Strange coloured areas.

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:35 pm

Recently I was surprised by this:

I guess it has to be with Screen Effects. Any clues?


Active Mod Files:00  Oblivion.esm01  Jog_X_Mod.esm02  ScreenEffects.esm03  All Natural Base.esm  [Version]04  Francesco's Leveled Creatures-Items Mod.esm  [Version 4.5bSI]05  Francesco's Optional New Items Add-On.esm  [Version 4.5bSI]06  Cobl Main.esm  [Version 1.72]07  Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esm  [Version 1.34]08  Mart's Monster Mod.esm  [Version 3.7b3p3]09  Enhanced Daedric Invasion.esm0A  TamrielTravellers.esm  [Version 1.39c]0B  FCOM_Convergence.esm  [Version 0.9.9MB3]0C  Armamentarium.esm  [Version 1.35]0D  Artifacts.esm  [Version 1.1]0E  Kvatch Rebuilt.esm0F  Better Cities Resources.esm10  CLS-Craftybits.esm11  DA Run Fatigue.esm12  Toaster Says Share v3.esm13  HorseCombatMaster.esm**  TNR - ALL RACES FINAL.esp14  Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp  [Version 3.2.0]15  Oblivion Citadel Door Fix.esp16  DLCShiveringIsles.esp17  Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp  [Version 1.4.0]18  Better Cities .esp19  Francesco's Optional Chance of Stronger Bosses.esp1A  Francesco's Optional Chance of Stronger Enemies.esp1B  Francesco's Optional Chance of More Enemies.esp1C  Francesco's Optional Leveled Guards.esp++  FCOM_Francescos.esp  [Version 0.9.9]++  FCOM_FrancescosItemsAddOn.esp  [Version 0.9.9]1D  FCOM_FrancescosNamedBosses.esp  [Version 0.9.9]1E  Fran Armor Add-on.esp1F  Fran_Lv30Item_Maltz.esp++  LoadingScreens.esp20  LoadingScreensSI.esp21  All Natural - Real Lights.esp  [Version]22  All Natural.esp  [Version]23  All Natural - SI.esp  [Version]++  Symphony of Violence.esp24  AmbientTownSounds.esp25  MIS Low Wind.esp26  MIS New Sounds Optional Part.esp27  Atmospheric Oblivion.esp28  Storms & Sound.esp29  WindowLightingSystem.esp2A  Display Stats.esp  [Version 1.2]++  Item interchange - Extraction.esp  [Version 0.78]2B  MM_TextLocks.esp2C  Musical Immersion 1.0.esp2D  RAEVWD Cities.esp  [Version 1.7]2E  RAEVWD New Sheoth.esp  [Version 1.5]2F  RAEVWD Imperial City.esp  [Version 1.7]30  Enhanced Economy.esp  [Version 4.2.1]31  FF_Real_Thirst.esp32  Choices and Consequences.esp  [Version 2.02]33  Duke Patricks - Friendship Ring For Companion Detection.esp  [Version 1.8]34  Map Marker Overhaul.esp  [Version 3.5.2]35  Map Marker Overhaul - SI additions.esp  [Version 3.5]36  STHotkeys.esp37  DLCHorseArmor.esp38  DLCHorseArmor - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.5]39  DLCOrrery.esp3A  DLCOrrery - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.3]3B  DLCVileLair.esp3C  DLCVileLair - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.5]3D  DLCMehrunesRazor.esp3E  DLCMehrunesRazor - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.4]3F  DLCSpellTomes.esp++  DLCSpellTomes - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.1]++  MaleBodyReplacerV4.esp40  Thieves Arsenal.esp++  Thieves_Arsenal_Patch_033010.esp**  Armamentium female.esp**  Roberts Armamentium female.esp41  DLCThievesDen.esp42  DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.5]43  DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch - SSSB.esp  [Version 1.0.4]44  Slof's Oblivion Robe Trader.esp45  Cobl Glue.esp  [Version 1.72]46  Cobl Si.esp  [Version 1.63]47  FF_Real_Thirst, Cobl.esp48  Bob's Armory Oblivion.esp49  FCOM_BobsArmory.esp  [Version 0.9.9]4A  Loth's Blunt Weapons for Npcs.esp++  FCOM_LothsBluntWeapons.esp  [Version 0.9.9]4B  Oblivion WarCry EV.esp  [Version 1.08a]4C  FCOM_WarCry.esp  [Version 0.9.9MB3]4D  Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esp  [Version 1.34]**  OMOBS.esp  [Version 1.0]**  OMOBS_SI.esp  [Version 1.0]4E  Choices and Consequences - OOO.esp  [Version 2.0]++  ArmamentariumLLVendors.esp  [Version 1.35]4F  OOO 1.32-Cobl.esp  [Version 1.72]++  FCOM_Cobl.esp  [Version 0.9.9]50  Mart's Monster Mod - Additional Enemy NPC Vars.esp  [Version 3.7b3p3]51  FCOM_Convergence.esp  [Version 0.9.9Mb3]++  FCOM_EntropicOrderRebalance.esp  [Version 0.9.9beta2]52  FCOM_RealSwords.esp  [Version 0.9.9]53  FCOM_DurabilityAndDamage.esp  [Version 0.9.9]++  Mart's Monster Mod - Looting NPCs & Creatures.esp  [Version 3.7b3p3]54  Mart's Monster Mod - Dungeons of MMM.esp  [Version 3.7b3p3]55  Mart's Monster Mod - Gems & Gem Dust.esp  [Version 3.7b3p3]56  Mart's Monster Mod - Hunting & Crafting.esp  [Version 3.7b3p3]57  Mart's Monster Mod - Farm Animals.esp  [Version 3.7b3p3]58  Mart's Monster Mod - Diverse WaterLife.esp  [Version 3.7b3p3]++  Mart's Monster Mod - Slof Horses Complete.esp  [Version 3.7b3p3]59  Creatures Alive v1.3.esp++  TamrielTravellerAdvscript.esp  [Version 1.40Alpha]5A  TamrielTravellers4OOO.esp  [Version 1.39c]5B  TamrielTravellersItemsCobl.esp  [Version 1.39c]5C  ShiveringIsleTravellers.esp  [Version 1.39c]++  FCOM_TamrielTravelers.esp  [Version 0.9.9]5D  kuerteeWanderingEncounters.esp++  FCOM_DiverseGuardUnity.esp  [Version 0.9.9]++  FCOM_BobsGuardUnity.esp  [Version 0.9.9]++  FCOM_HungersUnitySI.esp  [Version 0.9.9]**  FCOM_Archery.esp  [Version 0.9.9]++  Mart's Monster Mod - Shivering Isles.esp  [Version 3.7b3p3]++  ArmamentariumLL4OOO.esp  [Version 2.01]++  ArmamentariumLLMagicOOO.esp  [Version 1.35]++  PersuasionOverhaul_OOO.esp  [Version 1.2]++  PersuasionOverhaul_MMM.esp  [Version 1.2]**  Fransfemale.esp5E  LoadingScreens-OOO.esp5F  OOO-WaterFish.esp  [Version 1.34]++  MMM-Cobl.esp  [Version 1.69]**  EVE_StockEquipmentReplacer4FCOM.esp**  EVE_StockEquipmentReplacer for OOO.esp60  Artifacts.esp  [Version 1.1]**  ArtifactsFemaleArmor.esp++  Artifacts - ArmaCompleteAddon.esp  [Version 1.0]61  ImpeREAL Empire - Unique Forts.esp62  Corpse_Kvatch.esp63  Kvatch Rebuilt.esp++  Kvatch Rebuilt - OOO Compatibility.esp64  Kvatch Rebuilt - Leveled Guards - FCOM.esp65  TheForgottenShields.esp66  NRB4+ForgottonShields Patch.esp67  thievery.esp68  thievery - EE patch.esp  [Version 4.2]69  WOTFH_1.3.esp6A  DLCFrostcrag.esp6B  DLCFrostcrag - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.4]6C  Knights.esp6D  Knights - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.9]**  EVE_KnightsoftheNine.esp6E  AFK_Weye.esp  [Version 2.1.COBL]++  FCOM_Knights.esp  [Version 0.9.9Mb3]++  FCOM_SlofsRobeTrader.esp  [Version 0.9.9]6F  Enhanced Daedric Invasion.esp++  FCOM_EnhancedDaedricInvasion.esp  [Version 0.9.9]70  ElsweyrAnequina.esp71  road+bridges.esp  [Version 4.5.7]72  Duke Patricks Sickness Alarm.esp  [Version 3]73  Duke Patricks - Dont Be A Soch.esp  [Version 2.6]74  JQ-Fighters_Guild_United.esp++  FCOM_FighterGUnited.esp++  FCOM_UnofficialFranArmorAddon.esp  [Version 0.9.9]75  Harvest [Flora].esp  [Version 3.0.0]++  Harvest [Flora] - Shivering Isles.esp  [Version 3.0.0]++  Harvest [Flora] - DLCVileLair.esp  [Version 3.0.0]76  Harvest [Flora] - DLCFrostcrag.esp  [Version 3.0.0]77  DS Portable Sorters.esp  [Version 1.1]78  Dungeon Actors Have Torches 1.6 DT.esp79  Exterior Actors Have Torches 1.3 DT.esp7A  HelmetFOV.esp7B  ImmersiveHealthIndication.esp7C  Kyoma's Journal Mod.esp  [Version 3.2.1]7D  kuerteeInventoryIsABackpack.esp7E  P1DkeyChain.esp  [Version 5.00]7F  PersuasionOverhaul.esp  [Version 1.43]80  RenCorpseMod.esp81  Enhanced Vegetation [150%].esp++  Short Grass V3.esp82  Storms & Sound - AFK_Weye.esp83  Storms & Sound - Better Cities.esp84  Toggleable Quantity Prompt.esp  [Version 3.1.1]85  CLS-Craftybits.esp  [Version 6]86  Enhanced Economy - House prices.esp  [Version 1.0]87  Alternative Start by Robert Evrae.esp88  RealisticFatigue.esp89  DA Fatigued Running.esp++  DA ReducedBackwardsRunningSpeed.esp8A  DA Sprint.esp8B  RealisticForceMedium.esp8C  RealSleepExtended.esp  [Version 2.4.2]8D  FearsomeMagicka.esp8E  Cure Disease Overhaul - Deadly Diseases (OBSE).esp8F  RshAlchemy.esp90  RshAlchemyRecipes.esp91  Enchantment Enhanced.esp92  EnchantmentRestore.esp++  EnchantmentRestore_Wells.esp93  attack and hide medium v2.0.esp94  kuerteeNoLootingDuringCombat.esp95  RenGuardOverhaul.esp96  Enhanced Grabbing.esp  [Version 0.5]97  Denock Arrows.esp98  Duke Patricks - Double Arrow Nock Shot.esp  [Version 1.5.1a]99  CombatFPSOptimizer.esp++  All Natural Combat FPS Optimizer Updated Patch.esp9A  Deadly Reflex 5 - Timed block and 150% damage.esp9B  DeadlyReflex 5 - Combat Moves.esp9C  Duke Patricks - Near Miss Magic And Arrows Alert The Target.esp  [Version 7.1]9D  Duke Patricks - Everyone Or Just Vampires Now Bob And Weave.esp9E  Duke Patricks - Actors Can Miss Now.esp9F  Duke Patricks - Fresh Kills Now Alert The NPCs.esp  [Version 3.4]A0  Duke Patricks - Basic Combat Geometry.esp  [Version 1.6]A1  Duke Patricks - Smash of the Titans.espA2  Smarter Mercantile Leveling - Multi.espA3  Intelligence Overhaul.espA4  Oblivion XP.esp  [Version 4.1.5]++  Oblivion XP - Journal Mod Patch.espA5  Let There Be Darkness - Cyrodiil + SI.esp++  Item interchange - Placement for FCOM.esp  [Version 0.78]++  Item interchange - Placement for Frostcrag.esp  [Version 0.78]++  Item interchange - Placement for Frostcrag Reborn.esp  [Version 0.76]++  Item interchange - Placement for Frostcrag Spire Revisited.esp  [Version 0.76]++  Item interchange - Option, Ingredients in Bulk.esp  [Version 0.78]++  Item interchange - Option, Ingredients in Bulk, reduced.esp  [Version 0.76]++  EVE_KhajiitFix.espA6  TSS Custom Companion  Template.espA7  Toaster Says Share Faction Recruitment.espA8  bgBalancingEVCore.esp  [Version 10.52EV-D]++  TamrielTravellers Cosmetics Cobl or RBP.espA9  bgMagicEV.esp  [Version 1.7EV]++  bgMagicSpellTomes_for_WryeBash.esp  [Version 1.68EV]++  bgMagicItemSigil.esp  [Version 1.68EV]AA  bgMagicBonus.esp  [Version 1.7EV]++  bgMagicEVAddEnVar.esp  [Version 1.68EV]AB  bgMagicEVPaperChase.esp  [Version 1.68EV]AC  bgMagicAlchemy.esp  [Version 1.57]AD  bgMagicPotionNumberSoulGemValue.esp  [Version 1.68UV]++  bgBalancingEVOptionalClasses.esp  [Version 9.0EV-U]++  bgBalancingEVOptionalMoreEyes.esp  [Version 10]**  bgBalancingEVOptionalNPCDiversity, TNR Merge.esp  [Version 10.0EV-D]++  bgBalancingEVOptionalFCOMAdditions.esp  [Version 10.]AE  bgBalancingEVLAMEAddition.esp  [Version 10.51EV-D]++  bgBalancingEVLAMEGlue.esp  [Version 10.0EV-D1.62EV]**  bgBalancingEVOptionalNPCDiversityLAME.esp  [Version 10.5EV-D]AF  Better Cities Full.espB0  Better Cities - Thievery.espB1  Better Imperial City.espB2  Better Imperial City FPS Patch.espB3  Better Cities - COBL.esp  [Version 2.1]B4  Better Cities Full FPS Patch.espB5  Francesco's 10 days respawn time - 1-20 day lenght rescale.espB6  Duke Patricks - Magic you can believe in.esp++  bgMagicShaderLifeDetect.esp  [Version 1.68]B7  bgMagicLightningbolt.espB8  Get Wet.esp**  Real Lava 1.3.espB9  ScreenControls.esp**  Enhanced Economy - Soulgems.esp  [Version 4.2.1]BA  Real Hunger, Cobl.esp  [Version 1.6.1]**  NRB4 Standard Road Record.esp++  Cobl Filter Late MERGE ONLY.esp  [Version 1.53]BB  Cobl Silent Equip Misc.esp  [Version 01]**  All Natural - Indoor Weather Filter For Mods.esp  [Version]BC  Bashed Patch, 0.espBD  Duke Patricks - SCA Shield Tricks.esp  [Version 1.5]BE  Duke Patrick's SCA style combat NO RECOIL Silver Edition 5p1.espBF  Duke Patricks - Combat Archery.esp  [Version 3.2]C0  Duke Patricks - BASIC Script Effect Silencer.espC1  FormID Finder4.espC2  Streamline 3.1.esp

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Jason King
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:44 am

Isn't that and LOD or one of those distant load data problems?
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jessica Villacis
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:31 pm

Excuse me, but I did not understand you, hehe. *^^*

I try my best, but I'm spanish. :P

Are u saying that two of my mods conflict or that it is a known problem?
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:48 pm

I have had that problem before, but I cannot remember the cause (or whether or not I even figured out what that was.) Are you using any DLOD replacers? Are you using TES4LODGen? Try uninstalling mods that replace LOD files, and (if you use TES4LODGen) re-run it.
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CArla HOlbert
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:50 pm

Yes, I'm using LOD replacers, and yes, I use TES4LODGen.

