The game isn't broken... Fix your crappy computers... or upgrade... or do something better with your drivers or configuration.... Anything except crying and blaming the "game".
Honestly... im getting sick of seeing the SAME crying over the SAME issues and supposed problems and these SAME people blaming Bethesda... or Steam... or Obsidian...or anyone but THEMSELVES! :violin:
Im running a average $2000 machine, nothing special... and i have NOT HAD ONE SINGLE PROBLEM... Yes that's right... NOTHING has gone wrong...Even with Windows 7 64 bit.
... and guess what.. I'M even pushing my system TWICE as hard as most people with and Extra risk of something being screwy because i am running the game in FULL STEREOSCOPIC 3D with Nvidia 3D Vision...
That's right im running at 1680x1050 and making it push out double becuase of the 3D rendering having to work at 60fps x2 (Times two becuase it works at a genuine 60fps per eye for the 3D glasses) and i have NO problems... NO frame rate drop that i have seen noticeable or would make me gasp "Oh!, this is slow!"... and if i turn off the 3D its so freaking ultra smooth gorgeous ( AND yes, i have everything on the best and highest graphics settings) is it still just as fantastic.
What does this mean? I mean for me to be running this and having NO problems means hey... ITS NOT THE GAMES FAULT... Starting to get the picture yet? Has the penny (or casino chip) dropped yet?
NOT to mention the 40 pages of the same crying repeated over and over and over again BECAUSE PEOPLE CANNOT USE THE SEARCH FORUM BUTTON ON THE TOP RIGHT OF YOUR SCREEN!... No wonder none of you can get the game working when you are unable to grasp the simple concept of doing a search for a post that has a similar or exact same problem... YOU HAVE TO MAKE A NEW POST BECAUSE YOUR SO FREAKING SPECIAL! (And no when i say special i don't mean S.P.E.C.I.A.L..... oh and btw i chose 5,6,6,4,8,5,6 with the small frame trait for my gunslinger toon i'm playing)
You see we have over 40 pages of posts... and no where even close to 1229 problems (or 1228 if you don't want to count this topic since we here ant having any problems)
The thing that makes me have no pity for all the people complaining is when someone goes on about this being an "Unfinished and crappy release" that makes them feel they paid however many $$$ for a "Open Beta test game"....
HEY NEWS FLASH!... The Devs do no know every single computer hardware and software and driver configuration or mix'n'match... You cant predict every possible scenario of something going a little glitchy here and there.
When you release a game into the greater outside world, you are having THOUSANDS of different machines with THOUSANDS of different set ups and i wouldn't expect ANY game release of any decent sized game to be glitch or bug free.
So STOP thinking your the only one with a problem... stop blaming the Devs or the game programmers... stop demanding your money back (becuase hey, they game is fine and therefore you have no grounds to demand your money back UNLESS the disc itself is damaged)... stop over reacting.
Do search for a post with a similar or the exact same problem as yours... Do report that problem calmly and with dignity as best you can explain as much as you can... Do be patient and wait for there to be a fix and stop expecting them to rush something out just for you so you can play... Do go outside or visit a friend or play another game or do something else while this is fixed... Do write a hate-filled reply to this post Ive made... YOUR NOT GOING TO MISS OUT...The game will be there for you and patched and fixed and the Devs will get around your screwy computer set up eventually... Just be patient.
Alright, i've had that boiling inside me all day yesterday while i played after reading many many many threads and posts...So that's my 2 cents.
Im off now to play some of this fantastic game... MWAHAHHAHAHAHA! :fallout:
Yes yes... all you who cant play, Drown me in the waters of your sweet envy! :frog:
Roll on the internet hate machine!
.... End of rant. :swear: