RP Story for Guilds

Post » Sun May 18, 2014 5:34 pm

I am a semi-RP'er. I like my character to have a story, but I also like to enjoy all the gameplay and I've never created a second character. That being said, my character has joined all the guilds so that I can experience all of the quest lines. I don't really have a problem with this, but I was wondering if anyone could/wanted to try and come up with a good reason why a single person would do this. It's a bit complicated, especially because some of the guilds naturally hate each other. But maybe someone on the forums (or perhaps someone who has also joined them all) has a good explanation!

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Iain Lamb
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Post » Mon May 19, 2014 12:01 am

Multiple personality disorder.

Or he wanted to impress that pretty Camilla Valerius.
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luis dejesus
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 11:33 am

I did it once. And while I have no real RP, its the best I can do.

As a young man je joined the TG, pretty damn well, he was eventually forced to kill an innocent, he liked it and eventually connected through with the DB by a member. He was pretty good at killing. At some point, he meet his match when he couldn't kill a Companion, he was recruited by them. During his time with the Companions he learned all that honor stuff and what not. Eventually, he needed to learn how to combat magic users so he joined the CoW.

Yeah, it svcks, but its what I could do eith my character. People can do a lot better.
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Brandi Norton
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 12:37 pm

TG and DB mesh together well, since they both have ties to each other. I'd reccommend doing the Brotherhood first, then joining the Thieves Guild. Most thieves are former assassins, not vice versa. Join the College to hone your arcane abilities, in order to put them to better use in your tomfoolery.

Companions though, damn. That's a tough one. Through the power of CHIM, your character learns of the Inner Circle, and wants the power of Lycanthropy for him/herself...?

:lol: Not a very good idea I guess. You said this is your first character, yeah? You don't really have to RP it if you don't want to. Most people have a "completionist" character at some point, and it's usually their first. Mine was. :D

I'd recommend to just go with the flow man, and experience all Skyrim has to offer first, THEN if it entrances you, make some more characters, and begin doing some sole-guild RP's. Those ones are the most fun, IMO.

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Lynette Wilson
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 9:52 am

Yeah. Please do not waste your time trying to roleplaying a God character who does everything. I had one of those, but roleplaying is best left to when you find that you care more about the character's personality than his/her achievements.
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 4:36 pm

Akatosh disorder.
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Aman Bhattal
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 5:02 pm

You already stated why I never do this. Trying to justify it seems kind of pointless to me.

I also out of 30+ character have never gotten one over level 45. Role-playing I just don't think someone would try to learn all those skills even if it was possible.

Just through RPing out the window and make a demi-god. Some people just like playing that way, but it's just not my style.

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 8:00 am

I would agree. But.... if you are having fun, well, that's kinda the point ain't it, in a single-player game?

Personally, a murderer and evil bastard isn't going to all of a sudden be a good guy, out of the blue, just cuz he can. Just cuz it's there. There is some DLC content in Oblivion that I've never experienced (thieves den, evil den, mehrunes razor) because my DiD good or evil characters just haven't survived long enough to make it lol.

To know, that there is still hidden content to come, is also nice. Extends your game indefinitely.

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Nienna garcia
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 2:31 pm

Assassin and Thief are pretty similar in terms of gameplay. You joined College to learn how to go invisible and be harder to detect/alchemy and Companions for something else?
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Leilene Nessel
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Post » Mon May 19, 2014 12:08 am

Well, provided you are ok with playing an evil character, I think it can be explained pretty easily.

You could be an avaricious evil mage who finds it impossible to turn down an opportunity for more gold. Hence when the TG and DB offer you jobs, you go along willingly. Alternatively, as suggested, you could be an assassin who joined the College to learn supplementary spells to aid you in your work.

The Companions are pretty much just a guild of mercenaries, so you join them to get some extra work and gold. My 2 mage characters joined the Companions when they first arrived in Whiterun with barely 20 gold to their name. It was a place that provided jobs and a bed, so why not?

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 2:12 pm

I guess it would be a problem to RP one person being Dragonborn, war hero, Companion, Listener, Thief, Archmage, Bard, Blood-kin, Blade, Forsworn ally, Vampire fighter (or lord), Daedric champion, master crafter, family person, and Thane of Everything But the Kitchen Sink all rolled into one. I guess you could RP it with considerable effort, but I'm glad I didn't bother.

