Thats what I mean. How long should they wait for the empire to attack the thalmor? Cause they've waited 30 so far.
Thats what I mean. How long should they wait for the empire to attack the thalmor? Cause they've waited 30 so far.
The reason i don't trust Ulfric is this one..
Read it carefuly.
So they consider him an asset, and only Thalmor benefit from CW, and If Imperials win ,their position in Skyrim is weakend. But Stormcloak victory is also to be avoided, but they want to carefuly mange it. But stay out if the directly.
She was too busy playing with Torygg's corpse...
She rather work with a milk-drinker's corpse than with me? A fine 5,000 year old priest of yore? She's intimidated and playing hard to get!
The empire is also acting as an asset. You really should look up what asset means.
And then they killed the guy advocating it. That doesn't instill confidence.
Wrong, they don't want to carefully manage a Stormcloak victory. It is very plain that what they do have to manage carefully is any support they chose to give to the Stormcloaks, so they don't get enough of an upperhand to drive out the Empire.
Also, I would like to remind people using this argument that if Ulfric is an asset to the Thalmor, under the definition of asset, so is the Empire because of the White-Gold Concordat. Letting their Justiciars walk about, arresting people for practically no reason(the Thalmor patrols have captured a man for suspecting that he has knowledge of a Cult of Talos. Talk about vague terms. This could be applied to everyone in the Empire, more or less) and then being allowed to torture them for information.
"The so-called Markarth Incident was particularly valuable from the point of view of our strategic goals in Skyrim, although it resulted in Ulfric becoming generally uncooperative to direct contact."
"As long as the civil war proceeds in its current indecisive fashion, we should remain hands-off. The incident at Helgen is an example where an exception had to be made - obviously Ulfric's death would have dramatically increased the chance of an Imperial victory and thus harmed our overall position in Skyrim"
" A Stormcloak victory is also to be avoided, however, so even indirect aid to the Stormcloaks must be carefully managed."
We have nothing more than some very vague dialogue from Tullius to support the Empire acting anytime soon, and that is from the man who expects to spend many years yet in Skyrim before going back to Cyrodiil.
Then why do you think they should wait 10 eras before deciding enough is enough? The thalmor will most certainly have acted by then.(And if you're saying that skyrim should have taken action in 4e171 then why did you fault them for doing so?)
This issue again?
this and
Makes it somewhat clear that the Thalmor is not as in control of the Empire as they would have you all believe.
Still kudos to you all being so passionate.
I think it was more of a jab at the Empire's inaction, rather than a timeline for when he/she would have attacked.
Then what's wrong with Skyrim trying to ensure that they don't?
So you rather have Maven Black Briar (aka possibly the worst person in Skyrim) and child-killing Igmund?
These debates will continue for we allow it! And will end when you've all killed each other!
Yet you claim they are "righteous" which can be translated into flawless, perfect, and holy. Try better word usage next time.
They way I look at it, both sides have their positive and negative apsects. Though if I had the option, I would stay neutral and just sit back and watch them squabble amongst themselves while the real threat is lurking and pulling the strings.
Yeah, 4th page already. XD
I thnk whe should ask Sheogorath/Champion of Cyrodill/Hero of Kvatch, for some advice.