Hi everyone, is there a place that I can safely store my gear until I buy a home?
Thanks, G
Hi everyone, is there a place that I can safely store my gear until I buy a home?
Thanks, G
Plenty of places: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Category:Skyrim-Places-Safe
Always test before storing a Dragon Priest mask or anything of any real value! I found that there is a barrel behind War Maiden's in Whiterun. If you go aroung the left side when facing it, there is a barrel on the back corner. I put stuff in there at level one to test and it is still there at level 45. I found this place quite conveniently located. If you go to mage school, you can get a room of your own with 3 or 4 barrels, two nightstands, 2 wardrobes, and a dresser to store your items in.
Very nice, thanks for this tip. I'll test it with an iron dagger or whatever and if it's still there, I'll use it without worrying.
If you still had stuff in a barrel after that time, then consider yourself lucky. All barrels are set to respawn. Of course barrels in a home you own or in a cell that doesn't reset will be safe but the ones that are about in the world, in cities and in towns will reset.
Even the barrels in the room of the college will respawn. DO NOT store in those barrels.
All wardrobes, end tables and cupboards are set to never respawn no matter if the cell does or not. Early game, pending who you follow from Helgen or who you side with in Camill's boyfriend thing, will allow safe storage in the aforementioned containers.
It is best to look over http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Containers#Safe_Containers.
A friend told me about the barrel because that is what he used. I was not sure at first either. When testing I like to put stuff like notes or journal books that were unique but not worth much. As far as the college goes, when you join, you get a tour of the college and your own personal room is shown to you. It belongs to you in a way. I have had things in the barrels in that room along with all of the other containers for many levels of game play. That being said always test before storing. Test a long time.
There are plenty of places in the Cloud District. Unfortuneately I'm not allowed to visit there...
It's not about the level you are. It's how long you stay out of a cell. The college will reset if you stay away for 30 days. At which point, the entire cell will reset and this includes your room. Anything stored in those barrels will be gone.
EDIT : I stand corrected. The http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Hall_of_Attainmentwill reset after 10 days and not 30.
I've found that every wardrobe, dresser and Safe in the entire continent, within every home/city and within every dungeon can be used as safe storage as their contents NEVER respawn - regardless of the zone respawning loot/enemies.
I use them all the time if I'm ever over-encoumbered while in the middle of a dungeon. If I find a wardrobe or dresser I'll squirrel a bunch of heavy items away in there and go on with my journey. It's REALLY fun to do a dungeon 1 month later and BLAM - i find a wardrobe filled with silver swords, shields and armor!
Barrels and boxes usually tend to respawn their content, even if the barrel is flagged as "empty". So, avoid storing in those unless its your own home.
I also keep several items that are near 5,000g value in a wardrobe/cabinet near every Fence in Solitude, Riften, Whiterun (Honningbrew). Haven't looked around Nyranyae for any cabinets that are outside near her. I know of some barrels, but I'm SURE those will respawn their content.
I better move the dragon bones and scales out of those barrels!
not if you don't want it to disappear eventually and bloat your game file before then...that's an all around bad idea to just drop stuff, it will slow your game and cause problems then once you leave the cell long enough it will clear