The Polito form is dead, insect. Are you afraid? What is it you fear? The end of your trivial existence? When the history of my glory is written, your species shall only be a footnote to my magnificence. "
My avatar is SHODAN. System Shock 2's Antagonist and the best, scariest Villain in video game history. No other villain can make the player feel so small and meaningless than Her. Especially when she reveals who she is. I still get goosebumps thinking about it. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOFZ5fv_pb8. Unless you don't plan on playing System Shock 2, don't click!)
The encounter is my favorite and scariest video game experience. I sometimes get goosebumps looking at my monitor when it's shut down at night, thinking SHODAN may suddenly appear in it. ^_^
Why, it's an Awesome Dark Elf!

My avatar is logo of http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Draconis_Combine one of five successor houses in Battletech universe.
Each time I quickly glanced at your avatar, I always thought of http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs17/f/2007/138/7/a/Brotherhood_of_NOD_wallpaper_by_NeoApocalypse.jpg