Ok, I'l try it.

Thanks. :)
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Kortknee Bell
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:11 am

Have you adjusted the lighting distance in your ini file? Doing so will cause problems with VWD objects in the game causing things like that to happen. You can only increase the distance a certain amount before you start getting odd lighting appearing in your VWD objects. And why are you running CombatFPSOptimizer and Streamline at the same time? They both do the same thing, though Streamline also does much, much more. Get rid of CombatFPSOptimizer, you don't need it.
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Vicki Blondie
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:23 pm

Finally got the culprit, if anyone wants to know: Oblivion PolyGone Overhaul.

Thanks for the help to everyone.
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Noraima Vega
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:22 pm

Finally got the culprit, if anyone wants to know: Oblivion PolyGone Overhaul.

Thanks for the help to everyone.

That thing is so bugged. I can't believe I forgot to move that over to the outdated mods page on my new site. I had it there on the old one -

@Belanos: CombatFPSOptimizer was recently updated. I downloaded the update, but I have yet to try it. The description says to just disable Streamline's StreamSmooth features, and even mentions using it with Streamline and OSR (or that is what I took from how the description phrased that conflict.)
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Joe Bonney
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:39 pm

@Belanos: CombatFPSOptimizer was recently updated. I downloaded the update, but I have yet to try it. The description says to just disable Streamline's StreamSmooth features, and even mentions using it with Streamline and OSR (or that is what I took from how the description phrased that conflict.)

Well that would be very foolish disabling Streamsmooth as it works in more than just combat situations. And AFAIK, you can't just turn off Streamsmooth during combat, it's all or nothing. So what would be the point in using the combat optimizer when Streamline does so much more that that?
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:51 pm

Well that would be very foolish disabling Streamsmooth as it works in more than just combat situations. And AFAIK, you can't just turn off Streamsmooth during combat, it's all or nothing. So what would be the point in using the combat optimizer when Streamline does so much more that that?

I don't know... Maybe the mod is supposed to be used in conjunction with OSR or something. The description is not very clear, but many users will see the update date and not the ReadMe's description of what the mod does. If they did read the ReadMe, Streamline's ReadMe clearly shows much more than combat FPS optimization.

Edit: The improvements sound nice, but, again, I have not tested this mod at all -
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Dina Boudreau
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:49 pm

It is streamsight what we have to disable when using Combat FPS Optimizer. I saw it in the readme.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:54 pm

It is streamsight what we have to disable when using Combat FPS Optimizer. I saw it in the readme.

I see. I was reading the "Other Suggestions" settings, and the "this" it was referring to must be OSR. that means this mod is supposed to replace StreamSight. OSR replaces StreamSmooth. All right, so what do we use for Purge Cell Buffer managment. I leave Streamline in for that, the distant fog (which also has had alternatives released separately, twice, this summer) PCB management and auto-saves. I have see Kuertee's mod, and I still want to keep Streamline's StreamSave feature just for the auto-saves.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:29 pm

But, is it not recommended to disable the autosaves? And what is PCB? *^^*

And what two alternatives have been released for the fog thing?

I'm sorry, but I want to know. :P

I'm using Streamline but I have disabled the streampurge and autosave.
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:29 am

But, is it not recommended to disable the autosaves? And what is PCB? *^^*

And what two alternatives have been released for the fog thing?

I'm sorry, but I want to know. :P

It is recommended that you disable Oblivion's built-in auto-save feature. That is why users suggest using alternative features offered by mods such as Streamline and the mod made by Kuertee. I am pretty sure there is at least one other auto-save mod out there that sounded interesting to me. Here it is -

PCB = Purge Cell Buffer (memory management tool)

