Everyone is of course free to participate, and you can join in at any time (although, of course, any days you've missed are days you can't score points). There's no need to ask whether or not you can join, just jump right on in!
The rules are simple
- send me your answers VIA PM, I'll evaluate them and send you your score, and which ones you got right. Keep that to yourself, of course.
- join in whenever you feel like it
- comment in the thread as long as it doesn't give hints, spell out answers, or otherwise reveals what the answers to the questions might be, however vaguely
- send me question suggestions. I can't guarantee I'll use them, but I definitely will if they're good ones
- ask questions not pertaining to the quiz questions
- answer in the thread. I can't stress this enough. It ruins it for everyone
- Google answers. I try to make my questions not that easy to google, but of course, you can if you want to cheat. There's no money to be won with this, so it's just a bit of fun - play fair, don't googuru.
- complain in the thread. Send me a PM if you have concerns
- whine about this or that game not being included. I'm doing these purely from my own mind (so every question is solvable)
After the questions have been posted, they'll stay on for at least 24 hours, after which I'll announce the scores, give out the correct answers, and post the new questions. Scores carry over from round to round!
THE SCORE after day 1
1. WanderingRogue (TESF) - 9
2. Xetirox (TESF) - 8
3. Lord Foul (NM) - 7
-. Silverbolt (SL, and returning champion!) - 7
4. Cecilff2 (TESF) – 6
-. Defaulted (TESF) – 6
-. Cliffworms (TESF) – 6
-. CptJoker (TESF) – 6
-. Wolf101(TESF) – 6
5. Ewoklord (TESF) – 5
-. Nami88 (TESF) – 5
6. Det Som Engang Var (NM) – 4
-. Karmic (NM) – 4
-. Qawsed Asap (TESF) – 4
-. Spork The Slightly Insane (TESF) – 4
7. yiasemi (BGSFn) – 3
-. titan357 (TESF) – 3
-. Nuck (TESF) – 3
-. Aianna (TESF) – 3
8. Septiego (TESF) – 2
-. Wasp (TESF) – 2
-. SpakyTheElf (TESF) – 2
-. Alecto (TESF) – 2
-. Liverslapper (NM) – 2
-. BoonProtR3 (TESF) – 2
-. Valdo' (TESF) – 2
9. Frozenaffairs (TESF) – 1
-. Rumblyguts (TESF) – 1
-. vtastek (TESF) – 1
-. AMP (TESF) – 1
DAY 2 - Obligatory Quote Round!
Place the Quotes: what game are they from?
PEOPLE OF THE BETHESDA FORUMS, DO NOT REPLY TO A PRIVATE CONVERSATION STARTED ON THE DAYS BEFORE, ALWAYS SEND A FRESH PM - I have to delete convos so my inbox doesn't get full, and if you reply to a convo I've deleted, I don't get your PM.
1.“Excuse me, human, puh-rivate conver-say-shee-un? Ugh.”
2.“A bomb is a poor choice for close-range combat.”
3.“You almost became a Jill sandwich!”
4.“Evil always finds a way.”
5.“No temeré mal, no temeré mal, no temeré mal!”
6.“I should have been the one to fill your dark soul WITH LIGHT!” (… ight… ight… ight…)
7.“Give a man a bullet and he’ll want a gun. Give a man a gun and he’ll be giving away the bullets.”
8.“What greater power is there than to turn an enemy to your cause? To use their knowledge against them?”
9.“Right… today we’ll be discussing the philosophy of putting a bullet in someone’s head.”
10.“Come on, Cranky! Take it to the fridge!”
Good luck, and again DO NOT ANSWER IN THE THREAD!