» Mon Nov 28, 2011 9:21 pm
Hmm. Again, it seems I"m in yet another minority.
Just over 2 years ago or so I began using Steam.
Not had any issues since and use the service more and more.
In the past 2 plus years I've not bought many hard copies of games. No need to.
In fact, a lot of the stuff I want to buy you can't even find in the store. Retail software shelves
began shrinking some years ago. The local Fry's is perhaps less than half the size it was say 3 years ago, the software game isle that is, PC games.
Best Buy, the same if not worse.
Not sure why the hate on Steam. Hell , with many games it makes life easier on me. I don't have to be forced to stuff the stupid DVD or CD in
the drive just to run the game I want at the moment.
In fact, with Steam I dont' even have to be online at all, once the game is 'registered' in their system. There is a perfectly functional offline mode that I know
works because I've used it. Least with the games I have.
I remember avoiding Steam back a decade ago because of issues but from my experience those issues no longer exist. Stability and all.
Oh, yah, I forgot to mention. I'll just pre-order from Steam. Laugh. I won't have to pay sales tax either.