Storage locations. Not shure how it works this time in New V

Post » Sat Jul 17, 2010 10:17 pm

The poweder gangers I killed 15 minutes into the game are *stll* laying around in Goodsprings. Dumping things wherever you want looks like a solid plan :P
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CHangohh BOyy
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Post » Sun Jul 18, 2010 2:10 am

Just thought I would add this, the crafting containers next to the work bench have been reported to respawn, mod here suggests a fix:

Rather shoddy work from Beth if this is the case, they are clearly storage containers as they are upgrades to the suite
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Haley Merkley
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Post » Sat Jul 17, 2010 11:13 pm

Hmm, the school respawning seems to conflict with what Balok says in his small mod here -

I liked the idea of using the school as an initial/informal home, he adds a bed, radio, etc, but he says specifically that he didn't change the default containers because they don't respawn.

Guess I'll find out either way...


I'm not sure if the code would be any different, but I play the PS3 version and can confirm that items do respawn in the lockers and replace any deposited items - it's happen more than twice now on 25 hours of time played. All the junk I've left in the safe has remained. It could just be a fluke. Either way, if it happens let me know so I don't feel crazy. :)
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Kat Ives
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Post » Sat Jul 17, 2010 12:58 pm

I've noticed that Joe Cobb's corpse remains - but the other corpses got garbage collected when the cell reset.

(And it's possible that there's a bug on the different platforms where containers are resetting on one platform, but not on another. Sounds like the PS3 version either has different cell records, or the respawn logic works differently there due to platform constraints.)
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Paul Rice
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Post » Sat Jul 17, 2010 7:52 pm

I've had stuff stored in the Lone Wolf Radio containers for most of the game (over 60 hours) and everything's intact.
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Bad News Rogers
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Post » Sun Jul 18, 2010 2:44 am

The only weirdness I've had so far is the typical cell reset.

I had dragged the Sunset Saph crates around the building and piled them near the dumpsters for additional storage. After a cell reset, they were gone. All was not lost, however, the contents were intact - the crates were just back at their original location.

So... I wrote a "Goodsprings Basics" mod that adds containers (with more to come in the next version as I play around with it).
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Mr. Allen
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Post » Sun Jul 18, 2010 12:43 am

And so, the Lone Courier shared his storage tips in his new book, "Better Homes and Storage". The citizens of New Vegas can feel safe once again knowing their prized possessions are safe. :wink_smile:
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Chloe Yarnall
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Post » Sat Jul 17, 2010 1:17 pm

Just for clarification, I tested every single container in the Novac room. Just stored a bunch of stuff I thought I might use later in all the different containers (footlocker, safe, fridge, medic box, dressers, etc... everything) and came back to check on it all after more than 1 week in game and it was all still there.

I assume it's like fallout 3, in that no containers respawn ever, but if you're kind of worried (like me) I'd only store things in places I officially own like suites in casinos/nova etc...
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Steve Smith
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