as the console dev's have now decided that 25-30fps is an acceptable frame rate (I think it is but 40-60 is preferable) at least PC ports will look a bit better in the future.
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Antony Holdsworth
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:24 pm

stop killing crytek! D:< its better than ur game, oh wait you dont have one
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:02 pm

Also, I hope that the next generation of consoles will have extreemly strong CPUs and GPUs and high ram capacity. The latest technology these days are amazing for gaming. This would enable amazing graphics for the consoles. Temporarily of course.

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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:06 am

Um, in case any one is confused on what a Port is, a Port is a game being ported to another platform after the game is made, best game I know of that's a port is Halo PC and Halo 2 for the PC, those are Ports. Games that come out on all platforms at onces are not ports, cause all versions of the game, PC, Xbox, PS3, and so on are made at the same time, released at the same time, they might of ported the very first build of the engine to each console, but that doesn't mean it's a port.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:44 pm

A port is normally a game that is developed on one platform and towards the end of the development is then converted to work with other platforms.

when a pc game is a console port there is normally issues with the game uasally related to graphics or controls.

good examples of console to pc ported games are the GTA 4 and Star wars the force unleashed.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:26 am

Ether way, Crysis 2, not a port, does not fall under the port section of console games.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:19 pm

It's not a port. Just to assure you guys, the way CryEngine 3 works is that all platforms it is being used on has it where the game is simultenously made GROUND UP on each and every platform. It's not like making on PC first then porting after, or 360 first and then porting. Everything is simultenously made and is maxed out as much as possible for each platform (which is why the PC version is best, then PS3 is second best, then 360 is last best).
well, since they dumbed down the nanosuit to fit the consoles better, its kind of a console to pc port
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:32 am

well, since they dumbed down the nanosuit to fit the consoles better, its kind of a console to pc port

also judging by videos on youtube (of nearly finished PC version of the game), you have access only to three levels of locked graphics quality,
and no way of manually setting shadow levels,detail level,model level,shader level,water detail or anything else apart from resolution, now tell me this is not console port, every console port i have ever played had exactly the same setting interface, so yea... crytek went with 'let's make this game for consoles and then port it' plan.
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Chelsea Head
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:35 am

What I do mean when I say that a game is a port from a console is the way it behaves, in such a way that it's natural for a console but is ridiculous awful for a PC game.
Unfortunately the latest AAA games released in the last few years are just that, games made for console with a port on PC (behaviour).

I hope is not true, but I had read on other forum that C2 is an straight forward game (press forward and run to the finish line) where you can't explore areas to arrive on an objective. Now is like any other simpler game (no more Crysis) where you are forced to go from point 1 to point 2 and extremely restricted on how you can do it (one way path). If this is true, then Crysis is dead.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:16 am

Whos gonna stop me? Noone. World war 2 is officially over.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:04 pm

It doesn't feel like a port but its definitely consolized. But its not over the top, so I'm sure C2 will come out just fine.
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Tina Tupou
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:07 am

I do agree that the PC versions of the game will be always better. This is because the latest next gen hardware supports new advanced gaming graphical features etc.

I don't understand why you assume the PS3 is better than the 360 version. Most other games on 360 look better than what they do on the PS3. (Has all 3 gaming systems)

thats is only because the companies usually making multi-platform games only really care about the 360 and making their games pop out on that because of the large user base it has. But then you look at you know, Halo Reach vs. Killzone 3 in terms of graphics and the technichal aspects (don't compare the gameplay just the way both games look in terms of graphics) of what goes on then you can see what console really comes out on top.

360 = Large gaming community
PS3 = Higher graphics when developers actually put the time in to develop for the PS3 in a proper way.

Just stating this because 360 fanboys always think the 360 is better because their friends got it and they play together. PS3 players play because they know whats good inside of the system and the potential for AMAZING console games.

Enough said.
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