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 10:22 pm

My DragonBorn is the thane of the kitchen sink :P
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Wanda Maximoff
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 4:12 pm

Power hungry character looking to control everything.
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Oyuki Manson Lavey
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 8:52 pm

In my most humble opinion, god like characters who's good at everything or head of every faction serve sooooooooooo much better as NPCs (e.g Fyr) than as protagonists.

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Charlotte Lloyd-Jones
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 10:30 am

Not my playstyle at all, but if it was, I think I would start with MQ and civil war, then go on to companions ( get the cure). This is a goodish character. Then do Dawnguard, get the disease and keep it...slowly go to the darkside, do CoW and get completely evil... TG then DB. I haven't got Dragonborn so I have no clue as to a good place to put it.

Do the "good" Deadric quests first and then as the character gets more and more dark do the "evil" Deadric quests. Throw in the Dragon Priests, so you can get that final mask. RP reason, power corrupts, the greater the power the more corrupt the person can become.

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 5:12 pm

-Character joins the thieves guild in an attempt to make money at the start of the game.

-Character kills somebody during a heist.

-Character becomes more comfortable with murder

-Character joins the Dark Brotherhood

-Character attempts to have his sins forgiven by joining the Companions.

-Character joins the civil war to help his side of choice.

-Character joins Dawnguard to further atone for his sins

-Character discovers (s)he has a magical gift

-Character joins the College of Winterhold.

-Character uses experience to finish the MQ.

-Character uses Experience to finish DB MQ.

This path is really story driven and sort of leads little room for character growth (they need to be lead down a certain path for this to happen) but this is the only way I can see every guild being completed while still maintaining some reasonable explanation for the wide array of factions.

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Steve Smith
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Post » Mon May 19, 2014 12:11 am

Currently RP'ing a character who I plan to go through each of the factions at some point. He is currently a Dark Brotherhood listener, Daedra worshiper and a member of the Volkihar court, as he is simply hungry for power in any manner that he can get it. He aims to reach unthinkable levels of power and knowledge, and has thus far abandoned any moral guidelines in this quest. However, soon he will see the light, and will be guided towards channeling his power into goodness, likely with the help of the Greybreads/Divines (haven't yet decided). This allows me to make my character extremely powerful, with the perks of completing each faction (as well as the enjoyment of experiencing the questlines again, of course), but I will also be able to get the 'dark side' out of the way, before my character turns into a respectful, caring being, as well as a super-powerful one, and that is how I plan on completing all factions but maintaining my RP'ing.

Edit: So essentially what the poster above me said; getting the 'evil' ones out of the way and using the rest as a means of repenting.

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Amy Cooper
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 5:36 pm

My personal RP preference is simply to mentally associate given characters with given quests, even if I have more than one character do a quest.

My Imperial, my Khajiit, and my Dunmer all did the MQ, but I associate my Imperial with it. Since my Imperial is currently my only character to complete the Dragonborn quest, he owns that as well.

My Imperial and my Dunmer both did the CW (both Empire), and I associate the fort assaults with the former and the more subtle missions with the latter.

My Dunmer and Khajiit did the TG quests (out to the "sell your soul to Nocturnal" part) and the CoW quests. I associate my kitty with being the thief, while my Dunmer was the mighty mage.

My Dunmer destroyed the Dark Brotherhood, no character completed it. Easy enough. She also did a few of the daedric quests, though not the ickiest ones.

While my Imperial was a Companion, he chose not to be a werewolf. My Redguard, by comparison, completed it, so I mentalize him as Harbinger.

Each of them are, of course, thane of the holds where they live. My Imperial is also thane of Whiterun, though he doesn't dwell there.

And I don't have Dawnguard, so no issue there. It might get sticky, since my Imperial would likely join the Dawnguard and my Khajiit would eagerly accept Vampire Lord status. Maybe it's a good thing I didn't get it...

Since all my characters marry different spouses, enlist different followers, own different homes, use different unique artifacts, adopt different kids, and take home different pets, they can all coexist in the same RPed Skyrim.

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Adrian Morales
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 10:48 am

There was a guy who didn't know what to do so he done everything.

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