RedBag - Fog -
Sfon DeltaNovus' LOD fog -

This is my latest package list. (None of these are actually installed at the moment. All of the "++" package are all red.)
Bain Packages:000 - ==Last==001 - ==UTILITIES==++ 002 - Actor (747F1356) (Installed)-- 003 - Adrenaline-Fueled (B85C872C) (Not Installed)-- 004 - Auto Book Placer (OBSE)-13962.rar (A76F8E37) (Not Installed)-- 005 - Auto-Save and (6AD83BB4) (Not Installed)-- 006 - Automatic Timescale-27352.rar (E192FD92) (Not Installed)-- 007 - (34F98AD4) (Not Installed)-- 008 - Birthsign (4C917A99) (Not Installed)-- 009 - Books of Console-24833.rar (4D070B32) (Not Installed)-- 010 - Chase Camera (0744A43D) (Not Installed)-- 011 - Combat FPS Optimizer Updated-33627.7z (3240E68A) (Not Installed)-- 012 - Display Stats-31855.rar (C52E15B5) (Not Installed)++ 013 - FormID Finder-16704.7z (1E1A14D3) (Installed)-- 014 - My Voice Extender-29067.7z (49C5661D) (Not Installed)-- 015 - P-Froggy's Automatic NPC Respawner-32442.rar (0D11240F) (Not Installed)++ 016 - (D85B4114) (Installed)-- 017 - Shivering Isles Door Usable-14739.7z (727E7605) (Not Installed)++ 018 - Streamline 3.1-22170.7z (592E2C96) (Installed)-- 019 - Vanity Camera (85BBF29D) (Not Installed)-- 020 - Weapon Values Displayed-31163.7z (D48D1BFA) (Not Installed)-- 021 - You Are (869263AF) (Not Installed)022 - ==GAMEPLAY CHANGES & TWEAKS==++ 023 - aaaBorsBedrolls v1.4-21944.7z (BFF5509F) (Installed)-- 024 - Alternate Start-3973.7z (5AB2EA2B) (Not Installed)-- 025 - Armorer's (F8305FD8) (Not Installed)-- 026 - Better Blocking-27947.7z (E1D63DE1) (Not Installed)-- 027 - Better Music (7907862F) (Not Installed)-- 028 - Better Music System for Shivering (650AC289) (Not Installed)-- 029 - Book Placement 2.0-6262.7z (42B2736B) (Not Installed)-- 030 - Battle Bullet Time - Slow Motion-19496.7z (BD3CE593) (Not Installed)-- 031 - Casting (680E4162) (Not Installed)-- 032 - Claim That Interior-27951.7z (BED59F3A) (Not Installed)-- 033 - Cobl (8D4DCA34) (Not Installed)-- 034 - Combat Speechcraft-31535.7z (4FB87FD1) (Not Installed)-- 035 - Crime Has (6A1F80E1) (Not Installed)++ 036 - Deadlier (119FAC94) (Installed)-- 037 - Decorator (1DD0C35D) (Not Installed)++ 038 - DLT OBSE-16282.7z (9853B055) (Installed)-- 039 - Dude Where's My (33F64B70) (Not Installed)++ 040 - Enchantment Restore Over (85AB7925) (Installed)-- 041 - FF Real Thirst - Cobl-15168.7z (189A6A8E) (Not Installed)-- 042 - FF Real (E565A58F) (Not Installed)-- 043 - Finders Keepers-14316.rar (9FE43043) (Not Installed)-- 044 - Goranga Dating System-31576.7z (78DDC1AE) (Not Installed)-- 045 - Goranga Restaurant Job-31514.7z (A1D0000D) (Not Installed)++ 046 - Grandmaster of (72EDE6C1) (Installed)++ 047 - Horse (1D531652) (Installed)-- 048 - Hov's (4E60C1A6) (Not Installed)++ 049 - Legendary (7208EA8B) (Installed)-- 050 - Living Economy-4432.7z (EEEE4D23) (Not Installed)-- 051 - Lore Dialogue (C0C0F197) (Not Installed)-- 052 - Mass (CCF62D24) (Not Installed)-- 053 - Mounted Combat (D42E2BE3) (Not Installed)-- 054 - No More Annoying Comments About Your Skills-4774.rar (217EEF93) (Not Installed)-- 055 - No More Annoying Messages Fixed-4988.rar (F9E07AE1) (Not Installed)-- 056 - No More Annoying (E7AA9D0E) (Not Installed)++ 057 - No Psychic Guards-11911.7z (BA62F84A) (Installed)-- 058 - NPCs Alive Release (87E4DCE1) (Not Installed)-- 059 - NPCs (73E37055) (Not Installed)-- 060 - Oblivifall - Ambiant Sound (DB519F20) (Not Installed)-- 061 - Oblivifall - Closing (CB47AD0D) (Not Installed)-- 062 - Oblivifall - Let Us (345DDF90) (Not Installed)-- 063 - Oblivifall - Master (B5CFF00F) (Not Installed)-- 064 - Oblivifall - Something Is Not (2B84EB74) (Not Installed)++ 065 - OMOBS-28537.7z (EB1E2FED) (Installed)++ 066 - Persuasion Overhaul-12367.7z (1A2FAC96) (Installed)-- 067 - Phitt's Phighting Phixes-32651.7z (3ECF2058) (Not Installed)++ 068 - PiiiP - Enhanced Grabbing-19847.7z (3837B5D7) (Installed)++ 069 - (57DEFF12) (Installed)++ 070 - Progress - Transaction-based Mercantile (BD284458) (Installed)++ 071 - Quest Award Leveler-13536.7z (44837166) (Installed)-- 072 - Real Hunger - (D5F1BBA6) (Not Installed)-- 073 - Real Sleep Extended-24649.rar (4F78C802) (Not Installed)++ 074 - Realistic Physics and Force (70B2EBF5) (Installed)-- 075 - Regional Music of (D99235C6) (Not Installed)-- 076 - Realistic Ragdolls and Force-21572.rar (1B8C19EF) (Not Installed)++ 077 - Regrowing Nirnroot (BE8CF8F3) (Installed)++ 078 - Reneer's Guard (219297A8) (Installed)-- 079 - Reneer's KeyLock (1CC2FB40) (Not Installed)-- 080 - RGO OBSE Config-19779.rar (7178C42A) (Not Installed)-- 081 - Reneer's Varied NPC (20470818) (Not Installed)-- 082 - SM Combat (67558F0A) (Not Installed)++ 083 - SM Encumberance & (9A113B2A) (Installed)-- 084 - SM Hand (D2892FE3) (Not Installed)-- 085 - SM Regional (9B4385BB) (Not Installed)-- 086 - Smarter Mercantile Leveling-10947.7z (742CD513) (Not Installed)++ 087 - Start Choices-23757.7z (8867CBB1) (Installed)-- 088 - Stealth Overhaul Cobl-29632.7z (517CC084) (Not Installed)-- 089 - Stealth Overhaul-6359.rar (5A61BA55) (Not Installed)-- 090 - Stealth Overhaul (DD58FD8F) (Not Installed)++ 091 - Supreme (1D06B0F1) (Installed)-- 092 - Supreme Magicka (old) (0F6D0BE7) (Not Installed)-- 093 - Try Before You Buy-24477.7z (14F62C02) (Not Installed)-- 094 - Visibly Unlimted Rings and Amulets-27260.7z (622AACA2) (Not Installed)++ 095 - Willful (59F0B5CF) (Installed)096 - ==COMPANIONS & NPCS==-- 097 - Arena (D2B1168C) (Not Installed)-- 098 - Better Inns and New Home Owners-29333.7z (906F76FA) (Not Installed)++ 099 - CM Partners Mod-7819.7z (B0A3AAE4) (Installed)-- 100 - Companion Wardrobe (C4C3E2AF) (Not Installed)-- 101 - Companionship Ring-18461.rar (AB783BB6) (Not Installed)-- 102 - Companion Vilja-28977.7z (BF7DB802) (Not Installed)-- 103 - Cyrodiil Travel Services-21999.7z (75D0B659) (Not Installed)-- 104 - Delivery Job-33191.7z (AFF35804) (Not Installed)-- 105 - Goranga's Traveling Merchant-33499.7z (8D5E6EA1) (Not Installed)-- 106 - Companion Vilja 2.2-28977.7z (4DFBCDB8) (Not Installed)-- 107 - Companion-Friendly Inns-33475.7z (582803D2) (Not Installed)-- 108 - Healers-24868.7z (F5EA8A58) (Not Installed)-- 109 - Jjinx's Morrowind Style Argonians-13444.rar (5599FBF3) (Not Installed)-- 110 - Mannimarco Revisited-14200.7z (AA9CFB13) (Not Installed)-- 111 - Mero Trading-8032.7z (C1C28C80) (Not Installed)-- 112 - Populated Prisons-25232.7z (8223E996) (Not Installed)++ 113 - Salmo the Baker-8435.rar (2AF5B2DB) (Installed)++ 114 - PyFFI-Optimized Salmo the Baker Meshes.7z (027B2222) (Installed)-- 115 - Roaming NPCs-32747.7z (30606D25) (Not Installed)-- 116 - Setsuna Dummy Training-27259.rar (6DC56D6D) (Not Installed)++ 117 - Tamriel NPCs Revamped.7z (0D8048F6) (Installed)++ 118 - Tamriel Travellers-4387.7z (0CEA7A45) (Installed)++ 119 - PyFFI-Optimized TT Meshes.7z (4976F8F3) (Installed)++ 120 - Tamriel Traveller Advscript.7z (7D25458A) (Installed)++ 121 - Tamriel Travellers Cosmetic Cobl or RBP.7z (75E51E5E) (Installed)++ 122 - Tamriel Travellers Horse Textures-16407.7z (7A376E4E) (Installed)++ 123 - Travellers Belt-4387.7z (E81BDBD9) (Installed)++ 124 - PyFFI-Optimized Travellers Belt Meshes.7z (A70644ED) (Installed)-- 125 - Viconia - The Underdark Saga-15200.rar (C790997B) (Not Installed)-- 126 - Viconia - The Underdark Saga v12 Patch-15200.rar (453742B9) (Not Installed)++ 127 - Viconia DeVir - The Underdark Saga Part One-15200.7z (99700798) (Installed)-- 128 - Viconia DeVir - The Underdark Saga Part Three-15200.7z (417E8F57) (Not Installed)-- 129 - Vilja Update 1.02-28977.7z (28A315E7) (Not Installed)-- 130 - Viconia PI Combat Fix-15200.rar (D50F45C3) (Not Installed)-- 131 - Viconia PIII Combat Fix-15200.rar (478FE7B5) (Not Installed)132 - ==ANIMATION REPLACERS & IDLE ANIMS==-- 133 - Actor's Emotions-13193.7z (9B91CB8F) (Not Installed)++ 134 - Actors In (86EEE616) (Installed)-- 135 - CTAddPose Gaff English-30841.rar (033F3715) (Not Installed)-- 136 - CTAddPose - OTPair (6C7D82A5) (Not Installed)-- 137 - CTAddpose LE02-23667.7z (17BBCA00) (Not Installed)-- 138 - DMCStylish-16459.7z (AF63ADD4) (Not Installed)-- 139 - DMC Stylish (first person)-16459.7z (92FBB361) (Not Installed)-- 140 - DMC Stylish (third person)-16459.7z (EE62B533) (Not Installed)-- 141 - DMC Stylish - Sword Dancer-16459.7z (5AEC6156) (Not Installed)-- 142 - EFG Edited-13193.rar (00C00650) (Not Installed)-- 143 - Idle Poses Replacer (No Weapons)-16500.rar (BC71462A) (Not Installed)-- 144 - Idle Poses Replacer-16500.rar (9C529462) (Not Installed)-- 145 - Lain Pose.7z (92A860D3) (Not Installed)-- 146 - NPC Control-26362.7z (D7CFDCD7) (Not Installed)-- 147 - OSR Pose.7z (AF51CF03) (Not Installed)-- 148 - OSR Poses-18437.7z (6EDB1912) (Not Installed)-- 149 - Pretty Woman (Animation Replacer)-32572.7z (8A14A4C0) (Not Installed)-- 150 - Real Walk for Females-27954.rar (6F7983CB) (Not Installed)++ 151 - See You (4316AFB9) (Installed)++ 152 - Sensual Walks Patch ESPs-28223.7z (DFBC6FC1) (Installed)-- 153 - Slof's Manly Stride-24820.7z (5DFB532E) (Not Installed)-- 154 - Umpa Dance Animation-14574.7z (113ED1D0) (Not Installed)-- 155 - Umpa Disco Idol Dance-15494.7z (2E47A50A) (Not Installed)156 - ==NEW BUILDINGS & LANDS==-- 157 - Adense Epic Dungeon-27520.7z (B721566D) (Not Installed)-- 158 - Adense Epic Dungeon Updated-27520.7z (CD680AAE) (Not Installed)++ 159 - Alchemist Cave - COBL-15474.7z (D9B11270) (Installed)++ 160 - Bank of Cyrodiil-3172.7z (5F76C42D) (Installed)-- 161 - Barad Dur-23968.rar (AB498880) (Not Installed)-- 162 - Bravil Sea Domes-9388.7z (6268147E) (Not Installed)-- 163 - Castle Domrose-7676.7z (C9A18467) (Not Installed)++ 164 - Glenvar Castle-8235.7z (AD315745) (Installed)++ 165 - PyFFI-Optimized Glenvar Castle Meshes.7z (B55A4722) (Installed)++ 166 - Glenvar Castle - Voice and Lip-sync Add-on-19520.7z (439CD457) (Installed)-- 167 - Hoarfrost Castle-14714.7z (E44B7126) (Not Installed)-- 168 - Lost Chapel-29740.rar (0B1B5903) (Not Installed)-- 169 - Nascosto Isles-9321.7z (5A0D473B) (Not Installed)-- 170 - Millstone Farm COBL-29126.7z (CB65B93D) (Not Installed)-- 171 - Millstone Farm Paintings-29126.7z (31B49958) (Not Installed)-- 172 - Millstone Fram - UL Patches-29126.7z (5FFFED3D) (Not Installed)-- 173 - Mountain Tower-3384.7z (E56DD254) (Not Installed)-- 174 - Shadowcrest Vineyard COBL-22810.7z (C24B9C58) (Not Installed)-- 175 - Shadowcrest Vineyard Guard Addon-22810.7z (8730AFB0) (Not Installed)-- 176 - Thermae Bath Mod-9800.7z (ED37E9C1) (Not Installed)++ 177 - Vaults of Cyrodiil-9357.7z (C5C0CB13) (Installed)178 - ==NEW ITEMS==++ 179 - Adonnay's Classical Weaponry-9185.7z (87BD1929) (Installed)++ 180 - Adonnay's Elven Weaponry-4804.7z (A05C384D) (Installed)++ 181 - Adonnay's (C8C43358) (Installed)-- 182 - Adonnay's Ranger Coats-12641.7z (A6132DD6) (Not Installed)-- 183 - Agea Karan Heavy (738F3489) (Not Installed)-- 184 - Agea Karan Light Version-25759.rar (49C87FE2) (Not Installed)-- 185 - AlexScorpion - Elven Elite Armor 1.1-16504.7z (26734B23) (Not Installed)-- 186 - AlexScorpion - Golden and Silver Katanas-19960.7z (8F6BEDE6) (Not Installed)++ 187 - Alyx Vance Outfit-16091.rar (6B509A4D) (Installed)++ 188 - Ancient Silver Armor-15221.7z (01ADB50C) (Installed)-- 189 - Apachii Goddess Store-13437.7z (CE06DCEA) (Not Installed)-- 190 - Apachii Heroes Store-22962.7z (74E3266E) (Not Installed)-- 191 - Armamentarium Complete Resources-18417.7z (0C563558) (Not Installed)-- 192 - PyFFI-Optimized Robert F Arma Meshes.7z (5AF0624D) (Not Installed)-- 193 - PyFFI-Optimized Robert M Arma Meshes.7z (F3035B09) (Not Installed)-- 194 - Armamentarium Complete-18417.7z (003AAA54) (Not Installed)-- 195 - Armamentarium-13884.7z (AEFDD79F) (Not Installed)-- 196 - Artifacts-25309.7z (77BB9A6F) (Not Installed)-- 197 - PyFFI-Optimized Artifact Meshes.7z (8D3ED188) (Not Installed)-- 198 - Artifacts Roberts Female-25309.7z (44406429) (Not Installed)-- 199 - Artifacts Roberts Male-25309.7z (2C84F5D0) (Not Installed)-- 200 - PyFFI-Optimized Artifacts Robert Meshes.7z (E1AFC847) (Not Installed)-- 201 - Ayleid Amulets-6798.rar (7AD595D0) (Not Installed)-- 202 - Ayleid Meteoric Weapons - Nico's Bow Replacer-9519.rar (0BB7CC0D) (Not Installed)++ 203 - Bag of (0FAA1D77) (Installed)++ 204 - The Black Cat Jewelry Store - Daedric Statues-7412.7z (0B08DB7A) (Installed)++ 205 - Bob's Armory.7z (80FFBB75) (Installed)++ 206 - PyFFI-Optimized Bob's Armory Meshes.7z (E1E1F37A) (Installed)-- 207 - Capes and (A36DF99B) (Not Installed)-- 208 - PyFFI-Optimized Capes and Cloaks Meshes.7z (E9551536) (Not