I cannot agree more, there is no bad/good side only what you choose. It's up to player.
I cannot agree more, there is no bad/good side only what you choose. It's up to player.
XD Like the old empire werent racist,powerhungry and corrupt..... You clearly dont know tiber septim
Except on the Dawnguard.
Alot of people near the gates die because of the vempeers
Psssst! Here's what I think of the Stormcloaks.
Good boy! Du fin tahrodiis bronne. Pahlok joore, Keizaal stin? Brunnikke joore, zaam wah hun-jun! Hahaha!
Laugh with me Voslaarum! Hahahaha!
http://i.imgur.com/QI9QZTD.jpg Slave to the Empire? You filthy savages serve me! Gol, hah!
I read what you posted. It doesn't mean it isn't one of his motives. Someone doesn't need to be born looking for power, but that can develop the desire.
I think it's ''FOR THE EMPIRE"
How do you figure?
Ulfric didn't ask for religious freedoms. The Jarl of Markarth advertised that he would allow them if anyone would help in retaking the city, in hopes of getting Ulfric's aid.
All because the Empire refused to do its sworn duty to its province. It's especially laughable because the Nords only lost Markarth because everyone went south to aid Cyrodiil.
Well firstly, when Tullius captures Ulfric Ellewen argues with him about how Talos worshipers are their jurisdiction and the Empire has to hand over Talos worshipers to them per the WGC. Secondly, Thorald Greymane's quest.
It has come to my attention that inquiries have been made as to the whereabouts of one http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Thorald_Gray-Mane.
It is my duty to inform you that http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Thalmor agents have taken possession of the prisoner and have escorted him to http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Northwatch_Keep.
I don't think I need to elaborate. It is in everyone's best interest if the matter is dropped entirely. I trust there will be no further inquiries as to this matter.
Gen. Tullius
I didn't said they weren't powerhungry , and like Aldmeri Dominion is good? And don't want to rule the world? But when Tiber Septim/Talos conquered the Tamriel and founded the Empire, there was prosperity, and peace in all provinces. Damm Mehrunes Dagon, he had to come and force death of last Septim...
There's an entire irl officially licensed book about it, actually.
Tulius hate Thalmor as much as Ulfric himself, but they must listen to Thalmor and help them because of that damm Treaty, that almost destroyed the Empire, and let's not forget that same ulltimatum Emperor refused before the Great War.
And what do I think, is that boths sides should make peace, and unite to fight and drove Thalmor to their damm isles and never again crawl from them. XD
It literally doesn't matter if Tullius hates the Thalmor. He aids them.
I agree both sides should make peace. The Empire should withdraw all rule from Skyrim and Skyrim should help the Empire defeat the Elder Council's forces. Then, they should rebuild and defeat the Thalmor.
You misunderstand. Markarth absolutely fell when the Great War happened, but the Nords asked for aid after it was over and they had gone back home to find Markarth was taken. They didn't know it had been taken during the Great War. So after the Great War the Empire was like "Screw Skyrim, idc" and the Jarl of Markarth was left to get aid to retake the city the only way he could. Then, to reward Ulfric, the Empire punished him but not the jarl.
No. The Empire is aiding the Thalmor by weakening Humanity. Ulfric is aiding Humanity by bolstering Skyrim and weakening the Elder Council.
Talos save us.
They need to go too. For as I am concerned.
I'm leaning more in the favor of the Stormcloaks. A simple reason really.
Then there is the whole WGC thing, which I don't have to go into. It'll be covered by others soon enough. And the general downhill way the Empire has been going since the Oblivion Crisis. The Empire just seems like a bad bet these days, with no Dragonborn Emperor in a Covenant with Akatosh etc.
It's the only smart choice indeed.
Then let's hope Akatosh (devs) Will send another Dragonborn emperor. And I don't mean the player, maybe his son or something? XD