I stopped playing C2 already

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:24 am

It's fine if you don't like this game, but please don't compare it to Call of Duty. Eegah that's one nasty insult.

I will say though - why is DirectX 11 the biggest whine? I'm looking forward to the DX11 patch and think it's cool - but I really only care about the bloody game playing. The engine is still 10,000x then the poorly coded and poorly optimized CryEngine 2. Besides, having the new DirectX isn't what games should be about; it's just a perk.
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Robyn Lena
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:01 am

I have pretty much stopped playing because the game is actually Broken.

I cannot upgrade my nanosuit in SP because it wont collect Nano Catalysts and i have pretty much given up on MP because my progress just keeps getting constantly erased by disconnects.
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Micah Judaeah
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:55 am

i will not buy C2 again.

who in their right mind would buy it twice? I say..GROW UP and chill..they are gonna fix the issues. Isn't this game rated mature? how are so many little kids that cry play this?

guess it isnt called "CRY-SIS" for no reason...cry-babies
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jessica sonny
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:20 am

It's fine if you don't like this game, but please don't compare it to Call of Duty. Eegah that's one nasty insult.

I will say though - why is DirectX 11 the biggest whine? I'm looking forward to the DX11 patch and think it's cool - but I really only care about the bloody game playing. The engine is still 10,000x then the poorly coded and poorly optimized CryEngine 2. Besides, having the new DirectX isn't what games should be about; it's just a perk.
dude wtf i had more fun playing blops and mw2 than this game.. except the singleplayer.. i absolutely i hate the cod series but i had more fun playing them than this piece of shiat..
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James Rhead
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:29 am

I have pretty much stopped playing because the game is actually Broken.

I cannot upgrade my nanosuit in SP because it wont collect Nano Catalysts and i have pretty much given up on MP because my progress just keeps getting constantly erased by disconnects.

I have actually stopped playing SP as well, until they fix the issues. MP isn't perfect but at least I can play and enjoy it. I do get random disconnects which is very frustrating, but its not that often at least. Patiently waiting for the "fixes" patch ( and or/dx11)
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:17 am

i will not buy C2 again.

who in their right mind would buy it twice? I say..GROW UP and chill..they are gonna fix the issues. Isn't this game rated mature? how are so many little kids that cry play this?

guess it isnt called "CRY-SIS" for no reason...cry-babies

LOL I think channeason means he wouldn't buy anything from Crytek again. Anyway, quoting from the front page of Tweakguides.com

Is it as advanced as Crysis 1 was for its time? I don't think so, but you can decide for yourself after viewing this HD Crysis 1 Gameplay Video. Then again, I'm sure we can all recall how Crysis 1 was received by the PC community: the majority dubbed it an "overrated boring tech demo" and complained endlessly about its strenuous requirements. In PC gaming, as in other things, we reap what we sow.

I am pissed that the SP was so buggy as I finished it and have no plans to play it again, even when it's fixed. It was just too linear for me to enjoy a second go around.

The MP feels very much like a COD game, the score sounds are almost carbon copies of Black OPs for crying out loud! But having played Crysis wars just yesterday (NOT a dead game) I can see that MP is always going to look and feel worse than the SP in any good game.
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Jamie Moysey
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:37 pm

Troll thread.

too bad DX11 won't make you any better at the game :(
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roxanna matoorah
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:43 am

Where r the features that were promised??? How can a company be like this??? This time i treat it as a lesson, a 60 dollar lesson, i will not buy C2 again.

You said there will be dx11, so i waited and buy the game for a week, and theres no dx11 , so i waited until THIS MORNING, when u said there will be a patch, and no, no dx11 again. this is hopeless, bye Crytek and Crysis 2, im going back to other games, even call of duty is better

Thanks for the Facebook status update....
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Dan Endacott
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:09 am

lol why is everyone hating on call of duty..campaign is kinda fun not mp...games like half life and quake dont exist anymore..since these fuking console came out..they always wanna going to sell their product to console owners too soo..people are greedy get over it. dont buy it..we all saw from the demo..that it was going to be like this and right before the game they said no dx11 at lunch..and we all still paid money i personally paid 81 dollars 59.99 game tax and shipping which was (1 day air) ... the game is its box on the table..ill play freezbee or something w it.
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Andy durkan
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:27 am

1-Crytek never said there's DX11 coming today STUPID. It's rumors you ****.

2-Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 and Black Ops better than this? Get the **** off now!