Installed)++ 209 - Classy Clothing Compendium-28643.7z (0A1DA265) (Installed)-- 210 - Colonial Clothing-28753.7z (D13CA079) (Not Installed)++ 211 - Comfortable Clothing-17558.rar (DE436F35) (Installed)++ 212 - Robert F - Comfortable Clothing-17590.7z (88D9AAE2) (Installed)++ 213 - Robert M - Comfortable Clothing-17590.7z (ACB69216) (Installed)-- 214 - Custom Paintings-3005.rar (365B3208) (Not Installed)++ 215 - Dark Adventuress Bow Set-29589.7z (C91DA71A) (Installed)-- 216 - Deadly Shadows-22192.7z (AEB4A6C3) (Not Installed)++ 217 - Direnni's Advanced Alchemy (DF15C190) (Installed)-- 218 - Dread Knight Armor-24850.7z (9D5AE269) (Not Installed)-- 219 - Dread Knight Weapons Addon-24850.7z (46185BFC) (Not Installed)++ 220 - Dwemer (04C823F3) (Installed)++ 221 - Elegant Vests 1.0-3901.7z (9DEC5AB5) (Installed)-- 222 - Elven Elite Weapons-31343.7z (8B08BF57) (Not Installed)-- 223 - Exnem Rune (4D3A03F3) (Not Installed)++ 224 - GC Draqed Gowns & Dresses-7187.7z (2D85A29C) (Installed)++ 225 - GC Gowns & Dresses-7141.7z (DED1A8CB) (Installed)++ 226 - Her Hand's Armor-15111.7z (87BCD7A6) (Installed)++ 227 - Imperial (75953375) (Installed)++ 228 - KD Circlets OOO Optimized-10670.7z (27CE2090) (Installed)++ 229 - PyFFI-Optimized KD Circlets Meshes.7z (CC8049F2) (Installed)-- 230 - Lera's Clothes for Men-13966.7z (A7A651EA) (Not Installed)++ 231 - Loth's Blunt Weapons-12939.rar (E14D8906) (Installed)++ 232 - PyFFI-Optimized Loth's Blunt Weapons Meshes.7z (F7CBEA08) (Installed)++ 233 - Mage Equipment-18875.7z (8E6546B9) (Installed)++ 234 - PyFFI-Optimized Mage Equipment Meshes.7z (B4B7FFA7) (Installed)-- 235 - MD Saddlebags-2008.7z (A81CFFED) (Not Installed)++ 236 - Myths and Legends-5902.7z (5266CA92) (Installed)++ 237 - Necro Armour-27163.7z (6BC170B1) (Installed)-- 238 - Nico's Scimitars-16204.7z (05F0F474) (Not Installed)++ 239 - Nightshade Armor-14999.7z (F359AA60) (Installed)++ 240 - Nightshade Armor Icons-17895.rar (852F34C4) (Installed)-- 241 - Phitt's Artifacts-29931.7z (911DD4EF) (Not Installed)-- 242 - Panzer Kleidung and Weapons-12996.7z (1DB5269C) (Not Installed)++ 243 - Pure Steel Blade-9376.7z (C06DA98D) (Installed)++ 244 - Reznod (25BABB3F) (Installed)-- 245 - Robert F - Armamentarium Complete-18417.7z (AB94145D) (Not Installed)++ 246 - Robert F - Bloodlust-20597.rar (8105483A) (Installed)++ 247 - Blue and White-29827.7z (0BA67A0F) (Installed)++ 248 - Robert F - Blue and White-30041.7z (6CD81E81) (Installed)++ 249 - Robert F - Exnem's Sorceress Outfit-20600.rar (D458C5FE) (Installed)++ 250 - Robert F - Eyren's Vampire Hunter (6D56C21B) (Installed)++ 251 - Robert F - Khajiit Tail Fix-24337.7z (F195F769) (Installed)++ 252 - Robert F - Namira's Embrace Armour.7z (47E81C83) (Installed)++ 253 - Robert F - Rogue Mage & Scoundrel Outfits-17687.7z (7836A180) (Installed)++ 254 - Robert F - Shadow Silk Outfit-17485.7z (2C153197) (Installed)++ 255 - Robert F - Sinblood's Black Courtesan Dress-17626.7z (57B9D0EA) (Installed)++ 256 - Robert F - Sinblood's Black Dress-17609.7z (944A82FF) (Installed)++ 257 - Robert F - Steph's Loincloths.7z (2D443B6F) (Installed)++ 258 - Robert F - Thieves' Vest-23121.7z (747CCD6C) (Installed)++ 259 - Robert M - Adelina.7z (45EF030A) (Installed)-- 260 - Robert M - Armamentarium Complete-18417.7z (928721CC) (Not Installed)++ 261 - Robert M - Black Luster.7z (C5988C3F) (Installed)++ 262 - Robert M - Colonial Clothing-28753.7z (D13CA079) (Installed)-- 263 - Robert M - Lost Paladins of the Divines-10505.7z (2ED9BBA7) (Not Installed)++ 264 - Robert M - Sinful Mage Outfits-21850.7z (8848426C) (Installed)++ 265 - Robert M - Sorcerer Outfits.7z (4CE93753) (Installed)++ 266 - Robert M - Theif Garb-27902.7z (876381DF) (Installed)++ 267 - Robert M - Tribute Armor-23382.7z (77A5FE88) (Installed)++ 268 - Vermillion and Silverthorn (E58C6583) (Installed)++ 269 - PyFFI-Optimized Vermillion and Silverthorn Meshes.7z (FDDB1EC8) (Installed)++ 270 - Warlock Gear-13105.7z (43E78993) (Installed)++ 271 - Xiamara's New Amulets-13360.7z (1702AD0C) (Installed)++ 272 - PyFFI-Optimized Xiamara Amulets Meshes.7z (6FD16A45) (Installed)++ 273 - Xiamara's New Amulets - OOO,FCOM-24432.7z (2F8C2632) (Installed)274 - ==ASlof's Mods' Dependencies==-- 275 - Agea Karan Glow-25759.rar (394E4AAF) (Not Installed)++ 276 - Blackheart and Gizmodian Robes-19915.7z (D7969B31) (Installed)++ 277 - Featherwynd - Amazon Priestess-28151.7z (518F7B99) (Installed)-- 278 - Korana's Acolyte of Kynareth HGEC-27530.7z (C8F6763F) (Not Installed)-- 279 - Silverlight Chainmail Retex-29163.7z (482CA34E) (Not Installed)++ 280 - Warglaives-28723.7z (D3D34DA4) (Installed)++ 281 - Warglaives - cuirasses without feathers-28723.7z (5CD9F4BD) (Installed)++ 282 - Warglaives - no emissive color-28723.7z (D612760D) (Installed)283 - ==AlienSlof's Mods==++ 284 - Slof & Kikai - Male Clothing-21934.7z (DEF94244) (Installed)-- 285 - Slof & Tanya - Heavenly Sword.7z (AFEE5C23) (Not Installed)-- 286 - Slof's Agea Karan (M)-30650.7z (64E61455) (Not Installed)-- 287 - Slof's Agea Karan Male Version-30650.7z (64E61455) (Not Installed)-- 288 - Slof's Amazon Armour-31653.7z (D1B7B569) (Not Installed)-- 289 - Slof's Better Beasts (Rob M,F)-24359.7z (265C950E) (Not Installed)-- 290 - Slof's Bondage Gear-31092.7z (8B362D60) (Not Installed)-- 291 - Slof's Kitana Outfit-31659.7z (972D3CCB) (Not Installed)-- 292 - Slof's Kogane Ranger (M)-31087.7z (EDA67C14) (Not Installed)-- 293 - Slof's Kogane Ritual Armor (M)-30986.7z (65919B6E) (Not Installed)-- 294 - Slof's Sea Armour-31657.7z (3D46924D) (Not Installed)-- 295 - Slof's Shadowsilk-31654.7z (FF613A0C) (Not Installed)-- 296 - Slof's Acolyte of Kyraneth-32993.7z (1D11DE65) (Not Installed)-- 297 - Slof's Agea Karan (Robert F)-30650.7z (DDC5754D) (Not Installed)-- 298 - Slof's Alien Clannfear-24357.7z (38E49840) (Not Installed)++ 299 - Slof's Alyx Vance Outfit-25569.7z (5D6983C1) (Installed)++ 300 - Slof's Amazon Armour.7z (E6B469C7) (Installed)++ 301 - Slof & Arynn Drow-Queen Volume 2-20429.7z (2E78E9D7) (Installed)++ 302 - Slof's Arynn Drow King & Queen (Robert F)-20429.7z (B1EAC110) (Installed)-- 303 - Slof's Bracelet Collection-24385.7z (C60AFBC1) (Not Installed)-- 304 - Slof's Bracelets, Rings and Claws-13119.7z (26889E08) (Not Installed)-- 305 - Slof's Bracelets and Rings-24380.7z (FD9B980A) (Not Installed)-- 306 - Slof's Claws-24440.7z (3DA2FBA7) (Not Installed)++ 307 - Slof's Dark Assassin-28622.7z (659286F0) (Installed)++ 308 - Slof's Dawnwraith-27076.7z (ACBD8743) (Installed)++ 309 - Slof's Even More Male Things-29005.7z (8EFE4931) (Installed)++ 310 - Slof's Eyren Armours Revived-24991.7z (5A8A7837) (Installed)++ 311 - Slof's Eyren Queen's Armory Conversion-25083.7z (9D28EB99) (Installed)++ 312 - Slof's Eyren Vampire Hunter-25082.7z (AD0655CC) (Installed)++ 313 - Slof's Featherwynd-30123.7z (3214B747) (Installed)++ 314 - Slof's Giger Armour-24756.7z (60788D53) (Installed)++ 315 - Slof's Gizmodian Blackheart Robes-24990.7z (DB305EDA) (Installed)++ 316 - Slof's Ice Warrior.7z (7B29D51E) (Installed)-- 317 - Slof's Ice Warrior-31765.7z (3A8EC3A7) (Not Installed)++ 318 - Slof's Jeans-26016.7z (FAF12FF8) (Installed)++ 319 - Slof's Kitana Outfit.7z (432004BD) (Installed)++ 320 - Slof's Male Clothing-24900.7z (25608633) (Installed)++ 321 - Slof's Midlander-29023.7z (B11BF907) (Installed)++ 322 - Slof's More Male Stuff.7z (F2C3E1BE) (Installed)-- 323 - Slof's Neckchains-24386.7z (984B100B) (Not Installed)++ 324 - Slof's Night Knight Armor-29744.7z (80AFFE22) (Installed)-- 325 - Slof's Nexon's Armory Skimpy Male Patch-31365.7z (30B552A7) (Not Installed)-- 326 - Slof's Shadow Watcher (Male)-32665.7z (980BC553) (Not Installed)++ 327 - Slof's Oblivion Goth Shop I-24564.7z (FC205939) (Installed)++ 328 - PyFFI-Optimized Slof's Goth Shop I Meshes.7z (4D57CC0F) (Installed)++ 329 - Slof's Oblivion Goth Shop II.7z (338708B1) (Installed)++ 330 - PyFFI-Optimized Slof's Goth Shop II Meshes.7z (5DA9BACD) (Installed)++ 331 - Slof's Oblivion Robe Trader-24320.7z (FF84266E) (Installed)++ 332 - PyFFI-Optimized Slof's Oblivion Robe Trader Meshes.7z (BA730480) (Installed)++ 333 - Slof's Persian Outfit-28346.7z (6BFEEBAB) (Installed)++ 334 - Slof's Reznod Mannequin Retexture-25395.7z (CF639EFB) (Installed)-- 335 - Slof's Robe of the Dark Arts-25897.7z (C0BEFE9C) (Not Installed)++ 336 - Slof's Ryk Sorcerer-26934.7z (5C4F3810) (Installed)-- 337 - Slof's Sea Armour.7z (2F6D9270) (Not Installed)++ 338 - Slof's Shadowsilk.7z (60A5396A) (Installed)++ 339 - Slof's Sheograth Outfit.7z (82E21ECD) (Installed)-- 340 - Slof's Warhammer Robe - BC Patch-33223.7z (950B54DB) (Not Installed)-- 341 - Slof's Warhammer Robe-33223.7z (E80D5EDC) (Not Installed)++ 342 - Slof's Silverlight Armour-28827.7z (B8D44B24) (Installed)-- 343 - Slof's Stuff for Wizards.7z (CC701CDD) (Not Installed)-- 344 - Slof's Stuff for Wizards-31764.7z (320AFF0A) (Not Installed)++ 345 - Slof's Thieves' Vest-24058.7z (8F72D322) (Installed)++ 346 - Slof's Thunderbird-28485.7z (BFFA312B) (Installed)++ 347 - Slof's Victorian Clothes-28929.7z (B8A3C712) (Installed)348 - ==MESH REPLACERS==++ 349 - PyFFI-Optimized Vanilla Meshes.7z (4C849C5A) (Installed)++ 350 - PyFFI-Optimized SI Meshes.7z (C11E0E88) (Installed)-- 351 - QTP3R.7z (F410216B) (Not Installed)-- 352 - QTP3 Transparent Rock (1B29CAC2) (Not Installed)-- 353 - Qarl's Texture Pack 3 R Patch.7z (CABF0638) (Not Installed)-- 354 - Optimized QTP3 Meshes - Fixed-26756.7z (8A16159E) (Not Installed)-- 355 - Qarl's Texture Pack Optimized Meshes-23178.7z (F37715BD) (Not Installed)-- 356 - QTP - Better Tiling Textures-6996.7z (4721AEEE) (Not Installed)-- 357 - QTP3 Custom Textures-26075.7z (203D88F5) (Not Installed)358 - ==OFFICIAL CONTENT FIXES==++ 359 - Official DLC Plugins.7z (9016CB62) (Installed)-- 360 - Updated Offical DLCs MOBS-19203.rar (1C9E2C02) (Not Installed)-- 361 - ShadowbornKvatchQuestFix.7z (BC4C0591) (Not Installed)++ 362 - SM Plugin (0E9AD5B7) (Installed)++ 363 - Unofficial Oblivion Patch v3.2.0.7z (BCBA7B56) (Installed)++ 364 - Unofficial Official Mods Patch v15-9969.7z (59895567) (Installed)-- 365 - QTP3 UOP32 Compatibility Patch-11261.7z (E4B99AD6) (Not Installed)++ 366 - Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch 1.4.0-10739.7z (79CE866D) (Installed)++ 367 - Unofficial_Oblivion Patch Hotfix Manual-5296.7z (58D7B65F) (Installed)++ 368 - UOP Supplemental-27710.7z (BE57BB1B) (Installed)-- 369 - UOP Hotfix-27710.7z (3B9A1A49) (Not Installed)-- 370 - UOMP MOBS-17621.rar (440973B5) (Not Installed)-- 371 - USIP MOBS FCOM-17621.rar (73F25676) (Not Installed)-- 372 - MaiqAIHack.7z (5E11C1EE) (Not Installed)-- 373 - Optimised Distant Land MAX 1.1-15278.7z (605442F2) (Not Installed)374 - ==QUESTS==++ 375 - The Ayleid Steps-16316.7z (C5C4C07E) (Installed)++ 376 - The Ayleid Steps - PyFFI-Optimized Meshes.7z (F2AE8748) (Installed)++ 377 - Blood&Mud - Dirt Deluxe Anglais-12016.7z (A3B1EC07) (Installed)++ 378 - B&M - PyFFI-Optimized Meshes.7z (CCA1659E) (Installed)-- 379 - Blood & Mud - Qarl's Textures.7z (6E06E1AE) (Not Installed)++ 380 - Choices and Consequences Updated-14560.7z (E8FF3A9F) (Installed)-- 381 - Choices and Consequences Updated Update-14560.7z (5C5A6D29) (Not Installed)-- 382 - Artefacts of the Ancestors 1.3-7079.7z (387283B5) (Not Installed)++ 383 - Daggerfall Memories - The Liberation of Cybiades-11755.7z (0E3FFBC3) (Installed)-- 384 - BladeSong-32426.7z (405FED5E) (Not Installed)-- 385 - BladeSong 1.1 Update (Darker Dungeons)-32426.7z (38216750) (Not Installed)++ 386 - Cybiades - PyFFI-Optimized Meshes.7z (41081BE6) (Installed)++ 387 - Danger Sense-6369.7z (AFCA9DC7) (Installed)-- 388 - The Dungeons of Ivellon-17134.7z (350058E7) (Not Installed)++ 389 - The Elder Council.7z (5CEEE46E) (Installed)++ 390 - PyFFI-Optimized TEC Meshes.7z (AAC81329) (Installed)-- 391 - The Fight for Castle Ravenpride-11999.7z (C5B8DE34) (Not Installed)++ 392 - Fighters Guild Contracts.7z (A9065234) (Installed)++ 393 - PyFFI-Optimized Fighters Guild Contracts Meshes.7z (357AE697) (Installed)-- 394 - Five Blind (BC582C9F) (Not Installed)++ 395 - The Forgotten Shields-13707.7z (69236C76) (Installed)++ 396 - The Forgotten Shields - PyFFI-Optimized Meshes.7z (721CDE98) (Installed)++ 397 - The Forgotten Shields - HighRes Texture for Eleidons Ward-13707.7z (42CD4EDB) (Installed)++ 398 - The Forgotten Shields Voice Pack Update-13707.rar (122E713F) (Installed)++ 399 - Gates to Aesgaard - Episode One-13814.7z (D0757A3F) (Installed)++ 400 - Gates to Aesgaard - Episode Two-431494.7z (E75A57D1) (Installed)-- 