Stop Making Assumptions!

Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 7:56 pm

I'm extremely unhappy with this DLC. It has a lot of promise, but one thing ruins it for me: the price tags. Not on the DLC itself, but on the items in-game. I restart. A lot. I also only run one character at a time, and delete old saves when I restart. My current character is level 12, and can't afford even the cheapest weapon in the DLC, much less the ones I actually want to use. The only way to get that money is either to play the game, or do Dead Money. The first isn't any good, as cap payout rates mean that I'll be able to afford only two or three weapons before the end of the game; I'm literally better off using weapons that were in the game before the DLC was released, which negates the whole point to getting the DLC in the first place. The second option will take me the better part of a week to complete because of when I play and how I run through Dead Money. So I've literally spent 3 hours getting money onto my debit card to get the DLC, only to be given a huge 'FSCK YOU!' for my troubles.

Stop assuming that everyone has a level 50 character on hand for every single DLC. Some of us don't. Some of us also play good characters who don't kill everyone in sight so we can sell their belongings. Stop assuming we're all at max level, and start giving lower-level characters a consideration. And I don't mean the Courier's Stash DLC, as that's full of items that are going to be outstripped very quickly, so there's really no point in even having the stuff in the first place.

Frankly, whoever came up with the price tags on these guns was stupid. A Medicine Stick is only slightly better than a Brush Gun, but it's value is 5 times higher, which makes no sense whatsoever. Given the way the economy works in this game, and the fact that Bethesda killed the 32,000 cap jackpot from slots, putting a 30,000 cap price tag on a weapon makes no sense whatsoever.

Great idea, but the price tags bend the idea over a barrel and [censored] it. Thanks for nothing.
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Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 5:31 pm

You are about to get destroyed, just warning you.
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Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 3:21 pm

Your right, Obsidian should apologise. While giving you easy acces to high powered weapons, would you like to request for a tamed deathclaw pet waiting for you when you step out of doc mitchels ?

yes medicine stuck is bad for the price, but two-step-goodbye deserves its price, stick with the mods, some weapons are powerful and would jsut be insane to give a low level character.

If you have 1 character at a time, thats your fault, not Obsidians.

*goes back to enjoying GRA*
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Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 6:35 am

It's not hard to get a whole bunch of caps, you just got to explore the world, which is something that you probably should do. :biggrin:
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Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 2:09 pm

:facepalm: This is going to be one big flame war.

To the OP:
Try to get your character to level 30 or higher, it is very rewarding to have a high level character. And that amount of caps is fairly easy to obtain just by picking up, fixing up, and selling everything that you find. It really isn't that hard, just sell stuff and raise your barter skill, and shazam! you can afford one of the new weapons.
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Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 3:57 pm

I'm aware that it's my fault that I only have one character at a time. I'm not trying to blame them for that. I'm annoyed that I can go out and get a rapid-fire rocket launcher within about an hour of starting a brand new game, but I can't get a single-shot, slow-reload weapon from a vendor at the same time. I'm also annoyed that the devs are apparently assuming that every person who owns this game has a max level character on-hand. Even if we ignore my playing habits, what about those who didn't pick up the game on release day? They download GRA so they can use it from the beginning, and get the same [censored] YOU that I just got. That's hardly fair.
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Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:21 pm

\My current character is level 12, and can't afford even the cheapest weapon in the DLC, much less the ones I actually want to use.

The cheapest weapon in the DLC is the GRA Laser Pistol, 175 caps.
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Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 5:27 am

Another way to make a ton of caps is to play lonesome road. The enemies all have expensive weaponry and tons of ammo to sell.
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john palmer
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Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 8:04 pm

I'm aware that it's my fault that I only have one character at a time. I'm not trying to blame them for that. I'm annoyed that I can go out and get a rapid-fire rocket launcher within about an hour of starting a brand new game, but I can't get a single-shot, slow-reload weapon from a vendor at the same time. I'm also annoyed that the devs are apparently assuming that every person who owns this game has a max level character on-hand. Even if we ignore my playing habits, what about those who didn't pick up the game on release day? They download GRA so they can use it from the beginning, and get the same [censored] YOU that I just got. That's hardly fair.

You just crossed a line there. Do not avoid the forums autocensor.

Am I mistaken? Doesn't each DLC suggest a level 20 character before trying them?
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Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 12:45 pm

I'm aware that it's my fault that I only have one character at a time. I'm not trying to blame them for that. I'm annoyed that I can go out and get a rapid-fire rocket launcher within about an hour of starting a brand new game, but I can't get a single-shot, slow-reload weapon from a vendor at the same time. I'm also annoyed that the devs are apparently assuming that every person who owns this game has a max level character on-hand. Even if we ignore my playing habits, what about those who didn't pick up the game on release day? They download GRA so they can use it from the beginning, and get the same FSCK YOU that I just got. That's hardly fair.

The weapons in GRA are supposed to only be available to higher level player, if you could walk out of Goodsprings and get a silenced AMR with explosive rounds that would totally break the game, its totally fair.
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Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 8:12 am

The cheapest weapon in the DLC is the GRA Laser Pistol, 175 caps.


Also arent you making assumptions ? You assumed you would have some overpowered weapons handed to you at a low level.
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Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 5:14 am

There is only 1 thing I dont like about GRA, the challenges a few specifically not being announced before hand. I cant unkill caesar or house already. Also killing named NPC's goes against everything I go to except when they are my enemies. This makes it impossible to get the achievements an my already lvl 50 completed everything character since I cant do most of these. As for DeathClaw Pro Hunter being broken, its annoying since the Quarry Junction Deathclaws dont respawn so it takes forever to kill the 2 in that outskirts and most dont even count towards the total. These are my only peeves OH, and NO! Effin Perforator Infiltrator Trench Knife and Auto Axe as Well as railway. GRRRRR

As for the prices, dont really bother me, enforces me to farm weapons at Black Mountain to sell Super Sledges and other stuff.
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Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 12:25 pm

The weapons in GRA are supposed to only be available to higher level player, if you could walk out of Goodsprings and get a silenced AMR with explosive rounds that would totally break the game, its totally fair.

Exactly, the beginning of the game would be way too easy if you had access to GRA weapons from the beginning. Imagine fighting the Geckos with Sunny Smiles while armed with Esther. It just doesn't make sense. Your skills at the beginning are very low, so why would an unskilled, inexperienced person with no money be given access to an Anti-Material rifle right at the start of the game? Again, it just doesn't make sense.
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Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 5:42 pm

You just crossed a line there. Do not avoid the forums autocensor.

Am I mistaken? Doesn't each DLC suggest a level 20 character before trying them?

I was not trying to avoid the auto-censor; I've used that particular word on another forum with its own auto-censor with no issues. I used it simply to convey my frustration. Still, I apologize.

I didn't even bother looking at the GRA Laser Pistol, because it's identical to the normal Laser Pistol, but can take mods. I don't use energy weapons. If my character was an Energy Weapons user, my outrage would be less.

As for the level recommendations, I stopped believing them when I went into Dead Money at Level 6-8 and made it all the way through with the Police Pistol with absolutely no problems at all. And that was the first DLC. Honest Hearts did nothing to break me of that assumption, and other games got my attention, so I haven't been able to give Old World Blues more than a passing try.

Part of my issue is my impatience; I have new toys, and I want to mess with them now, not wait 12-24 hours before I can even start looking forward to being able to mess with them in another 4-5 hours. All the suggestions that everyone has given are valid, excellent suggestions, but they still take time, and I'm annoyed enough right now that I don't want to wait. At all.
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