3-Crysis 2 isn't finished yet since EA didn't give Crytek time to finish the game. PERIOD! That's why we have patches and updates

Now go away, you're not a true Crytek/Crysis fan. Get the **** off the forums and go mastvrbate to gay porm or some **** you spoiled brat.
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Nicholas C
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:33 pm

1-Crytek never said there's DX11 coming today STUPID. It's rumors you ****.

2-Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 and Black Ops better than this? Get the **** off now!

3-Crysis 2 isn't finished yet since EA didn't give Crytek time to finish the game. PERIOD! That's why we have patches and updates

Now go away, you're not a true Crytek/Crysis fan. Get the **** off the forums and go mastvrbate to gay porm or some **** you spoiled brat.

stfu u stupid piece of ****..wtf u know about games? u tlak liek a 10 year old..now shut ur asshole and listen up ****..this game so much bugs it's at a level that's unplayable..no anti cheat protection no nothing..multiplayer is full of bugs. cd key is a problem..pings are problem..hackers are problem..etc etc.. this and that and this everything is a problem in multiplayer...they shouldnt have released the god damn game if it wasnt ready..now SHUT THE **** UP U ASS KISSING svck UP
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Tracey Duncan
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:20 am

The engine is still 10,000x then the poorly coded and poorly optimized CryEngine 2.

Why do people keep saying this?

In terms of features, Crysis 2 is a step backward in almost every area compared to Crysis. No DX10/11 support. No destructable environments. A nerfed nanosuit (which is supposed to be Nanosuit v2 in the story - i.e., an upgraded model).

CryEngine 3 is better coded and optimized than CryEngine 2. No one disputes that. But the developers utilized such a limited set of the features in CryEngine 3 that, in terms of GAMEPLAY it offers less in Crysis 2 than CryEngine 2 did in the original Crysis.

I'm so sick of seeing comments like this from people who never played the original Crysis, or never revisited it once they had a PC powerful enough to experience it at its full potential.
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Marine Arrègle
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:41 pm

1-Crytek never said there's DX11 coming today STUPID. It's rumors you ****.


So Silent, do you have all the collectibles already?
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Alex Blacke
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:51 am

...when u said there will be a patch, and no, no dx11 again.
This post is inaccurate, therefore your account may be suspended if this continues. This thread is now closed.
Get accurate information next time.
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jesse villaneda
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:23 pm

I wanted to stop playing it after the second mission but I decided after paying $60 bucks and waiting in anticipation for over a year I owed it to myself to play the whole thing. I did, and it was probably the most disappointing 7-8 hours of my life. Nothing like crysis 1, totally linear and with little to no customization options for gameplay or graphics. Not to mention a story that is worse than it's predecessor, filled with plot holes and poor pacing.
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Assumptah George
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:51 pm

so i waited until THIS MORNING, when u said there will be a patch, and no, no dx11 again. this is hopeless, bye Crytek and Crysis 2, im going back to other games, even call of duty is better

They never announce a DX11 patch for today.
Websites got info from tweet that only said it was in the works and mention nothing about a set date they assumed it would be today probably becasue he tweeted in on sunday
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Vickytoria Vasquez
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:28 am

3-Crysis 2 isn't finished yet since EA didn't give Crytek time to finish the game. PERIOD! That's why we have patches and updates

Errr it was supposed to come out last November,so they have had an extra 4 months.

If its not finished why the hell did they even release it then?
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:29 pm

3-Crysis 2 isn't finished yet since EA didn't give Crytek time to finish the game. PERIOD! That's why we have patches and updates

Errr it was supposed to come out last November,so they have had an extra 4 months.

If its not finished why the hell did they even release it then?

My suspicion is that the Xbox and PS3 versions were finished on time, but the PC version was not. EA doesn't want to hold back the entire release for PC because they make more money on consoles. Crytek doesn't want to release the PC version at a later date because there was already great concern over the fact that it was a multiplatform game and that the PC version would just be a **** port. So, Crytek did a bang-up console -> PC port from the retail console build as a stopgap to meet the release date, planning to patch in the completed PC build down the road.

I think that there's probably a PC-only build floating around Crytek right now, and that there probably has been for a while. But since it wasn't stable enough to release on time, so they just used the console build to meet the release date.
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Jack Bryan
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:07 pm

The engine is still 10,000x then the poorly coded and poorly optimized CryEngine 2.

Why do people keep saying this?

