I've been gamaing heavily as my main hobby since Doom, Halflife, Unreal, etc so im used to old style game limitations and its really weird to me that their was an open-world post-apocalyptic game that i wouldn't play, but Fallout 3 turned out to be one. Post-apocalyptic settings are my favorite. I don't have a ton of time to investigate into all my concerns about F4 so i thought i'd ask here. I stopped playing F3 after i got to the amazing looking ship because of the following things i hope are not in F4.
1. Is the strange pipboy guy that was plastered all over the place in this too? This guy really weirds me out.
2. Will it be chock full of goofy, unrealistic and most importantly for me, unbelievable, conversations, verbal responses and human behavior?
3. Is the movement system still jerky, like how you go from standing still to full-sprint in a instant making it jerky when you are trying to make small adjustments and explore?
4. Have they figured out a good feeling set of combat mechanics yet or is VATS still in?
If it stil has this in it then i wish we could have our money go to the artists and programmers only, not the designers or producers. Same way i feel about Destiny