» Tue Sep 06, 2011 8:32 am
What kind of barter pvssyr would you like?
"I've got the finest prices on this side of the street, but if you cross over to the other side, so-and-so will give you better deals."?
"I'm about to cheat you out of every septim you've got, but have a nice day!"?
"You should have gone to Anvil to sell this lot, Norbert Lelles is such a chump you could sell it to him for 20% higher than it's really worth. Not me though"
"Don't buy my vegetables. They're furrier than an Old English Sheepdog that fell in a bath of Regaine."
"My iron and steel swords are pretty crummy compared to the ones you can pick up in the local Ayleid ruins, so don't bother buying anything from me."
"What a svcker you are, I really ripped you off with that price."
"Care to sell your grandmother too?"