» Fri May 20, 2011 3:16 am
If you are using Windows 7 or Vista, You want to install Oblivion outside of Program Files because of UAC. I have a folder on my hard drive called "Games" for Oblivion, Morrowind, Dragon Age, etc...
My hard drive looks like this,
Games <---- This is where all of my Games go, If I used Steam, Valve would be installed in this folder also
Perf Logs
Program Files
User Account Controls (UAC) is a security feature of Windows that interferes with mods, and will not allow them to work in your game without going through many steps and having to constantly give permission for them to work, the easiest way to avoid all of these problems is to install Oblivion in a user made folder.
EDIT If you are using Wrye Bash, the mod you are trying to install is doing the exact same thing as adjusting the arrow speed in Tweak Settings inside a Bashed Patch.