» Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:07 pm
The engine is still 10,000x then the poorly coded and poorly optimized CryEngine 2.
Why do people keep saying this?
In terms of features, Crysis 2 is a step backward in almost every area compared to Crysis. No DX10/11 support. No destructable environments. A nerfed nanosuit (which is supposed to be Nanosuit v2 in the story - i.e., an upgraded model).
CryEngine 3 is better coded and optimized than CryEngine 2. No one disputes that. But the developers utilized such a limited set of the features in CryEngine 3 that, in terms of GAMEPLAY it offers less in Crysis 2 than CryEngine 2 did in the original Crysis.
I'm so sick of seeing comments like this from people who never played the original Crysis, or never revisited it once they had a PC powerful enough to experience it at its full potential.
I'm not gonna say I have spent THOUSANDS on simply CRYSIS alone..but money has been spent in the past to get 1 game to play decently. It is now 2011 and even todays hardware is having some difficulty playing the game optimally. My only argument would be that YES, CRYSIS 1 was a graphical and technological BEAST, WAY ahead of its time. But the bottom line is, 90% of people wanna JUST play AND enjoy gfx at the same time. The remaining 10% might be people that can throw unlimited amounts of cash and dont care what it takes.
Crysis 1 was not "fully" delivering that. Crysis 2 is delivering in the aspect that you can own a semi-decent system and not HAVE to upgrade your entire system to play it. Plus it LOOKS great even with the supposed "LOW RES" textures. But you know? I have yet to see any game top the graphics in Crysis 2. I feel wow'd when I enter the single player environments and multiplayer as well actually.
If future games can follow this graphical achievement , in which the achievement being: Provide great graphics not yet seen.. and run great, and not cripple even TOP NOTCH systems ( as C1 did) it would be exciting to look forward to new games that can take advantage of this kind of success.
My system 2x GTX 480 , core i7, 12gb DDR3 , 256gb SSD
and I "still" cant run CRYSIS 1 with frames dipping down to the 30s in intense firefights or where there's intense vegetation and textures going on. In my book , I need nothing less that 60fps to enjoy a game PERIOD. On the other hand Crysis 2 has YET to give any stutters or frame dips with even the most intense scenes going on. Uninterrupted game playing experience. That's all I strive for. WHEW what a book..excuse me..lol