401 - GTA Episode 2 Delayer-21693.7z (D47AE12E) (Not Installed)++ 402 - Gift of Kynareth (Deluxe Edition) (86321268) (Installed)++ 403 - PyFFI-Optimized Gift of Kynareth Meshes.7z (3C3B6297) (Installed)++ 404 - Gift of Kyraneth - Armour of Morihaus overhaul-7825.7z (F71C7471) (Installed)++ 405 - PyFFI-Optimized GoK Armour Meshes.7z (2F33FAA2) (Installed)++ 406 - The Heart of the Dead-21176.7z (A5970B21) (Installed)-- 407 - RBP-HoD Patch-32932.7z (BE9573F3) (Not Installed)++ 408 - HOD - PyFFI-Optimized Meshes.7z (05A9EE81) (Installed)++ 409 - Integration - The Stranded Light-22320.7z (9BF09285) (Installed)++ 410 - PyFFI-Optimized Integration TSL Meshes.7z (E9DC5032) (Installed)++ 411 - Integration TSL - Alternative NPC Faces by LazyMonk.7z (91A0278D) (Installed)-- 412 - Knights of the White Stallion-6623.rar (594FDB5C) (Not Installed)-- 413 - Kragenir's Death Quest-26219.7z (DD3EDAFE) (Not Installed)-- 414 - Kvatch Rebuilt-15412.7z (63F1AEFB) (Not Installed)-- 415 - Kvatch Rebuilt Grammar (99E9B2FF) (Not Installed)-- 416 - Kvatch Rebuilt Weather Patch-16544.7z (F3859DCE) (Not Installed)-- 417 - PyFFI-Optimized KR Meshes.7z (3D1654E1) (Not Installed)-- 418 - Kvatch Rebuilt Castle Makeover-23566.rar (89D1C577) (Not Installed)-- 419 - Lost Paladins of the Divines-10505.7z (5D815F79) (Not Installed)-- 420 - PyFFI-Optimized Lost Paladins Meshes.7z (D9FD818D) (Not Installed)-- 421 - LPotD Add-on Replacement Pack-31063.7z (8E8E6951) (Not Installed)-- 422 - LPotD Replacers-31063.rar (26CB7BE6) (Not Installed)++ 423 - The Lost Spires v14.7z (B3E9FA3C) (Installed)++ 424 - PyFFI-Optimized The Lost Spires Meshes.7z (4F6A5F73) (Installed)-- 425 - Malevolent-17781.7z (E70D8102) (Not Installed)-- 426 - Malevolent - PyFFI-Optimized Meshes.7z (FA4D8711) (Not Installed)-- 427 - Mighty Umbra-13398.rar (D0ADE027) (Not Installed)++ 428 - The Mysteries of the Dulan Cult v1.3-7663.7z (630B4DB0) (Installed)++ 429 - The Mysteries of the Dulan Cult - PyFFI-Optimized Meshes.7z (BAFB5559) (Installed)++ 430 - The Naked Nord-6406.7z (20E08AA2) (Installed)-- 431 - Origin of the Mages Guild 5.1.7z (20CA4449) (Not Installed)++ 432 - Origin of the Mages Guild 6.5.7z (C8314D7D) (Installed)++ 433 - OMG - PyFFI-Optimized Meshes.7z (A3AEEA00) (Installed)-- 434 - The (7AEB8C14) (Not Installed)++ 435 - Runied Tail's Tale-3027.7z (AB072B6F) (Installed)++ 436 - RTT - PyFFI-Optimized Meshes.7z (5CEAC935) (Installed)-- 437 - Saphirias Romance DV.7z (EE8E7DFF) (Not Installed)-- 438 - Saphiria's Romance and the Djinnis Chamber EV-25530.7z (9C3B89B1) (Not Installed)-- 439 - Sentient Weapon (5C8DB0CA) (Not Installed)++ 440 - Tears of the Fiend 1.2.2-11598.7z (DC9E624C) (Installed)++ 441 - ToTF - PyFFI-Optimized Meshes.7z (80BF56EA) (Installed)-- 442 - TOTF Delayer-25346.rar (0FC0C405) (Not Installed)-- 443 - Thievery in the Imperial City-5156.rar (50868802) (Not Installed)-- 444 - Thievery - PyFFI-Optimized Meshes.7z (4099DF7A) (Not Installed)-- 445 - Thieves Arsenal - Odd Jobs v1.5-9655.7z (FA3F4FAA) (Not Installed)-- 446 - Thieves Arsenal - PyFFI-Optimized Meshes.7z (76E5A6FC) (Not Installed)++ 447 - Underdark-23153.7z (4E2C723D) (Installed)-- 448 - Thieves Arsenal Compatibility (06059FC5) (Not Installed)++ 449 - PyFFI-Optimized Underdark Meshes.7z (142DD973) (Installed)++ 450 - Underdark - Unique Robes-20498.rar (123BBC2E) (Installed)++ 451 - Ungarions Memoirs 1 - The Wellkynd Sword v1.5-4969.rar (CB79713B) (Installed)++ 452 - Verona House Bloodlines-14601.7z (1B36FCAA) (Installed)++ 453 - PyFFI-Optimized Verona House Bloodlines Meshes.7z (42002692) (Installed)++ 454 - VHBloodlinesFixed+OCSupport.7z (1BF67B8B) (Installed)-- 455 - Weapons of The Fallen Heroes-7633.rar (F0141888) (Not Installed)-- 456 - VeronaHouse.7z (9B59D693) (Not Installed)-- 457 - (1A535560) (Not Installed)++ 458 - Quest (1ED71B5D) (Installed)459 - ==OVERHAULS (GROUP I)==++ 460 - Fran 4.5 beta.7z (20CF44C8) (Installed)-- 461 - FraNewItems Optimized BSA.7z (DB1D282F) (Not Installed)-- 462 - FranNewCrea Optimized BSA.7z (04D3A28F) (Not Installed)++ 463 - PyFFI-Optimized Francesco's New Items Meshes.7z (56F8AD32) (Installed)++ 464 - PyFFI-Optimized Francesco's New Creatures Meshes.7z (41AC9CA5) (Installed)++ 465 - Robert F - Fran Armor-26551.7z (890D29B8) (Installed)++ 466 - Robert M - Fran Armor (Muscular)-15097.7z (3444DC75) (Installed)++ 467 - Fran Patches-17621.7z (7867E3BB) (Installed)++ 468 - Cyrodiil Upgrade Resource Pack.7z (B060AB7C) (Installed)++ 469 - PyFFI-Optimized CURP Meshes.7z (5FE35D46) (Installed)++ 470 - Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul 1.33-15256.7z (0ECC5411) (Installed)++ 471 - Optimized OOO 133 Meshes-23202.7z (B61582B5) (Installed)-- 472 - OOO 1.33 Complete.7z (FD376E37) (Not Installed)++ 473 - Oscuro's Oblivion Overhual 1.34 Beta Patch 5-15256.7z (29448AB5) (Installed)++ 474 - Optimized OOO 133b345 Meshes-24511.7z (FE2EEE99) (Installed)++ 475 - Robert F - OOO Armor-26551.7z (C498746D) (Installed)++ 476 - Robert M - OOO Armor (Muscular)-14984.7z (533DB61E) (Installed)-- 477 - OOO Worn Armor Rebalance for LE-18169.rar (2DA7A59F) (Not Installed)++ 478 - OOO-Better Priced Clutter-29633.7z (103F98E7) (Installed)-- 479 - Shivering (57EFA4E7) (Not Installed)-- 480 - Geomancy & Gem (BC3F755E) (Not Installed)-- 481 - Mage Equipment for (71572CB5) (Not Installed)-- 482 - PyFFI-Optimized Mage Equipment for OOO Meshes.7z (94EC40CD) (Not Installed)++ 483 - Oblivion WarCry.7z (F4BD5CD1) (Installed)-- 484 - Oblivion WarCry 1.09.7z (9F1F8697) (Not Installed)-- 485 - Oblivion WarCry EV.7z (3E0D9A3B) (Not Installed)-- 486 - Oblivion WarCry EV (BSA).7z (3E0D9A3B) (Not Installed)++ 487 - PyFFI-Optimized Oblivion WarCry Meshes.7z (EB42FAF2) (Installed)488 - ==CREATURE DIVERSITY==-- 489 - AliveWaters-6914.rar (C8E00FE1) (Not Installed)-- 490 - As Intended - Boars and (173BF986) (Not Installed)-- 491 - Maigret's House Cats-24098.7z (06F1BB4E) (Not Installed)-- 492 - Maigrets House Cats.7z (6365C63A) (Not Installed)-- 493 - PyFFI-Optimized House Cats Meshes.7z (395A3986) (Not Installed)++ 494 - Personal Pack Guar-20358.7z (4E585A7C) (Installed)++ 495 - Slof's Dogs.7z (29A1992F) (Installed)++ 496 - PyFFI-Optimized Slof's Dogs Meshes.7z (D8202DA4) (Installed)++ 497 - Slof's Horses-24312.7z (3EFC924F) (Installed)++ 498 - PyFFI-Optimized Slof's Horses Meshes.7z (8B1B0AC6) (Installed)++ 499 - Slof's Horses Extra Pack 1-24312.7z (653BDC26) (Installed)++ 500 - PyFFI-Optimized Slof's Extra Horses Meshes.7z (E735B1C2) (Installed)-- 501 - Mart's Monster Mod 3.7 beta3-17784.7z (93C3117C) (Not Installed)-- 502 - MMM 3.7 beta3 BSA.7z (61965A13) (Not Installed)++ 503 - MMM 3.7 beta3-17784.7z (FDB3E6E1) (Installed)-- 504 - MMM PYFII Optimized Meshes-17784.7z (6F8309BC) (Not Installed)++ 505 - Robert F - MMM Armor-26551.7z (84395E66) (Installed)++ 506 - Robert M - MMM Armor (Muscular)-15096.7z (1E8FED6D) (Installed)-- 507 - MMM37b5MWL.7z (84723409) (Not Installed)-- 508 - MMM - DLCHorseArmor Slof's Complete patch-22771.7z (707F5582) (Not Installed)++ 509 - MMMDiverseWaterLifeUpdate.7z (5FDE93E5) (Installed)510 - ==OVERHAULS (GROUP II)==++ 511 - Common Oblivion-21104.7z (BFECAEE3) (Installed)++ 512 - PyFFI-Optimized COBL Meshes.7z (CD80DF0F) (Installed)++ 513 - FCOM Convergence.7z (98D7C9BB) (Installed)++ 514 - FCOM - Entropic Order Rebalance.7z (8F4AEDB6) (Installed)++ 515 - FCOM - Ghost Sound (AA3A44AA) (Installed)-- 516 - FCOM Archery - Armamentarium Complete.7z (2450E0C5) (Not Installed)++ 517 - FCOM Archery (AC74DB93) (Installed)++ 518 - FCOM Archery - FCOM RealSwords 2.7z (FBC5FF2C) (Installed)-- 519 - FCOM Bobs Armory Oblivion BSA.7z (16D28D2B) (Not Installed)++ 520 - UFCOM.7z (62B956CB) (Installed)-- 521 - UFCOM BSA.7z (AFA04003) (Not Installed)522 - ==UNIQUE LANDSCAPES==++ 523 - UL - Ancient Yews and Arrius Creek Patch-16818.7z (E433DF5B) (Installed)++ 524 - UL - Ancient Yews-11458.7z (37F1FFDD) (Installed)++ 525 - UL - Arrius Creek-16818.7z (01513E8E) (Installed)++ 526 - UL - Aspen Wood-28763.7z (921ADC4E) (Installed)++ 527 - UL - Beaches of Cyrodiil - Lost Coast-14720.7z (FA355C33) (Installed)++ 528 - UL - Blackwood Forest-25799.7z (39936638) (Installed)++ 529 - UL - Bravil Barrowfields-20426.7z (068EBA96) (Installed)++ 530 - UL - Brena River Ravine-23573.7z (625419E4) (Installed)-- 531 - UL - Brena River Ravine-31939.rar (65BDE1E6) (Not Installed)++ 532 - UL - Cheydinhal Falls-27494.7z (4CB1C17D) (Installed)++ 533 - UL - Chorrol Hinterland-11189.7z (D7FCACA6) (Installed)++ 534 - UL - Cloudtop Mountains-16677.7z (9A002649) (Installed)++ 535 - UL - Colovian Highlands-15511.7z (0BEDF692) (Installed)-- 536 - UL - Entius Gorge and Arrius Creek LOD Mesh-16818.7z (1F4B5069) (Not Installed)++ 537 - UL - Entius Gorge-7037.7z (E6B71A29) (Installed)++ 538 - UL - Fallenleaf Everglade-17562.7z (F32544B0) (Installed)++ 539 - UL - Imperial Isle-9531.7z (1E0A7B3F) (Installed)-- 540 - UL - Panther (E64756A8) (Not Installed)++ 541 - UL - Panther River-20332.7z (9B75A6AA) (Installed)++ 542 - UL - River Ethe-17330.7z (E3375CC7) (Installed)-- 543 - UL - Rolling Hills and Arrius Creek LOD mesh-16818.7z (FC329587) (Not Installed)-- 544 - PyFFI-Optimized UL RH+AC Meshes.7z (4CB43F00) (Not Installed)++ 545 - UL - Rolling Hills-10768.7z (D00AFADF) (Installed)-- 546 - UL - Snowdale-33125.7z (1716C307) (Not Installed)++ 547 - UL - Skingrad Outskirts-29948.7z (177C0C0C) (Installed)++ 548 - UL - Stendarr Valley-7054.rar (DBE16D63) (Installed)++ 549 - UL - The Dark Forest-11162.7z (79E405D9) (Installed)-- 550 - Menu Video Replacement - 1920x1080 DarkUI-33713.7z (A95ECD02) (Not Installed)-- 551 - Menu Video Replacement - 1920x1080-33690.7z (1F5DD79D) (Not Installed)-- 552 - Simple HUD (9AAA5E0B) (Not Installed)++ 553 - UL - The Great Forest - Ancient Redwoods-11163.7z (85C50DD9) (Installed)++ 554 - UL - The Great Forest - Lush Woodland-11164.7z (6C5C3EF5) (Installed)++ 555 - UL - The Heath-11165.7z (571EBD56) (Installed)++ 556 - UL Patches-13834.7z (CC52B637) (Installed)557 - ==CITY & WORLD AESTHETICS==++ 558 - All Natural-18305.7z (00000000) (Installed)++ 559 - All_Natural_0-9-9_Fix_Pack_v2-18305.7z (935D86D2) (Installed)-- 560 - All Natural Fix Pack-18305.7z (04E20CDC) (Not Installed)-- 561 - Ambient Dungeons-18385.7z (CF6AFA93) (Not Installed)-- 562 - Atmospheric Weather (ADA83EDD) (Not Installed)++ 563 - Better Cities-16513.7z (C836D38E) (Installed)++ 564 - Better Cities Resources-16513.7z (A3FC3879) (Installed)-- 565 - Better Cities 4-5-2b-16513.7z (1FA1466D) (Not Installed)-- 566 - Better Cities Resources A-16513.7z (3EA34DD8) (Not Installed)-- 567 - Better Cities Resources B-16513.7z (00000000) (Not Installed)-- 568 - Better Cities Resources BSA (ECBBC52B) (Not Installed)++ 569 - Animated Window Lighting System - Meshes-19628.7z (BC447862) (Installed)-- 570 - AWLS - Brumbek Mixed Textures-19628.7z (55868814) (Not Installed)-- 571 - AWLS - Grey Textures-19628.7z (2DFC0212) (Not Installed)++ 572 - AWLS - Illumination Within Textures-19628.7z (616DD5C3) (Installed)-- 573 - AWLS - Texian Textures-19628.7z (20E89479) (Not Installed)-- 574 - Cathedral Improver Stained Glass-8227.7z (BF0C054C) (Not Installed)-- 575 - Cities Alive At Night-11434.rar (5DAB7953) (Not Installed)-- 576 - City Life-11351.7z (49B51DD1) (Not Installed)++ 577 - Clocks of Cyrodiil-11778.7z (D179B0E8) (Installed)++ 578 - PyFFI-Optimized CoC Meshes.7z (57A5A998) (Installed)++ 579 - Clocks of Cyrodiil Texture Replacer by SNG-20530.rar (3E7ABDD8) (Installed)-- 580 - Cosmic Sky Cycling-21945.7z (C11FECE5) (Not Installed)++ 581 - Cyrodiil Inns Revised-29333.7z (A247AD6E) (Installed)++ 582 - Cyrodiil Inns Revised - Patch for CoC-29333.rar (F7B0EF9B) (Installed)-- 583 - Darker Dungeons-8802.7z (225E3B0C) (Not Installed)-- 584 - Dousing the (F7BBD90F) (Not Installed)++ 585 - Enhanced Vegetation - HighRez Textures-23783.7z (57D0CD8B) (Installed)++ 586 - Enhanced Vegetation - Plugins-23783.7z (137404C0) (Installed)++ 587 - Enhanced Water-8011.7z (33D2B4AE) (Installed)++ 588 - Enhanced Water - SI (HD) v2.0-17345.7z (6707581C) (Installed)-- 589 - Enhanced Water v2.0 (DF786CBE) (Not Installed)-- 590 - Enhanced Weather-16544.7z (CF7D5BF8) (Not Installed)-- 591 - Enhanced Weather Hi-Rez Textures-16544.7z (404577BE) (Not Installed)-- 592 - Enhanced Weather Update-16544.7z (5204E625) (Not Installed)-- 593 - Enhanced Weather Patches-16544.7z (44F13379) (Not Installed)-- 594 - HDR DefaultVariance - VeryDarkLuminosity.7z (3B64EDFA) (Not Installed)-- 595 - ImpeREAL City Unique Districts - All Merged-19589.rar (51D54053) (Not Installed)-- 596 - ImpeREAL Empire - Unique Forts - Bouayard and Ordeal-22965.rar (82789E57) (Not Installed)-- 597 - Lost Spires ImpeREAL Forts Patch-27558.7z (79483500) (Not Installed)-- 598 - Josef Grey's Natural (3B27EF3A) (Not Installed)++ 599 - Kvatch Reclaimed-30511.7z (187BF26F) (Installed)-- 600 - Kvatch Rising.7z (6CCD2C83) (Not Installed)-- 601 - PyFFI-Optimized Kvatch Rising Meshes.7z (7DEC9F01) (Not Installed)-- 602 - Let There Be Darkness-22819.7z (81308B01) (Not Installed)++ 603 - Let There Be More Darkness-29692.7z (540094FC) (Installed)-- 604 - Lost Chapel-29580.7z (2B72B5FF) (Not Installed)++ 605 - More Immersive Sound Edited-19038.7z (ECEEFF64) (Installed)-- 606 - Natural Environments-2536.7z (EC55655A) (Not Installed)-- 607 - New Roads and Bridges-20218.7z (2087DA83) (Not Installed)-- 608 - NRB - Forgotton Shields Patch-20218.7z (5AA95D49) (Not Installed)-- 609 - NRB - Shadowcrest Vineyard Patch-20218.7z (8EEC0435) (Not Installed)-- 610 - NRB UL Imperial Isle Patch-20218.7z (BCC0543A) (Not Installed)-- 611 - New Roads and Bridges - UL Patch-20218.7z (675DFFDA) (Not Installed)-- 612 - RedBag - Fog-33424.rar (694FDFF4) (Not Installed)-- 613 - ScreenEffects 1.0-16323.rar (0AAB5A43) (Not Installed)-- 614 - Sfon DeltaNovus' LOD (08C4F6AF) (Not Installed)++ 615 - Storms & Sound-8711.7z (DAC42E2F) (Installed)-- 616 - ScreenEffects-16323.rar (0AAB5A43) (Not Installed)-- 617 - Screen Effects Blur change minimum ENG-26787.7z (3169E634) (Not Installed)++ 618 - Storms & Sound Patches-8711.7z (FC9AC476) (Installed)-- 619 - Storms and Sound Patches-8711.7z (CBB2D2E4) (Not Installed)-- 620 - Trails of Cyrodiil-25839.rar (CA9C0F32) (Not Installed)-- 621 - Window Lighting Gothic Medieval-26406.rar (7D28A54A) (Not Installed)-- 622 - West Roads-29523.7z (5E66D4EE) (Not Installed)623 - ==USER INTERFACE==-- 624 - Custom Spell (00B2AD61) (Not Installed)++ 625 - Cyrodiiil Terrain Map v2.5-2634.rar (10CA4276) (Installed)-- 626 - Dark UI - Less Annoying Magic Experience.7z (751B02CB) (Not Installed)++ 627 - Dark UI - The Lost (721725F0) (Installed)-- 628 - Dark UI - Video Replacements.7z (CB3B9BD2) (Not Installed)++ 629 - Dark UI 2.40-1962.7z (87C38076) (Installed)++ 630 - Dark UI KotN Factions-9341.7z (C99B4751) (Installed)++ 631 - Dark UI - Malevolent Loading Screens-17969.rar (00EDAC65) (Installed)++ 632 - Dark UI Loading Screens for TOTF-17363.7z (12520719) (Installed)++ 633 - Dark UI Loading Screens-4256.7z (10D3D6EA) (Installed)++ 634 - Dark UI Persuasion Gizmo-9886.7z (BA51C2B5) (Installed)++ 635 - Dark UI SI Loading Screens-18909.7z (733B0C31) (Installed)-- 636 - Dark UI Loading Screens (8723CB70) (Not Installed)++ 637 - Dark UI Supplemental Pack-6795.7z (DAA49EA1) (Installed)++ 638 - Atmospheric Dark UI Loading Screens v3.55-8958.7z (0E1465BA) (Installed)-- 639 - Atmospheric Dark UI Loading Screens-8958.7z (DE8982A3) (Not Installed)++ 640 - DarNified UI-22170.7z (FEA185A1) (Installed)++ 641 - EE Auto Haggle Menus-25078.7z (2D03C170) (Installed)-- 642 - Elven Map Redux-3002.rar (9895E18B) (Not Installed)-- 643 - Elven Map Redux-3002.7z (9895E18B) (Not Installed)-- 644 - Floydian1 Scenic Loading Screens-29561.7z (9DE32BF8) (Not Installed)-- 645 - Floydian1 Loading Screens - Dragons-26360.7z (99F92555) (Not Installed)++ 646 - Immersive Interface-4109.7z (A5AD04E3) (Installed)++ 647 - Dark UI - Immersive Interface 2.40.7z (6FA920C4) (Installed)++ 648 - Keychain-3409.7z (04B8401A) (Installed)++ 649 - Super (88D642E8) (Installed)++ 650 - Dialog Buttons-9149.7z (88D9AA92) (Installed)-- 651 - Quest Log Manager-32266.rar (5C9CE611) (Not Installed)-- 652 - (F996D0B7) (Not Installed)++ 653 - Toggleable Quantity (363211C1) (Installed)-- 654 - Torch (7FB45DDE) (Not Installed)++ 655 - Map Marker Overhaul-26389.rar (B0F4743B) (Installed)-- 656 - Map Markers-2874.rar (D0304D90) (Not Installed)-- 657 - Main Menu Loading Screen Replacement - To Oblivion-26353.7z (55A34C36) (Not Installed)-- 658 - Menu Video - Calm Waters-14237.7z (60B1329B) (Not Installed)-- 659 - Menu Video - Dramatic Main Menu Video-20373 Copy.7z (FE8050A9) (Not Installed)-- 660 - Menu Video - Sunrise Sunset-22305.7z (DAAE36A4) (Not Installed)++ 661 - Menu Video - The Glory of Cyrodiil-15914.7z (E4CF314D) (Installed)-- 662 - Menu Video - Timelapse Sunrise (with proper fade)-19354.7z (71EC8096) (Not Installed)++ 663 - No Levelup Menu.7z (BB0A650D) (Installed)-- 664 - Oblivion Gate Map Marker (4CFE0A83) (Not Installed)++ 665 - Shivering Isles Terrain Map-10292.rar (D71CCF33) (Installed)666 - ==TEXTURE REPLACERS==-- 667 - EDialog-28379.7z (80938E08) (Not Installed)++ 668 - Enhanced Economy-25078.rar (4BD99A2D) (Installed)++ 669 - Less Annoying Magic Experience.7z (371BAB83) (Installed)++ 670 - (429F51FB) (Installed)++ 671 - nGCD - Skeleton (D80A3E21) (Installed)-- 672 - Reneer's Dialog (A5634AFA) (Not Installed)++ 673 - Bomret's Detailed Normal Maps (Vanilla)-18430.7z (93950EE6) (Installed)++ 674 - Detailed Terrain Beta II-15245.7z (8B468AA8) (Installed)++ 675 - Bomret's Texture Pack - Shivering Isles.7z (4C957AC7) (Installed)-- 676 - Alluring Potion (76A1CD41) (Not Installed)-- 677 - Amel's Emperor Robes-24070.7z (7EEF3981) (Not Installed)++ 678 - Armor and Clothing Redone-27414.7z (563BE7CE) (Installed)-- 679 - Arrow Replacement Pack-9051.rar (3083BE74) (Not Installed)++ 680 - ATP - Blackwood-28500.7z (5F34B9C1) (Installed)++ 681 - ATP - Bones-OBcT-28376.7z (AD3331B3) (Installed)++ 682 - ATP - Colovian Highlands-28637.7z (E278A85D) (Installed)++ 683 - ATP - Gold Coast-28383.7z (FEDADA25) (Installed)++ 684 - ATP - Great Grasses-28682.7z (E6CA5C68) (Installed)-- 685 - ATP - Leyawiin Swamp-26893.7z (8DC170D7) (Not Installed)++ 686 - ATP - Lower Class Cups and Bowls-28808.7z (602819AB) (Installed)++ 687 - ATP - Medieval Book Textures-27527.7z (5B561C5D) (Installed)++ 688 - ATP - Roads-28683.7z (DC708118) (Installed)-- 689 - Beaming Sunglare (9E70696E) (Not Installed)-- 690 - Better Beer (DDECA0A5) (Not Installed)-- 691 - Better Coins-19629.7z (FB295848) (Not Installed)-- 692 - Better Coins - PyFFI-Optimized Meshes.7z (D03C3A91) (Not Installed)-- 693 - Better Meat - Hammy McHamham edition-17869.7z (509F9C69) (Not Installed)-- 694 - Better Oblivion Barrels - (1861F0E9) (Not Installed)-- 695 - Better Silverware-27825.7z (98A77F98) (Not Installed)-- 696 - Better Sun-4178.7z (7CA1768A) (Not Installed)++ 697 - Better Horse (5D12ADD6) (Installed)++ 698 - PyFFI-Optimized Better Horse Eyes Meshes.7z (FE85A6B7) (Installed)++ 699 - Better Letters-5392.7z (732C715C) (Installed)++ 700 - Better Night Sky-2234.7z (E20B81A0) (Installed)-- 701 - Better Potion (3E649AB4) (Not Installed)++ 702 - Better Staff Textures-3646.rar (E1AE6FAE) (Installed)-- 703 - Book Jackets (HighRez)-5570.7z (9CCA7507) (Not Installed)-- 704 - PyFFI-Optimized Book Jackets Meshes.7z (87FF60A4) (Not Installed)-- 705 - Book Jackets - Rob B's Mysterium Xarxes-6978.7z (DAEA6AF2) (Not Installed)-- 706 - Book Jackets (C2EC35AE) (Not Installed)-- 707 - Bronze Spellbreaker-11122.rar (CFCCF675) (Not Installed)++ 708 - BTQ Landscape Lods-7212.7z (8FD0B82F) (Installed)++ 709 - Cali Female Finery Textures-26850.7z (029589D6) (Installed)-- 710 - Classic Sword Replcers-11451.7z (7559D74F) (Not Installed)++ 711 - Cobl Book Jackets-24890.rar (F46DDD1C) (Installed)++ 712 - Coloured Enemy Health-3774.rar (FEC093E2) (Installed)-- 713 - Cropped Hair REDONE-27814.7z (8D3F42F2) (Not Installed)-- 714 - Crystal Glass Retexture-3114.7z (CCA33AAD) (Not Installed)-- 715 - Dall's Rings n Amulets-16259.7z (95ACEF35) (Not Installed)-- 716 - Darker Ruins and Dungeons-14950.rar (99B495AE) (Not Installed)-- 717 - Deathb0rn's Modified Qarl's LOD Normal Maps-32709.7z (F6F0A310) (Not Installed)-- 718 - Dragon Templar Retexture-31961.rar (C9B52986) (Not Installed)-- 719 - Dragon Templare Retexture (Alternate)-31961.rar (F076B811) (Not Installed)-- 720 - Enhanced Daedric Artifacts Normal Maps-263.rar (55C493F2) (Not Installed)-- 721 - Enhanced Daedric Normal Maps-242.rar (728257A3) (Not Installed)-- 722 - Enhanced Dwarven Normal Maps-246.rar (72C569B1) (Not Installed)-- 723 - Enhanced Ebony Normal Maps-249.rar (5BB4B46F) (Not Installed)++ 724 - Enhanced Glass & Elven Normal Maps-251.rar (EEA8734E) (Installed)-- 725 - Enhanced Madness Normal Maps-273.rar (A0C8E409) (Not Installed)++ 726 - Enhanced Spellbreaker Normal Map-255.rar (F831D910) (Installed)-- 727 - Enhanced Spell Breaker Normal Map-29076.rar (F831D910) (Not Installed)-- 728 - Espless Book Replacer-29358.7z (5B7017E1) (Not Installed)-- 729 - ESPless Book Replacer - Better Book Collision Patch-29358.7z (CD78E997) (Not Installed)-- 730 - Evandar's Snow Texture Replacer-22284.7z (69D51B77) (Not Installed)-- 731 - Fearabbit's Better Goldware-27825.7z (47D53437) (Not Installed)-- 732 - FineWeapons and RustyItems for OOO-13302.7z (ECBE96B1) (Not Installed)-- 733 - Forge New Textures-30555.7z (99E9D963) (Not Installed)++ 734 - FineWeapons-7317.rar (07CD4CE6) (Installed)++ 735 - PyFFI-Optimized Fine Weapons Meshes.7z (BF30E592) (Installed)++ 736 - Glass Armor & Weapon Retex.7z (F6E455DA) (Installed)++ 737 - Graqe Texture Change-4195.7z (45C5B155) (Installed)-- 738 - Gold Goldbrand-11100.rar (72CDB80B) (Not Installed)++ 739 - Grimbot's Book Jackets-16247.7z (DE0CF7B9) (Installed)++ 740 - PyFFI-Optimized Grimbot's Book Jackets Meshes.7z (04C44E96) (Installed)-- 741 - Hammerfist Shiny (134A2459) (Not Installed)-- 742 - PyFFI-Optimized Hammerfist's Gold Meshes.7z (22AA6DF7) (Not Installed)++ 743 - High Resolution Hay Bail Textures-27138.7z (CBB14A27) (Installed)-- 744 - HiRes Iron Armor-30386.7z (3102BA49) (Not Installed)-- 745 - HiRes Oblivion Textures-27887.7z (172E521B) (Not Installed)-- 746 - HiRes Staffs-29412.7z (5901232A) (Not Installed)++ 747 - Improved Cave Normal Maps-26472.7z (8F72DB27) (Installed)-- 748 - Improved Thornblade Sheath-11102.rar (0600D475) (Not Installed)++ 749 - Improved Doors and Flora-8298.7z (E03D8408) (Installed)++ 750 - Improved Doors and Flora - PyFFI-Optimized Meshes.7z (C83D5F6D) (Installed)++ 751 - Improved Fruits, Vegetables and Meats-10487.7z (39759432) (Installed)++ 752 - Improved Fruits, Vegetables and Meat - PyFFI-Optimized Meshes.7z (A95D2D20) (Installed)++ 753 - Improved Signs-9498.7z (14EC691D) (Installed)++ 754 - Improved Signs - PyFFI-Optimized Meshes.7z (EFE0CDD0) (Installed)-- 755 - Improved Tapestries-12002.7z (99CC41C8) (Not Installed)++ 756 - Improved Trees and Flora-8500.7z (C55209F8) (Installed)++ 757 - Improved Trees and Flora 2-11891.7z (99BC555B) (Installed)++ 758 - Improved Trees and Flora 2 - PyFFI-Optimized Meshes.7z (34442E74) (Installed)-- 759 - Intoxicant Improvement-5297.7z (10CAE8F1) (Not Installed)-- 760 - Intoxicant Improvement - PyFFI-Optimized Meshes.7z (F4EF8FB1) (Not Installed)-- 761 - Jade Dishes-7693.rar (7AAB1F3C) (Not Installed)-- 762 - The Poor Man's Clutter-26933.rar (3BB94CC9) (Not Installed)++ 763 - Kafei's Better Amulet Replacer-4126.7z (4F9E1B7A) (Installed)++ 764 - PyFFI-Optimized Kafei's Amulet Replacer Meshes7z.7z (E7D6B5FF) (Installed)++ 765 - Kafei's Better Ring Replacer-4107.7z (4CBE7B70) (Installed)++ 766 - PyFFI-Optimized Kafei's Ring Replacer Meshes.7z (0970688C) (Installed)++ 767 - Koldorn's Alternate Auroran Texture (greenish)-9583.rar (BEDB1A6B) (Installed)++ 768 - Koldorn's Ayleid Ruins (EA8F010A) (Installed)++ 769 - Koldorn's Cave Textures 2-9208.7z (C8AB3440) (Installed)-- 770 - Jazz JR's Skeleton Retexture-18977.rar (FA094FB3) (Not Installed)-- 771 - Koldorn's Cave (CEF3D365) (Not Installed)++ 772 - Koldorn's LOD Noise Replacer-9952.7z (F15C44C4) (Installed)++ 773 - Koldorn's Sewer Textures 2-9080.7z (EB9DEE7B) (Installed)-- 774 - MEAT-14660.7z (F919BA95) (Not Installed)-- 775 - Mtgr Texture pack-30368.7z (088F0368) (Not Installed)-- 776 - Landscape LOD Normal Map Fix-2446.rar (64A1764E) (Not Installed)-- 777 - Landscape LOD Textures by Xerus-17300.7z (A7ACC8C6) (Not Installed)-- 778 - Mike's Clothes Replacer-7487.7z (54BC3916) (Not Installed)-- 779 - Mythic Animals High Res-29638.7z (AA74E6EF) (Not Installed)-- 780 - Mythic Creatures-29569.7z (09DD4847) (Not Installed)++ 781 - MZ Shields-10376.7z (73611438) (Installed)-- 782 - Night Sky - Fire & Ice-3787.7z (5CDF7A04) (Not Installed)-- 783 - Nine Divines Robes-24656.7z (319C8106) (Not Installed)-- 784 - Painted Paintings (255D64C2) (Not Installed)-- 785 - Paul's Armor Retextures - Horse Armors-32837.rar (166119AD) (Not Installed)-- 786 - Paul's Armor Retextures - KOTN Textures-32837.rar (C5B0C5EE) (Not