I started a new profile to do my Legion play through and I need some advice on how to tangle with Black Mountain. On my other profiles it took a boatload of ammo and a more than a few stimpaks to get through. I'm level 17 right now and I wanted to go do McNamara's thing and free Raul. So what's the best companion/armor/weapon load out? Also any tips would be greatly appreciated.
Hi there!
What I did was to take the path from Hidden Valley up to the crater, open the gate there and meet
with Neil, convincing him to help me. For some reason (the navmesh for pathfinding is likely broken there),
neither ED-E or Lily wanted to follow me up the ledge to the back of the Broadcasting station,
thus I had to leave them there waiting for my return. I then proceeded to the top by lockpicking
the other gate on the back side of the station and by moving carefully I sniped every patrolling mutant.
Taking off the sniper (wielding Annabelle) on the tower was tricky because he was covered from
almost every angle by the metallic structure but I managed to slip right under is feet and
sneak up to him undetected. It's amazing what Chance's knife can achieve, especially
when coated in poison

From that point, it's a stroll in the park: you are at a vantage point, you can snipe
everything that comes charging at you and you can just lay mines at choke points
to at least cripple them as they come. Once I was confident that at least the top
had been wiped of all mutants, I went back to Lily telling her to wait me at the Lucky 38,
told ED-E to get along and together we went to fix Rhonda and, soon after
settling matters with Tabitha, to free Raul.
You can always come back to the place later on for profit and fun,
hostile supermutants are known to respawn.
one can harvest good loot.