» Tue May 31, 2011 7:56 am
God, people are acting as if they did this on purpose. Grow the hell up and stop whining. Yes, it's annoying that these issues are here as I've experienced this too and it's so frustrating. But going so far as to say stuff like they over hype and then release a sub-par product isn't really fair. I heard Crysis did well so obviously the FANS would hype up Crysis 2. Making a game is hard so if you think a game will be 100% perfect with all the things they add in then you're fooling yourself.
There was a Beta and there were problems there too but you know what, if they pushed the release date back a few months to work on these issues then you would all complain about a delay.
The games hasn't even been a for a month yet so calm the heck down. Give then time to work on patches properly and not give rush and give a defective solution because we all know that if they hurry to satisfy you guys and it fails you'll n*tch somemore.
Sorry, but you are just being fanboyish with this post. Here's some flaws with your reasoning:
1. Its an internet forum, complaining is kind of what they are all about. Welcome to the interwebz!
2. If you buy a new sports car, only to discover that you can only drive it at 10 mph due to a glitch in the car's computer, you'd be pissed. If you took it back to the dealer and they didn't tell you when it was going to be fixed (with questions going unanswered), you'd be even more pissed. And when they finally tell you its fixed only for you to discover that, in fact, it only goes 15 mph now, you'd be postal furious. Same situation here.
3. Online shooters are NOT new. Online shooters on consoles are NOT new. There is absolutely no excuse for the finished product of a high profile title like Crysis 2 functioning WORSE than the beta that was released a month or two before. If its not working, don't release it.
4. "Making a game is hard..." No kidding, but the developers get paid to do it. Just like carpenters get paid to build houses, mechanics get paid to fix cars. Doesn't mean I can't complain when I spend good money on those services only to get burned.
So, sorry, but you are wrong. Complaining on a forum is perfectly reasonable given the circumstances involved. Its how the developers know they **** up. Its how consumers let their opinions be known. Its also how potential consumers may make a decision on whether to buy or not. If only 3 or 4 posts about the problems with this game were made, do you think for one second Crytek would think there was a problem in the first place? Absolutely not, they would think the game works as planned since nobody complained.
But if there are 150 posts within 3 days about the **** lag and host migration, maybe, just maybe, they'll get the hint and put some priority into fixing it instead of listening to fanboys tickle their nutsacks with unjustified praise.
YOUR POST SPELLS IT OUT CORRECTLY! these fanboys are pathetic. I got a 20 year old beeper that still workes perfectly, wanna buy that for 60 bones boys?