Stop complaining about the issues and just be patient

Post » Tue May 31, 2011 7:41 pm

God, people are acting as if they did this on purpose. Grow the hell up and stop whining. Yes, it's annoying that these issues are here as I've experienced this too and it's so frustrating. But going so far as to say stuff like they over hype and then release a sub-par product isn't really fair. I heard Crysis did well so obviously the FANS would hype up Crysis 2. Making a game is hard so if you think a game will be 100% perfect with all the things they add in then you're fooling yourself.

There was a Beta and there were problems there too but you know what, if they pushed the release date back a few months to work on these issues then you would all complain about a delay.

The games hasn't even been a for a month yet so calm the heck down. Give then time to work on patches properly and not give rush and give a defective solution because we all know that if they hurry to satisfy you guys and it fails you'll n*tch somemore.
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Mario Alcantar
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 6:10 pm

A beta tester gets paid to play and see failures in a game . I've paid for playing a game that works. With that I say all, then we start asking us to pay out this policy of unfinished games?.

It is normal for people to be angry.

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Danii Brown
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 5:38 pm

Homefront has been out a month or so and it is still broken. If Crytek follow the same timeline it will be too late. The online on the 360 is not doing so well. Just over 350k have played online and I bet with the severity of the issues a large percentage of those have gone back to a game that works properly. I just dont want to see a dead game online because it took too long to fix. It was my money that payed to play so yea, id like to play compettitive games before its dead. As it is some lobbies never fill up. Sad really...
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 9:16 am

Whatever I thought by paying $59 I get thoroughly tested product... guess I was wrong ! 2 bad cause its my 1st crysis game and feelings are mixed leaning towards how the **** could you release such a broken multiplayer... oh wait EA was money hungry. There is nothing more exciting than participating in beta for money by staring @ that "retrieving game session details" message for good couple of minutes
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neil slattery
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 9:12 am

Games should not be released broken just because they can update it in 2 months on xbox live,its wrong.
Its like buying a new pair of nikes with no soles and the company stating they will update your soles next month,its ****.
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Kaley X
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 8:35 am

Why should we wait this game had to betas for crying out loud. If it were that easy to fix they could have just delayed release by a month. We receive no feedback from Crytek or any affliates this game is orphaned by the developers and will be a graveyard in 2 or 3 months tops.
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IsAiah AkA figgy
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 11:33 pm

Why should we wait this game had to betas for crying out loud. If it were that easy to fix they could have just delayed release by a month. We receive no feedback from Crytek or any affliates this game is orphaned by the developers and will be a graveyard in 2 or 3 months tops.

Updated today 04-04-11. You're welcome d*ck.

Stop knocking on something you have no clue as to what's going on. You say the game is sh*t, yet you still come to the Crysis 2 forums. Hypocrite?

You seem to have an extreme case of b*tching. May I recommend a high dose of man the f*ck up?
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 11:56 am

^^ Agreed +1000

If its not finished DELAY THE GAME!!
I played 2 betas and paid $60 for something that doesn't work like its supposed to...that is utter BullSh1t!!

Releasing incomplete game with, "its good enough for console players" attitude, is no way to convince new customers to get behind you as a new console developer Crytek.

In retrospect, perhaps doing a multi platform game in house wasn't such a good idea after all. Buyer Beware!
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Daniel Holgate
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 11:11 pm

Why should we wait this game had to betas for crying out loud. If it were that easy to fix they could have just delayed release by a month. We receive no feedback from Crytek or any affliates this game is orphaned by the developers and will be a graveyard in 2 or 3 months tops.

Updated today 04-04-11. You're welcome d*ck.

Stop knocking on something you have no clue as to what's going on. You say the game is sh*t, yet you still come to the Crysis 2 forums. Hypocrite?

You seem to have an extreme case of b*tching. May I recommend a high dose of man the f*ck up?

Same to you dikehead why don't you crawl back into your hole you **** prick. Why should i pay full price for a game that should have been excellent and instead is riddled with problems even with a patch? This game had two betas and when they patch it it takes four days to let us know what they did! I never mentioned i knew what is going on i was expressing my opinion so to you i say svck my dike ****.
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Alan Whiston
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 3:09 pm

Same to you dikehead why don't you crawl back into your hole you **** prick. Why should i pay full price for a game that should have been excellent and instead is riddled with problems even with a patch? This game had two betas and when they patch it it takes four days to let us know what they did! I never mentioned i knew what is going on i was expressing my opinion so to you i say svck my dike ****.
You must be drunk. I get angry sometimes when I drink too.

With all of the "ghey" comments you're spouting off, I'm a little scared as to what's on your mind. I don't discriminate though.

