Stop Fatigue Regeneration

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:12 am

Is there a way to stop fatigue regeneration, something similar to the "stunted magicka" effect.

I found this on the wikkii:

According to it, I need to modify this variable fFatigueReturnBase to slow down or stall fatigue, regeneration. The problem is I don't know where that variable is, is not in the list of global vars, and if I declare it on my script and set it to a fixed amount, I get no results..


Edit: I found the variable under the; Game, Settings, menu in the CS. However, modifying its value here would change the fatigue regeneration permanently, for all chars. I want to switch it on and off (through a script) at will.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:31 am

You could use the OBSE function
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Stacy Hope
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:43 am

You could use the OBSE function

Thank you !!!!!

Thats exactly what I was looking for :)
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Thomas LEON
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:37 am

Thank you !!!!!

Thats exactly what I was looking for :)

No problem. :foodndrink:
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Mandy Muir
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