Installed)-- 787 - Paul's Armor Retextures - Madness Armor-32837.rar (E2C7ADDA) (Not Installed)-- 788 - Paul's Armor Retextures - SI-32837.rar (4FFE5E2F) (Not Installed)-- 789 - Paul's Armor Retexures 01-32837.rar (B16D59E8) (Not Installed)-- 790 - Paul's Armor Retexures 02-32837.rar (6FEAE379) (Not Installed)-- 791 - Paul's Armor Retexures 03-32837.rar (DB82D75E) (Not Installed)-- 792 - Paul's Armor Retexures 04-32837.rar (1560A08A) (Not Installed)-- 793 - Paul's Armor Rextures - Horse Armors-32837.rar (166119AD) (Not Installed)-- 794 - Paul's Clothing Retextures - Package 1-33322.rar (B7546CB3) (Not Installed)-- 795 - Paul's Clothing Retextures - SI-33322.rar (93FEFB10) (Not Installed)-- 796 - PK - LandscapeLOD Normals-27046.7z (DCAE4A52) (Not Installed)-- 797 - Qarl's LOD Smaller Uncompressed Normal Maps-26911.7z (012B30AD) (Not Installed)++ 798 - Real Lava (A6E09306) (Installed)++ 799 - Real Night Sky (0281F4A9) (Installed)++ 800 - Realistic Fire-25655.7z (3C921C5E) (Installed)-- 801 - Reduced LOD - BTQ 512.7z-11441.7z (B9ABA154) (Not Installed)++ 802 - Reduced LOD - QN512.7z-11441.7z (51B3F715) (Installed)++ 803 - RPG-BlackDragon's LowTriPoly Grass.7z (410F5BB4) (Installed)++ 804 - PyFFI-Optimized RPG-BD's LowTriPoly Grass Meshes.7z (6C092317) (Installed)++ 805 - RPG-BlackDragon's Trees.7z (88CD91AB) (Installed)-- 806 - RustyItems-7190.rar (057208F2) (Not Installed)-- 807 - PyFFI-Optimized Rusty Items Meshes.7z (2DC19A5B) (Not Installed)-- 808 - Shaja - Landscape LOD Textures (Border Regions)-2210.7z (8E19C19B) (Not Installed)-- 809 - Shaja - Landscape LOD (D0A94F6B) (Not Installed)-- 810 - Sigil Stone Icon Fix-32724.rar (393AC2AA) (Not Installed)-- 811 - Slaughterfish Retexture-9343.7z (F9F0FB78) (Not Installed)-- 812 - Smaller and Better Looking Qarl LOD Normals-26911.7z (5BF120B9) (Not Installed)++ 813 - UC Furniture Retexture-6066.7z (821C1735) (Installed)++ 814 - PyFFI-Optimized UC Furniture Retex Meshes.7z (6735A82E) (Installed)++ 815 - Unique (FC0A6D23) (Installed)++ 816 - VA's Better Gold-1826.7z (E336B270) (Installed)++ 817 - PyFFI-Optimized VA Gold Meshes.7z (B2C5B174) (Installed)++ 818 - Vanilla Hair Replacer-11954.7z (F0F70596) (Installed)819 - ==MISC REPLACERS==-- 820 - ALT Shack-15998.7z (F3A64847) (Not Installed)-- 821 - Atmospheric Music Pack-32608.7z (4EF8C245) (Not Installed)-- 822 - Audia Arcanum Footfalls of Heroism (B330C80F) (Not Installed)++ 823 - Benirus Manor Revisited-25611.7z (66D4EAC9) (Installed)++ 824 - PyFFI-Optimized Benirus Manor Revisited Meshes.7z (FBB2F86C) (Installed)-- 825 - Better Benirus Manor-18054.7z (BC093A3E) (Not Installed)-- 826 - Better Benirus Manor - PyFFI-Optimized Meshes.7z (A4BD182D) (Not Installed)-- 827 - Coronerra's Maximum Compatibility Skeletons-27945.7z (866BFD88) (Not Installed)++ 828 - Harvest Flora-2037.7z (9DD13311) (Installed)++ 829 - PyFFI-Optimized Harvest Flora Meshes.7z (77744A05) (Installed)-- 830 - Harvest Containers-3979.7z (0CAD0843) (Not Installed)-- 831 - Harvest Containers SI-3979.7z (A5E2C247) (Not Installed)++ 832 - Initial Glow-5138.rar (E03EBA12) (Installed)-- 833 - Initial Glow-5138.7z (E03EBA12) (Not Installed)++ 834 - Journal Mod (F1CAFE28) (Installed)-- 835 - Little Baron Flower Pot (88E4BBCE) (Not Installed)-- 836 - NieR Gestalt an Replicant Music Pack-32177.7z (A7247C63) (Not Installed)-- 837 - Non-Plastic Clouded Crystal Balls-20019.7z (9634558E) (Not Installed)-- 838 - RD Better Book Collision-16747.7z (F740A011) (Not Installed)-- 839 - RD Better Book (F740A011) (Not Installed)-- 840 - RPG-BlackDragon's LowPolyTrees-33414.7z (9AA85BC1) (Not Installed)-- 841 - RPG-BlackDragon's LowTriPolyGrass-33403.7z (C5ADC3C6) (Not Installed)-- 842 - Qarl and Timeslip's Depth of (6A4D68B9) (Not Installed)++ 843 - Seph's Hand-to-Hand Animation Replacer-13051.7z (C8EC0F23) (Installed)-- 844 - Underwater Bubble FX-26715.7z (D922F96F) (Not Installed)++ 845 - Visually Enchanted Customizer Fixed-8490.7z (C4392CAE) (Installed)846 - ==RACES & COSMETICS==-- 847 - Body Seam Reducer-19738.rar (0F378394) (Not Installed)-- 848 - Capucine's Character Expansion-3934.7z (2825CB26) (Not Installed)-- 849 - COBL Cosmetic Resources-21104.7z (C1254BEC) (Not Installed)-- 850 - Chocolate Elves-18247.7z (C886A4C6) (Not Installed)-- 851 - Elves of Lineage II-12424.7z (68CE6041) (Not Installed)-- 852 - Enayla's Races for Head 06 New Normalmaps-33509.7z (6A538F77) (Not Installed)-- 853 - Enayla's Races for Head 06 Vol. 1-33509.7z (EA8F8544) (Not Installed)-- 854 - Enayla's Races for Head 06 Vol. 2-33598.7z (4CAFA90E) (Not Installed)-- 855 - Head06 Fixed TRI File-33683.7z (F312B665) (Not Installed)-- 856 - Mystic Darkelf-11750.7z (4341630C) (Not Installed)-- 857 - Moonshadow Elves-31288.rar (9CB881FE) (Not Installed)-- 858 - Moonshadow Elves - Facial Expression Fix-30707.7z (7EEE406E) (Not Installed)++ 859 - Ren's Beauty Pack-4431.7z (CCC4CECC) (Installed)-- 860 - Smooth Egt by CapsAdmin-21608.7z (B2EA6154) (Not Installed)++ 861 - Race Balancing Project - Installation Files.7z (FD601B18) (Installed)++ 862 - Race Balancing Project.7z (85D5F867) (Installed)-- 863 - Smooth Egt for Custom Races (Resource) (CC0D5435) (Not Installed)-- 864 - Smooth Egt for Vanilla Races (Resource)-21608.7z (90F8CB1C) (Not Installed)-- 865 - Sakura - Human Female Race-13530.rar (423C5604) (Not Installed)-- 866 - TGND-30914.7z (BD372531) (Not Installed)-- 867 - X Dark Elves-27174.7z (787594D2) (Not Installed)-- 868 - Xenius Race Compilation-29103.7z (7D77ED5F) (Not Installed)-- 869 - Nymia Save-27174.7z (92F18F2E) (Not Installed)870 - ==Robert's Mods==-- 871 - Robert's Female Body Replacer v1.2-15624.7z (BA3D5B27) (Not Installed)-- 872 - PyFFI-Optimized Robert Fem Meshes.7z (257D9995) (Not Installed)-- 873 - Robert's Blue Green Outfit (4C66C06A) (Not Installed)-- 874 - Robert's Female - Rough Leather Shoes fix-28975.7z (802B7BC4) (Not Installed)++ 875 - Robert F - ANB Cup Sizes-18764.7z (F0D66ECE) (Installed)++ 876 - Robert F - Shirt07-21473.7z (DBC3F1F1) (Installed)-- 877 - Robert's Male Body Replacer v4-14942.7z (7DC9ACC2) (Not Installed)++ 878 - Robert's Male Body Replacer v5 Beta-25365.7z (8C98E95E) (Installed)-- 879 - Robert's Male Average V5 Beta-27909.7z (9B1F9637) (Not Installed)-- 880 - Robert's Male Body v5 Beta-25365.7z (1B0FADA1) (Not Installed)++ 881 - Robert M - Arena Rainment Replacer-14271.7z (CA4F8439) (Installed)-- 882 - Robert v5 Average Clothing and Armor Replacer Fix-33488.7z (50B8CEA4) (Not Installed)-- 883 - Robert v5 Muscular Clothing and Armor Replacer Fix-33779.7z (DAA69A74) (Not Installed)-- 884 - Robert M - Arena (0D3EA4E8) (Not Installed)++ 885 - Robert M - Argonian Skin 0.5-22844.7z (FA96EFAC) (Installed)-- 886 - Robert M - Dremora Texture -22234.7z (82857D67) (Not Installed)++ 887 - Robert M - Elegant Vests Meshes-16472.7z (4E87D779) (Installed)-- 888 - Robert M - Normal Map Replacer-19879.7z (7DB973CD) (Not Installed)-- 889 - Robert M - SI Clothing and Armor (Muscular)-14983.7z (DEB8847D) (Not Installed)++ 890 - Robert M - Slof's Seamless Dremora.7z (CF46D0BC) (Installed)-- 891 - Robert M - Stock Clothing and Armor (Muscular)-14982.7z (7170609D) (Not Installed)++ 892 - Robert M - Vermillion and Silverthorn Robes Meshes-16447.7z (EBD3D6D5) (Installed)-- 893 - Slof & Orc - Armours-24886.7z (7803815F) (Not Installed)-- 894 - Slof's Arena Rainments Redux-24988.7z (7A6D42F0) (Not Installed)-- 895 - Slof's Boners-24582.7z (6F19CFAE) (Not Installed)++ 896 - Slof's Boners v5-24582.7z (1BFD78B9) (Installed)++ 897 - PyFFI-Optimized Robert F - ANB Cup Sizes Meshes.7z (02D61272) (Installed)++ 898 - PyFFI-Optimized Robert F Fran Meshes.7z (4C6603BB) (Installed)++ 899 - PyFFI-Optimized Robert F MMM Meshes.7z (FDB2CA1E) (Installed)++ 900 - PyFFI-Optimized Robert F OOO Meshes.7z (4F7838B0) (Installed)-- 901 - PyFFI-Optimized Robert's Male v4 Meshes.7z (7739EA78) (Not Installed)++ 902 - PyFFI-Optimized Robert's Male v5 Meshes.7z (03BCFD74) (Installed)-- 903 - PyFFI-Optimized Robert's Male Average v5 Meshes.7z (A03CA39D) (Not Installed)++ 904 - PyFFI-Optimized Robert M Arena Rainment Meshes.7z (174BA581) (Installed)++ 905 - PyFFI-Optimized Robert M Fran Meshes.7z (F178CD10) (Installed)++ 906 - PyFFI-Optimized Robert M Lost Paladins Meshes.7z (88641A91) (Installed)++ 907 - PyFFI-Optimized Robert M MMM Meshes.7z (E0304A17) (Installed)++ 908 - PyFFI-Optimized Robert M OOO Meshes.7z (EE2E8401) (Installed)-- 909 - PyFFI-Optimized Robert M SI Meshes.7z (A7C26765) (Not Installed)-- 910 - PyFFI-Optimized Robert M Stock Meshes.7z (D8996DFE) (Not Installed)-- 911 - PyFFI-Optimized Slof's Arena Rainments Meshes.7z (689ED556) (Not Installed)-- 912 - PyFFI-Optimized Slof's Boners Meshes.7z (F8B73791) (Not Installed)++ 913 - PyFFI-Optimized Slof's Boners v5 Meshes.7z (21DFF0BB) (Installed)914 - ==BODY & FACE TEXTURES==-- 915 - Argonian Beautification Requirements-15469.7z (F6DA37F4) (Not Installed)-- 916 - Argonian Beautification Robert-15469.7z (DDB64AE9) (Not Installed)-- 917 - Argonian Beautification RobertFemale-15469.7z (DC47B96B) (Not Installed)-- 918 - BD - DAM Textures (Robert Female)-23226.7z (69D68548) (Not Installed)++ 919 - BD - Female Mystic Elf (Robert)-23215.7z (8E9843EC) (Installed)-- 920 - BD - Female Tattoed Bodies (Robert)-23213.7z (FF241CF2) (Not Installed)-- 921 - BD - Robert Female Mystic Elf-23215.7z (8E9843EC) (Not Installed)++ 922 - BD - Slof's Dremora (Robert Female)-23214.7z (A96B42B5) (Installed)-- 923 - BD - Slof's Giger Armor Retextured-23217.7z (8F3C400C) (Not Installed)-- 924 - BD - Tattooed Female Pack 1-23213.7z (B2011A0E) (Not Installed)-- 925 - BD - Tattooed Female Pack 2 (Robert)-23213.7z (2414FF8D) (Not Installed)-- 926 - BD - Tattooed Female Pack3 (Robert)-23213.7z (3D2A4418) (Not Installed)-- 927 - BD's Mystic Elf Female Textures (Robert F)-23215.7z (8BC5F087) (Not Installed)-- 928 - BD's Slof's Giger Armor Retexture.7z (12F28758) (Not Installed)-- 929 - BD's Tattooed Male (Robert)-23220.7z (87E1E9C1) (Not Installed)-- 930 - BD's Tattooed Male Pack 1 (Robert)-23220.7z (E2E83CE3) (Not Installed)-- 931 - BD66 Tribal Dunmer Male-23220.7z (04FFDD56) (Not Installed)-- 932 - Caps Admin PSD Resource-20166.7z (75B847DE) (Not Installed)++ 933 - Enayla - Dremora Face Texture-14839.rar (102A8A14) (Installed)-- 934 - Better Looking Redguards-31174.7z (3EDB6D58) (Not Installed)-- 935 - Enayla - Facial Textures-9534.7z (0B1D1BFF) (Not Installed)++ 936 - Enayla - New Face Textures-14805.7z (C8D009DD) (Installed)-- 937 - Head06 Replacer-20335.7z (F4638579) (Not Installed)-- 938 - Head06 Resource Update-20166.7z (28DE2F9D) (Not Installed)-- 939 - HGEC_Body_v1dot21-15802.7z (37153B99) (Not Installed)++ 940 - Improved Argonian Facial (10EAB544) (Installed)++ 941 - Improved Facial Textures-5643.7z (171D7F49) (Installed)++ 942 - Kendo2 Orc Textures-30425.7z (3C85C5A6) (Installed)-- 943 - Khajiit Face Retexture-7930.rar (3F61EDA4) (Not Installed)-- 944 - Mystic Elf Body Texture for Exnem (from Ozmo's HiRez pack)-16691.7z (3CD15D54) (Not Installed)-- 945 - Mystic Elf Breeze Defined Normal Map-28545.7z (CC264E40) (Not Installed)-- 946 - Natural Males - Modded DDS files-24579.rar (98E81DFB) (Not Installed)-- 947 - Natural Males - Texture Replacer-24579.rar (59CD2207) (Not Installed)-- 948 - Natural (06CFED7A) (Not Installed)-- 949 - NPC Face Color Unlocker-10811.7z (A1AAC950) (Not Installed)-- 950 - Slof's Seamless Dremora Textures-26810.7z (BA7C1093) (Not Installed)-- 951 - SP Hair Pack Beta-30707.7z (4640AFFD) (Not Installed)952 - ==ORIGINAL FILES==-- 953 - Original Distantlod.7z (BF0C43EF) (Not Installed)-- 954 - Original Meshes.7z (ACED7DCD) (Not Installed)-- 955 - Original Music.7z (A2968FB1) (Not Installed)-- 956 - Original Shaders.7z (97CFE133) (Not Installed)-- 957 - Original SI DLOD.7z (4014EEAE) (Not Installed)-- 958 - Original SI Meshes.7z (B2581E4C) (Not Installed)-- 959 - Original SI Trees.7z (B165FD6F) (Not Installed)-- 960 - Original Trees.7z (DCE36A86) (Not Installed)-- 961 - Original Video.7z (3A320F1D) (Not Installed)962 - ==MY PACKAGES==-- 963 - Cleaned Plugins (E26A9627) (Not Installed)-- 964 - Cleaned Plugins 2010.7z (9592EF1C) (Not Installed)++ 965 - Cleaned Plugins 2010 (9592EF1C) (Installed)++ 966 - Merged Plugins (D255E398) (Installed)-- 967 - My Backups (42FE631D) (Not Installed)++ 968 - My Changes (116B094E) (Installed)++ 969 - My Faces (DA184A0B) (Installed)-- 970 - My INI settings (D9365B24) (Not Installed)-- 971 - My Patches (51F447B7) (Not Installed)-- 972 - My Plugins (B340436D) (Not Installed)