Mine game's fine. Yours is broken?
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Sandeep Khatkar
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 8:37 pm

i dont drink but when some jumped up little prick starts mouthing off i tend to mouth back. I'm so happy that your game is fine thing that bothers me and probably alot more people is the ridiculous connection on this game. Every lobby one guy has full connection every other player has one or two bars.
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Vera Maslar
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 2:04 pm

i dont drink but when some jumped up little prick starts mouthing off i tend to mouth back. I'm so happy that your game is fine thing that bothers me and probably alot more people is the ridiculous connection on this game. Every lobby one guy has full connection every other player has one or two bars.
I actually play many games where most everybody has at least three bars.

i only said the drinking statement because you're apparently Irish.
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Ernesto Salinas
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 11:40 am

Apparently Irish what gave that away the fact that it says location Ireland. As i said i am glad you can get put in good games maybe they might do the same for me as i think the game would be fantastic if the connection problems would get solved.

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KIng James
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 9:12 pm

God, people are acting as if they did this on purpose. Grow the hell up and stop whining. Yes, it's annoying that these issues are here as I've experienced this too and it's so frustrating. But going so far as to say stuff like they over hype and then release a sub-par product isn't really fair. I heard Crysis did well so obviously the FANS would hype up Crysis 2. Making a game is hard so if you think a game will be 100% perfect with all the things they add in then you're fooling yourself.

There was a Beta and there were problems there too but you know what, if they pushed the release date back a few months to work on these issues then you would all complain about a delay.

The games hasn't even been a for a month yet so calm the heck down. Give then time to work on patches properly and not give rush and give a defective solution because we all know that if they hurry to satisfy you guys and it fails you'll n*tch somemore.

Sorry, but you are just being fanboyish with this post. Here's some flaws with your reasoning:

1. Its an internet forum, complaining is kind of what they are all about. Welcome to the interwebz!
2. If you buy a new sports car, only to discover that you can only drive it at 10 mph due to a glitch in the car's computer, you'd be pissed. If you took it back to the dealer and they didn't tell you when it was going to be fixed (with questions going unanswered), you'd be even more pissed. And when they finally tell you its fixed only for you to discover that, in fact, it only goes 15 mph now, you'd be postal furious. Same situation here.
3. Online shooters are NOT new. Online shooters on consoles are NOT new. There is absolutely no excuse for the finished product of a high profile title like Crysis 2 functioning WORSE than the beta that was released a month or two before. If its not working, don't release it.
4. "Making a game is hard..." No kidding, but the developers get paid to do it. Just like carpenters get paid to build houses, mechanics get paid to fix cars. Doesn't mean I can't complain when I spend good money on those services only to get burned.

So, sorry, but you are wrong. Complaining on a forum is perfectly reasonable given the circumstances involved. Its how the developers know they **** up. Its how consumers let their opinions be known. Its also how potential consumers may make a decision on whether to buy or not. If only 3 or 4 posts about the problems with this game were made, do you think for one second Crytek would think there was a problem in the first place? Absolutely not, they would think the game works as planned since nobody complained.

But if there are 150 posts within 3 days about the **** lag and host migration, maybe, just maybe, they'll get the hint and put some priority into fixing it instead of listening to fanboys tickle their nutsacks with unjustified praise.
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Trevor Bostwick
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 8:49 am

I want to kick this guy in his uagina! If im paying $65 for a game is better show some signs of quality.
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Natasha Biss
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 3:41 pm


Reaction of Crysis 2 gamers about issues and annoyed posts in gamesas.
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Jade Muggeridge
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 7:56 am

God, people are acting as if they did this on purpose. Grow the hell up and stop whining. Yes, it's annoying that these issues are here as I've experienced this too and it's so frustrating. But going so far as to say stuff like they over hype and then release a sub-par product isn't really fair. I heard Crysis did well so obviously the FANS would hype up Crysis 2. Making a game is hard so if you think a game will be 100% perfect with all the things they add in then you're fooling yourself.

There was a Beta and there were problems there too but you know what, if they pushed the release date back a few months to work on these issues then you would all complain about a delay.

The games hasn't even been a for a month yet so calm the heck down. Give then time to work on patches properly and not give rush and give a defective solution because we all know that if they hurry to satisfy you guys and it fails you'll n*tch somemore.

Sorry, but you are just being fanboyish with this post. Here's some flaws with your reasoning:

1. Its an internet forum, complaining is kind of what they are all about. Welcome to the interwebz!
2. If you buy a new sports car, only to discover that you can only drive it at 10 mph due to a glitch in the car's computer, you'd be pissed. If you took it back to the dealer and they didn't tell you when it was going to be fixed (with questions going unanswered), you'd be even more pissed. And when they finally tell you its fixed only for you to discover that, in fact, it only goes 15 mph now, you'd be postal furious. Same situation here.
3. Online shooters are NOT new. Online shooters on consoles are NOT new. There is absolutely no excuse for the finished product of a high profile title like Crysis 2 functioning WORSE than the beta that was released a month or two before. If its not working, don't release it.
4. "Making a game is hard..." No kidding, but the developers get paid to do it. Just like carpenters get paid to build houses, mechanics get paid to fix cars. Doesn't mean I can't complain when I spend good money on those services only to get burned.

