Because this isn't a fairytale and the empire would never willingly give anyone independence.
You have a good point, but what if they just leave nords last, and counger one kingdom after another, and Skyrim is last.. would you think that Skyrim would still stand?
You really think each province would sit on their hands while they're systematically taken over? This would never happen to begin with. Alliances would be forced out of desperation long before they got down to Skyrim.
I'm sure those Redguard pirates are giving them enough trouble on the coasts of Alinor like they did in the second era, without going into the logistics of mounting another invasion of Hammerfell and the rest of Tamriel.
Good luck trying to conquer Black Marsh...
I get, Empire did made a lot of bad choices,and need better solution. Stormcloaks have noble cause, biggest is restoring Talos worhsip. I think Empire needs a revolution, not to be destroyed.
Titud Mede II is good military commander, but a bad diplomat.
And of course I come in with another username as some ancient Redguard Lich who starts going on about savage modern day Redguards, and the good old days of Yokuda.
If the Forebears can have a government akin to a republic then I don't see why the rest of Tamriel couldn't.
Collapsing into a Kingdom would be a revolution.
Lol the spirit of Frandar Hunding or some Ansei hero bewildered about how modern day Redguards can't swordsing?
You think it would be more of a collapsing? I don't know what you mean, but the Empire going to a Kingdom suddenly is a revolution and to me a good change.
How is that good change? From Empire to Kingdom?
Its a good change because the other provinces aren't over reliant on them, so if the Empire does what empires will and have done before and abandon them and withdraw their support, they won't be looking like a deer in headlights. An Empire is good when it works and terrible when it doesn't. Right now, its not working, so it needs to go. No need to try and keep it past it's expiration date. Talos called it out. It's there for a reason.
Well let's asumme that would be good if they departure from one another in a peacufll way, but yeah I know Empire won't give independency so easily... But if real history didn't thoght us, evey Kingdom, or Empire, or State, that did separate from one another in two state/kingdoms or whatever, they became weaker, destabilized, then they were united as one.
"Five separeted armies, one big army''
If the armies are allied, they're not separate. Like a pack of wolves.
Yeah but one big army is stronger and more efficient.
I'll also say that things are unstable now with the Empire. And even when they weren't things still weren't all happy rainbow sunshine. The Imps certainly did their best to make it look that way however. As Empires will do.
To be honest, there shouldn't be a central power in Tamriel anyway.
Not so. Based on what? They're one army versus several with different strengths and weaknesses. Different tactics. More varied, unpredictable. A pack of wolves versus a bear, the wolves win.
I agree.
Would never side with the stormcloaks, they strike me as a racist nationalist party, and we know where that leads.
I don't like the empire either, but if I get involved it's with the empire to crush the racist scum stormcloaks.
Yeah it is, but if you look the whole Tamriel, everywhere is unstable, no province or kingdom is flourishing, everyone is struggling, so I guess something is big going to happen in next TES game.
Arguing over the Thalmor and independent Skyrim. How do you guys know if the Empire are going to join forces with an independent Skyrim instead of try to reconquer them thanks to thalmor corruption.
After all, the Thalmor have total control over the Elder council according to history/lore from outside the game area.
I agree. But, yeah like Elves are not tryning to do that.