What kind of help?
- Craft basic chests, barrels, sacks, end tables, wardrobes, and more to place wherever you want.
- Move and resize the containers. (You can move any container and even some furniture if you have SKSE.)
- Use R as the Put All key to transfer all of your non-equipped, non-favorited, non-quest items into a container.
- Use SkyUI filters to select which items get transfered to and from containers (including follower inventories).
- Craft a handful of portable containers that will change weight based on the things you put inside.
This is an update to my old Storage Helpers mod and makes use of new SKSE and SkyUI features (if you have them). The container placement system can even be used as a replacement for the old Decorator's Assistant mod.
You can find Storage Helpers at http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/17574/.
Visit your local forge and if you have the right supplies (leather, iron ingots, wood, etc.) you can craft various containers and container-like furniture. Drop the container any place you like (including other people's houses) and you will have a safe storage location for your use. If you want to move it later, just Drag it and you can move it to a new location or pick it up.
A small set of portable containers that change weight based on what you put inside can be carried and used from your inventory. Just equip them and they will open (but won't appear on your character). Now you can fill up a sack of loot and then hand the whole sack to your follower. When you get back to town, just have the follower hand the sack back instead of retrieving each item individually!
Place and resize any containers (and most other furniture) exactly where you want them using NumPad keys (only with SKSE). With some object in your crosshair just press the NumLock key. If the object starts to glow, move it, rotate it, and resize it in any way you want. See the ReadMe for what each key does.
With SkyUI, you can use special keys (R, I, and P) to transfer more than one item at a time to or from any container based on the current SkyUI display filter! R becomes Put (Almost) All so you can transfer everything in your current inventory view (except for favorite, quest, and equipped items, gold and lockpicks). P will do the same except it only transfers from the top of the list down to which ever item you have selected. And I will put all of a single item (and even move quest items if the target is one of the crafted or portable containers) without the item quantity prompt (for stashing those 80 ebony arrows for later).
NOTE: Transfering groups of items to and from containers is not being done with pre-defined form lists, so this mod is slower than some others, but it transfer mod-added items of the appropriate types without transferring favorite, equippped, or quest items.
If you have SKSE but not SkyUI, you can still use "quick-keys" to move predefined groups of items (ingredients, ores and other crafting supplies, unequipped weapons and armor, etc.) Pressing the right key combination can transfer all items of a similar type to the one currently selected or even move only ones that aren't heavier or lighter and more or less expensive. (The SkyUI system is faster and only moves quest items when you specifically choose to move them.)