In terms of features, Crysis 2 is a step backward in almost every area compared to Crysis. No DX10/11 support. No destructable environments. A nerfed nanosuit (which is supposed to be Nanosuit v2 in the story - i.e., an upgraded model).

CryEngine 3 is better coded and optimized than CryEngine 2. No one disputes that. But the developers utilized such a limited set of the features in CryEngine 3 that, in terms of GAMEPLAY it offers less in Crysis 2 than CryEngine 2 did in the original Crysis.

I'm so sick of seeing comments like this from people who never played the original Crysis, or never revisited it once they had a PC powerful enough to experience it at its full potential.

I'm not gonna say I have spent THOUSANDS on simply CRYSIS alone..but money has been spent in the past to get 1 game to play decently. It is now 2011 and even todays hardware is having some difficulty playing the game optimally. My only argument would be that YES, CRYSIS 1 was a graphical and technological BEAST, WAY ahead of its time. But the bottom line is, 90% of people wanna JUST play AND enjoy gfx at the same time. The remaining 10% might be people that can throw unlimited amounts of cash and dont care what it takes.
Crysis 1 was not "fully" delivering that. Crysis 2 is delivering in the aspect that you can own a semi-decent system and not HAVE to upgrade your entire system to play it. Plus it LOOKS great even with the supposed "LOW RES" textures. But you know? I have yet to see any game top the graphics in Crysis 2. I feel wow'd when I enter the single player environments and multiplayer as well actually.
If future games can follow this graphical achievement , in which the achievement being: Provide great graphics not yet seen.. and run great, and not cripple even TOP NOTCH systems ( as C1 did) it would be exciting to look forward to new games that can take advantage of this kind of success.

My system 2x GTX 480 , core i7, 12gb DDR3 , 256gb SSD
and I "still" cant run CRYSIS 1 with frames dipping down to the 30s in intense firefights or where there's intense vegetation and textures going on. In my book , I need nothing less that 60fps to enjoy a game PERIOD. On the other hand Crysis 2 has YET to give any stutters or frame dips with even the most intense scenes going on. Uninterrupted game playing experience. That's all I strive for. WHEW what a book..excuse me..lol

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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:55 pm

I have yet to see any game top the graphics in Crysis 2.

I highly suggest you look into the excellent Metro 2033.
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Joe Bonney
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:48 am

I have yet to see any game top the graphics in Crysis 2.

I highly suggest you look into the excellent Metro 2033.

thats exactly what I mean, I HAVE that game..when compared IMHO, CRYSIS 2 maxed in DX9 looks better and RUNS better than METRO 2033 DX11 MAXED.. could be just my opinion, but I did not love that game..Maybe cuz I'm a run and gun ..that could be it...Either way, that game also does not run flawlessly for me even with my semi-decent system, which is sad.
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Heather M
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:00 am

Maybe cuz I'm a run and gun

Crysis (until Crysis 2) was not considered a "run and gun" franchise. I agree that the gameplay in Crysis 2 is much more "run and gun" and less "tactical thinking." In my view, that's a step away from one of the things that made the original Crysis great.
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Katy Hogben
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:04 am

Glad the OP decided to stop playing (and everyone else who says they have). That way these people can stop making threads like this one

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barbara belmonte
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:33 am

Maybe cuz I'm a run and gun

Crysis (until Crysis 2) was not considered a "run and gun" franchise. I agree that the gameplay in Crysis 2 is much more "run and gun" and less "tactical thinking." In my view, that's a step away from one of the things that made the original Crysis great.

Crysis 2 although much different from Crysi s1, STILL somewhat has the same sort of tactical + run and gun. You still have cloak in which you can play the entire game cloaking around and be more quite about certain things, yet you can also just go all out and shoot up everything. A game is supposed to be fun too..at least I think.
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Chris Johnston
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:03 am

Maybe cuz I'm a run and gun

Crysis (until Crysis 2) was not considered a "run and gun" franchise. I agree that the gameplay in Crysis 2 is much more "run and gun" and less "tactical thinking." In my view, that's a step away from one of the things that made the original Crysis great.

Crysis 2 although much different from Crysi s1, STILL somewhat has the same sort of tactical + run and gun. You still have cloak in which you can play the entire game cloaking around and be more quite about certain things, yet you can also just go all out and shoot up everything. A game is supposed to be fun too..at least I think.

Some people derive great enjoyment from applying critical thinking to solving tactical problems. In the original Crysis, there were a great many ways that you could approach a given situation. Crysis 2 feels much more confined.
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