I used to be a stormcloak, but it just didn't seem right destroying skyrims only hope imo. In the end all will be saying hail Hevnoraak!
I used to be a stormcloak, but it just didn't seem right destroying skyrims only hope imo. In the end all will be saying hail Hevnoraak!
I agree that this thing is likely the work of Motierre and possible some cronies of his, but that doesn't really change that the DB issue is still a major issue.
Probably are but it's not to help either Skyrim or Cyrodiil. It's to help themselves haha.
Thanks for the agreement Tdroid. Do not forget, there is a book in Thalmor hands that say they are scared if the Empire wins the war. That might mean they do not have as tight a grip on the council as Treng would like to believe.
*shrugs* I just do not know.
People act like you destroy the imperial legion. What do people think will happen when the elves invade? Everyone will just sit on their hands? The ONLY difference when the great war comes in a Stormcloak victory is that the nords will be wearing blue and not taking orders from Imps.
Thats because this book isnt written with the assassination in mind, and even so, the Empire would still be a threat. Just because they are weakened doesnt mean they are defenseless, and it wasn't a total agreement. You are still ignoring all the trouble an assassinated Emperor will cause.
And of course this.
That book is also published years before the Emperor is assassinated by an Imperial soldier who doesn't know that the Elder Council is the property of the Thalmor.
I...was talking about the Dossier you find in their embassy. Besides it is not about simply being in control of something, it is also how tight that grip is.
This mortal understands. It brings me delight to know that my holy word is spreading. I await thee to join as one of my generals.
To be fair they don't want the Stormcloaks to win either. They want both sides to stay stupid and be divided.
Oh lord...
They don't say they are scared. They say that the Empire winning harms their overall position in Skyrim, and follows up only a sentence later that they also want to avoid a Stormcloak victory. Basically, they want the war to continue, probably so that Skyrim cannot properly focus on building for war(the Imperial Legion already has a majority of its forces on the Thalmor border and Cyrodiil seem peaceful-ish, so I think Skyrim is the target here).
agreed, but the Empire's winning the Civil not only harms their position in skyrim, but also allows the Empire to prepare for the Thalmor. Why would they be worried about their position in Skyrim if the Elder Council was in their pocket and the Emperor issue was on their orders.
Not related to my point at all.
Colonel has a point here:
You have a trackrecord of ignoring this, https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B6qpq3FrJbxjZG5NNTNfYVRJQWs/edit. Are we ever going to get a real response to it, that is not just "I'm ignoring that point" ?
Does that even have anything to do with the repercussions in Cyrodiil about the Emperor's assassination?
I never said I was ignoring the issue, I just do not see how a problem in Cyrodiil factors into the Civil War mattering in the history books or being an "Empire wins, world loses" thing.
Because the problems of a dead emperor in Cyrodiil will hit Skyrim as well, if Skyrim is still in the Empire.
Then why DO I not care when I feel that Humanity will unite to fight the Thalmor? IF the issue of a dead Emperor=Thalmor rolling over a willing to get butt-kicked Empire, I would see no one uniting...
And you went from ignore and back to copout.
The whole basis for the Imperial side of the debate is that the Empire stands a better chance united against the Thalmor, than if Skyrim breaks away and thus it is worth paying the price that comes with it. You are continuing to avoid to comment on information that directly addresses(and questions) the Empire's capability to even stay coherent in its leadership and goals, meaning that it addresses the very core of the Imperial side. If Skyrim is being led by representatives of the Empire, that will have an effect on Skyrim and every other Imperial province.
Apparently Galmar was suppose to execute Ondolemar, but it got cut in the final game.