So, sorry, but you are wrong. Complaining on a forum is perfectly reasonable given the circumstances involved. Its how the developers know they **** up. Its how consumers let their opinions be known. Its also how potential consumers may make a decision on whether to buy or not. If only 3 or 4 posts about the problems with this game were made, do you think for one second Crytek would think there was a problem in the first place? Absolutely not, they would think the game works as planned since nobody complained.

But if there are 150 posts within 3 days about the **** lag and host migration, maybe, just maybe, they'll get the hint and put some priority into fixing it instead of listening to fanboys tickle their nutsacks with unjustified praise.

YOUR POST SPELLS IT OUT CORRECTLY! these fanboys are pathetic. I got a 20 year old beeper that still workes perfectly, wanna buy that for 60 bones boys?
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Rodney C
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 10:03 am

Why should we wait this game had to betas for crying out loud. If it were that easy to fix they could have just delayed release by a month. We receive no feedback from Crytek or any affliates this game is orphaned by the developers and will be a graveyard in 2 or 3 months tops.

Updated today 04-04-11. You're welcome d*ck.

Stop knocking on something you have no clue as to what's going on. You say the game is sh*t, yet you still come to the Crysis 2 forums. Hypocrite?

You seem to have an extreme case of b*tching. May I recommend a high dose of man the f*ck up?

Hey genius, that patch came out last week and didn't fix anything.
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 9:31 pm

Why should we wait this game had to betas for crying out loud. If it were that easy to fix they could have just delayed release by a month. We receive no feedback from Crytek or any affliates this game is orphaned by the developers and will be a graveyard in 2 or 3 months tops.

Updated today 04-04-11. You're welcome d*ck.

Stop knocking on something you have no clue as to what's going on. You say the game is sh*t, yet you still come to the Crysis 2 forums. Hypocrite?

You seem to have an extreme case of b*tching. May I recommend a high dose of man the f*ck up?

Hey genius, that patch came out last week and didn't fix anything.
Didn't fix anything? Maybe you should open your eyes some or actually play Crysis 2.
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 4:47 pm

Maybe you should wipe the lumps of brown stuff off your nose so you can see clearly
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Mistress trades Melissa
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 12:02 pm

ive been patient enough and all i hear are rumors of dlc, and like i give a **** about dlc when i cant even play this game properly. im level 11 and this game has been out for a while just because i gave up on all the **** that makes this game a beta. i cant even come up to an invisible enemy and be in full armor and get the kill. **** crytek on this game, they need to give us back our money and start designing the real crysis 2 from the ground up because this is not acceptable.
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Bryanna Vacchiano
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 3:04 pm

End of the Day I have payed my money and I want it to work ..

if this trend keeps up with the next few releases that have a MP then I wont be parting cash for anything new and play it safe from now on.. as yet again we have a hype machine and reviews bigging up certain aspects yet you actually play yourself and its more or less "broken" .. I got stung with Homefront and now this.

A quick scan of the board shows many a frustration and negativity and as someone mentioned it needs to be dealt with swiftly.. not in a "few weeks" as the game will die a slow death .
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Alycia Leann grace
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 8:41 am

^^ Agreed +1000

If its not finished DELAY THE GAME!!
I played 2 betas and paid $60 for something that doesn't work like its supposed to...that is utter BullSh1t!!

Releasing incomplete game with, "its good enough for console players" attitude, is no way to convince new customers to get behind you as a new console developer Crytek.

In retrospect, perhaps doing a multi platform game in house wasn't such a good idea after all. Buyer Beware!

Try saying that when your publisher is breathing down your neck, and it was already delayed before and EA are pushy publishers.
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Roberta Obrien
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 5:22 pm

^^ interestingly the release of Crysis 2 finished out EA's Fiscal Year 2011. Portal 2 will start EA's FY 2012.

At any rate,
I don't care what your business arrangements are, deliver me a product that works and works well or postpone the release. If this is the quality I can expect from future games developed by Crytek I'm going to be VERY cautious before purchasing their next game. And I sure as hell won't pre order and be there day 1. For $60 and being a game from the ever almighty Crytek, this game is Hour of Victory bad.

Crytek has not impressed me
Masters at Graphics + Retards at Networking = Crytek
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No Name
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 11:56 pm

Retards at Networking = Crytek
Says the guy with the obvious education and experience with programming and development. o_0
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Epul Kedah
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