I imagine for the time being they don't care. Gold is gold.
I don't think they'll bother changing it for a while.
Not until they find a way to make Reachmen and Dunmer tears into tradable currency.
I kid.
I do find it funny that the Stormcloaks never indicate changing their currency. Maybe it's because of the name. What would they call their money under the new regime?
Ulfrics? That doesn't sound good.
Stormcloaks? That's just confusing. It's like the word for snake, bread, and Friday all being that damn dog's name (Gurp Gorp). So what would they use instead?
I've got it!
A currency reform would severely sap trade with other nations. I think even the Dominion uses Septims at least as a secondary currency.
Thing about gold coins is that it doesn't matter squat what's depicted on the coin. What matters is its content. In Rome, for example, coins of old Emperors were sometimes minted by their successors because they were usually known to have larger amounts of gold/silver in them, and thus were useful for emperors that had devalued the currency but had to conduct trade or pay ransoms. Roman coins were used in nations that were at war with Rome or had nothing to do with Rome, since everyone knew the coins were good so it didn't matter whose face it's on the observe.
Fine, how about...bears? Have a stormcloak bear on the back, and Ulfric's face on the other?
"Oh look, a bear!"
"No, I mean a gold bear! A coin!"
" "
I don't think the currency will change, it has been in place for 600+ years. Not to mention the metal in them is valuable regardless of the decor. And because the leaders of the Stormcloaks seem to have a problem with the Epire as it is, not the Empire as it was. Keeping the Septims(as in the name) might just be a last statement about the Medes.
Just make sure it's the bear's head on the coin. If it's the other end, the citizens won't be able to tell heads from tails.
I say we make it officialz.
And remember to make it a bear head.
It's cause printing new coins is expensive.