Stories & Tales Of Tamriel!

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:52 pm

Stories & Tales Of Tamriel!
True Stories that happened to you or Stories that Could relate to Your Type Of Character! ( Characters Backround..Before You Were Imprisoned ETC!)
Write Them HERE!
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:25 am

OK so At The moment i am playing as an orc and i am going to write a FICTIONAL story to his backround.

OK so..
( keep in mind i am writing this as like i am the orc! :))


J'Rick of the Calibe tribe!

Great...I am locked up in here?cant remember fully what happened.. all of a sudden we were going over The Mountainous Skyrim-Hammerfell borders Moving South-Easterly towards Cyrodiil. When we were about 25 miles away from the Cyrodiil border, our unit set up camp in-between the Skyrim nord city of Falkreath and the Hammerfell redguard city of Elinhir. It was against my better judgment to camp here but i was only second-in-command. K'uich, the commander of the unit was to confident in himself. Yes he was a good fighter, but that being said so were all members of the Calibe Tribe. WE should have kept moving. ALL of us that night were trained in the arts of survival no mather what the situation. Orcs of the calibe tribe were known to travel 60 miles continuously without any breaks or stops unless the Calibe had to kill or get past an obstacle in the way of there target. But when K'uich gave an order he meant it. he was inexperienced and his training was pampered because he was son of a noble. It was his mistake that messed up that whole operation of invaded Cyrodiil. About 5 years prior to this operation, there was a war brewing between the Imperials of Cyrodiil and the Orcs of Highrock. Imperials were sticking the noses into highrock spying on our actions and what we were doing. then when our King, Q'iugh , Found our this news, he got every Well able Orc warrior?such as myself?to Find ANY imperial in Highrock and kill them. After a 2 week Attack on the imperials in our Highrock, the were all dead and they could not report back to there leader,Adamus Phillida. We learned this when were interrogated some imperial spies. Then the king wanted us to go to Cyrodiil and spy on THEM and see if we could find any other imformation and also defend our borders from anymore spies. that was the plan anyway but we were ambushed when we camped. We were sitting around a fire, it was cold but we could have all coped if that idiot K'uich thought it was a good idea to light a fire. I knew this was a bad idea waiting to happen and i knew something was wrong. Then when I was about to make an approach at K'uich?Steel arrows came flying into the camp and hit some of the unit members. I Drew my Axe and then suddenly Imperial Soldiers came running from all directions attack us?All of us got our weapons and were started killing the guards. The armor was so weak and predictable we could know exactly when and where to strike. We stood our ground and killed any imperials we saw. I killed my first by chopping off his arm then slicing his head. Then while al this was happening more and more guards came flurrying off the mountain path. Eventually we were overrun though I didn't want to admit it. I was still killing any imperials I came by. I proved to them that I was NOT going to die nor going to be captured alive. When I killed two more guards attacking me with my axe and fist breaking ones neck?i look around and K'uich had 3 arrows stuck in him and was bleeding heavily. More imperials came out but they had blue hoods on. then they started casting paralysis spells at us?it took 2 of those spells to completely take our down?then when I couldn't move anymore i fell to the ground and imperial guards run above me and I was knocked unconscious...I didn't no if any of the others survived or where they went but I know for dahm sure?they would give up.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:21 pm

Ummm, there is an entire forum dedicated to TES artwork and fan fiction.
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Jose ordaz
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:15 am

Bobo see monster. :stare:
Bobo draw sword.
Bobo hit monster. :toughninja:
Monster fall down.
Bobo happy. :rock:
Bobo lick blood from sword. :liplick:
Bobo cut tongue.
Bobo sad. :sad:

SubRosa is right. ;)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:56 pm

Bobo see monster. :stare:
Bobo draw sword.
Bobo hit monster. :toughninja:
Monster fall down.
Bobo happy. :rock:
Bobo lick blood from sword. :liplick:
Bobo cut tongue.
Bobo sad. :sad:

SubRosa is right. ;)

ROFL !!! Oh NO!!! Bobo has made it to the other side...escaped! Who will survive...(said in a male voice that echoes around the reader - think WWF announcer voice) The bleeding Bobo staggered down the road seeking a healer when suddenly: :obliviongate: !!!!!! What will happen to Bobo ??? Who will save him? :celebrate: It's Stinky from Fallout 3! Stinky to the rescue!
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candice keenan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:40 am

Bobo see monster. :stare:
Bobo draw sword.
Bobo hit monster. :toughninja:
Monster fall down.
Bobo happy. :rock:
Bobo lick blood from sword. :liplick:
Bobo cut tongue.
Bobo sad. :sad:

SubRosa is right. ;)

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:46 am

Dahmit ok sorry ill transfer
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Talitha Kukk
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:54 pm

I, for one, was just joshing with you. It looks like you enjoy writing about your character though, and have a fertile imagination. You might, in fact, enjoy trying your hand telling your character's story on the fan fic thread. The forumers there can be quite helpful supporting and helping you along. :)
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Krystal Wilson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:29 pm

As Acadian and others have suggested, besides the riveting tale of Bobo, the TES Fan Fic thread is a good place to expand upon your character's story, or tell related ES world stories, so go check that out. :)
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Trent Theriot
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