Congratulation on your recent marriage! Your spouse has a plan though. They would like to keep from going mentally insane from boredom while you're gone for weeks on end adventuring in strange lands. So they've informed you they'll be setting up a shop to keep busy while you're away. Except for one small detail. They want to do so from your shared abode. Does this really make sense? Should your spouse be putting the family home at risk in such a manner? No! They certainly should not. Every major city where you can buy a house has a market area that should have enough space to accommodate a small trading stall to serve this purpose.
So this mod will do exactly that. Now your spouse will operate a store from the market area in the city you are currently living in. Your spouse will man this stall during the normal daylight hours, then return home at night. You can come and collect your profits at any time just like normal. Yes, even though it's a bit daft, this will work for the Hearthfire houses as well since Bethesda made no provisions for turning off the shop functions when living in a Hearthfire home. The only difference is that your spouse will not offer to buy, sell, or let you invest when they are not at the stand.
As an added bonus, the shop will relocate with you if you move to a new city and there will be a chest at the stall that you can add items to in order to have them "sold" to the general public. The chest will be emptied out each day to simulate having sold the goods, and a varied amount of gold will be added to the standard marriage profits you can collect from your spouse. This provides not only a cool way to make some extra cash, but also to trim down your junk inventory in a somewhat more realistic way.
If you choose to move into your spouse's original house (wherever that may be) then they will not operate a stand even if it's in one of the supported locations. Bethesda's spouse setup does not support this and I do not have any intention on editing the marriage quest to change this. Your spouse will almost certainly have an AI routine to follow when living in their house anyway. You will not have access to the chest to deposit your unwanted junk in while you are choosing to live in their home.
Assuming certain conditions are met in mod added homes, this could also provide a means for allowing the spouse to run a shop from a mod added house.
Download Locations
Installation Requirements
Official Skyrim patch or greater.
Official Hearthfire DLC.
Installation - Wrye Bash BAIN
Drop the archive into your Skyrim Mods\Bash Installers folder, then install as usual.
Make sure the mod is active in the Wrye Bash mods tab.
Installation - Steam Workshop
Subscribe to the mod via the Workshop page, then use the Skyrim launcher to allow it to download and install.
Make sure it's active in the Data Files menu.
Installation - Nexus Mod Manager
Use the "Download with Manager" button on the page at Skyrim Nexus. The installer should take care of things from there.
Then simply make sure NMM has the mod activated.
Installation - Manual
Drop the Storefront.esp and Storefront.bsa files into your Data folder.
Activate the mod using whatever management tool suits you.
Due to the nature of Skyrim mods, especially those adding scripts, it is strongly discouraged to attempt uninstalling a mod from your active game. Any mod that is more than pure mesh or texture replacements has the possibility to leave behind permanent changes to your save that you may not want. This is not something modders can correct for. It is how the game was designed by Bethesda. No support will be provided for anyone who uninstalls this mod from an active game and continues on with that save.
To remove the mod: Delete the Storefront.esp and Storefront.bsa from your Data folder. Then reload your game as usual.
Load Order
Should be set to load alongside other mods affecting cities.
BOSS should be used for optimal placement.
This mod will generate compatibility problems with any other mod adding market stands to the 5 vanilla closed cities that may end up occupying space close to them.
The same is true of any mod which may extensively alter the areas in front of the 3 Hearthfire houses.
No navmeshes have been edited in this mod so there should be no trouble from navmesh conflicts.
Any mods which alter the RelationshipMarriageFIN quest and change how the spouse's store settings or house assignment settings work will likely interfere.
Any mods altering the spouse's merchant factions will not be compatible.
Known Issues
When first initializing itself, the mod will throw one error in the Papyrus log about being unable to manipulate a "None" object. This is expected and will not happen again on subsequent updates.