I was out tomb raiding & swimming along the Bitter Coast, as you do if you are a fool in the summer. I must have been somewhere between Seyda Neen and Mudanchzend, and I see something not quite right under the surface. I gulp down some water breathing potion and go in for a closer look.
At first I thought it was a Dreugh stuck in the sands, but it was actually a friendly Ash Ghoul running around on the seafloor

The poor thing couldn't work out that his destruction magic wasn't going to work underwater, so it was a bit of a one-sided fight. Quite eerie to watch his prone body float slowly up to the surface in the evening sunlight. This exchange made a change from Slaughterfish spawning on land, and unlike that I have no idea how this happened mechanics wise. This was vanilla Morrowind 1.2 with no mods affecting levelled lists.
Anything similar happen to you guys recently or back in the day?