» Sun Aug 29, 2010 7:41 pm
99.9% of the containers are safe. Pretty much, if they are unowned or blue, they're safe. (We're a long way from the days of Oblivion with its respawning containers. Even in FO3, containers didn't respawn.) As always, you can test by putting stuff in it, saving, then going to a distant indoor cell and resting for 4 days. Then come back after the cell resets and see if your stuff is still there.
The two dumpsters and the XXX crates between the store and saloon in Goodsprings are my favorite locations. Close to the repair/ammo bench, close to the Mohave Express box (so you can offload in a place like Primm/Novac/Freeside and just mail the stuff back to Goodsprings to sort out later on). The only thing lacking is a campfire (closests ones are down by the springs.)
If you're on the PC, grab one of the Goodsprings mods (I'm partial to my own "Goodsprings Basics", of course). There's half a dozen different options. Some just add containers around the store / saloon / camper, others add entire houses or even mansions.