Edit: I just have this habit of downloading every visual enhancement that catches my eye, haha. It is not as if I do not have the space... ^____^ I think I am going to have to extended the partition on my Oblivion drive...

Edit: sfon's was release last summer...That's odd...

Edit: Nevermind, yup, RedBag's mod is the one I picked up after it was uploaded amidst the distant fog discussion here -
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Naazhe Perezz
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:25 pm


>>> The following StreamSave settings, if enabled, may cause trouble for running scripts.set SLv.AfterCombat		   to	   0 ; Force a save after each combat ends?set SLv.InteriorOnly		  to	   0 ; Save only when indoors?set SLv.WhenIdleOnly		  to	   0 ; Save only when character is idle?set SLv.AfterZone			 to	   0 ; Save after fast-travel or door use?set SLv.AfterWaitSleep		to	   0 ; Save after waiting or sleeping?...set SLv.PurgeBeforeSave	   to	   0 ; Do a purge before a Streamsave?

When is it recommended to autosave, then? This is intriguing me, because the other options are:

set SLv.DuringCombat          to       0  ; Allow save during combat?set SLv.WhileYielding         to       0  ; Allow save while yielding?set SLv.DangerousArea         to       0  ; Allow save in dangerous environment?set SLv.AllowTrespass         to       0  ; Allow saving while trespassing?set SLv.AllowSwimming         to       0  ; Allow saving while swimming?set SLv.AllowSneaking         to       0  ; Allow saving while sneaking?set SLv.AllowWeapon           to       0  ; Allow saving while weapon out?

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Rachel Briere
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:55 pm

Auto-save is timed... Well, for example:

"InteriorOnly" - setting this to 0 only means that auto-saves are NOT restricted to when the player is in an interior, but does not mean that auto-saves cannot be made while the player is in interiors

Setting all of those to 0 still leaves plenty of time (that being most of the time) for auto-saves.
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Kayla Oatney
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:31 pm

I do not understand...

set SLv.DuringCombat          to       0  ; Allow save during combat?set SLv.WhileYielding         to       0  ; Allow save while yielding?set SLv.DangerousArea         to       0  ; Allow save in dangerous environment?set SLv.AllowTrespass         to       0  ; Allow saving while trespassing?set SLv.AllowSwimming         to       0  ; Allow saving while swimming?set SLv.AllowSneaking         to       0  ; Allow saving while sneaking?set SLv.AllowWeapon           to       0  ; Allow saving while weapon out?;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------set SLv.AfterCombat           to       0  ; Force a save after each combat ends?set SLv.InteriorOnly          to       0  ; Save only when indoors?set SLv.WhenIdleOnly          to       0  ; Save only when character is idle?set SLv.AfterZone             to       0  ; Save after fast-travel or door use?set SLv.AfterWaitSleep        to       0  ; Save after waiting or sleeping?

Does not this mean that Streamline will actually never autosave?
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Danny Blight
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:08 pm

I just said that setting all of those to 0 still mean that most of the time you are playing, Streamline will make auto-saves (unless you are one of those players that sneaks 24/7)

Edit: You can enable the while sneaking and while swimming options. The recommendation for disabling those is that many players only sneak because they are involved in some sort of quest or battle or escape while taking those actions. For example, the reason why you want after combat force to be 0 is because the save could be forced after you step just out of the radius of the enemy, but it could come close enough to "restart" the battle session before the save completes, which would be bad. Setting all of those to 0 is the safest configuration, but, by no means, does that meant that you have to have the configuration in order to have a corrupted-crash-free game. My only experience with the corrupted StreamSave was when it was allowed to save during battle I think. Otherwise, I have not had much experience with corrupted saves... :L
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:19 pm


So there is a main autosave not included in that section... Yes, now I understand. This triggers it:

set SLv.Purging               to       0  ; Turn on Streampurge?  (cache purging)set SLv.FPSsmoothing          to       1  ; Turn on Streamsmooth? (FPS smoothing)set SLv.Streamsaving          to       1  ; Turn on Streamsaving? (timed autosaves)set SLv.Streamsight           to       1  ; Turn on Streamsight?  (FPS enhancer)

And the timer tells when to save. Right?
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Jessica Phoenix
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:53 am


Edit: That section toggles Streamline's individual components. The settings below that modify how each component functions.
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Robert Bindley
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:41 pm

Thanks for all, Tomlong. :)
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Jerry Cox
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:14 pm

Thanks for all, Tomlong. :)

Ya, of course.

Happy gaming!
- Tomlong75210
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Lori Joe
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:04 am

For example, the reason why you want after combat force to be 0 is because the save could be forced after you step just out of the radius of the enemy, but it could come close enough to "restart" the battle session before the save completes, which would be bad.

Yes, you definitely don't want to set it to save right after a battle. I tried that for awhile and I was getting alot of crashes and corrupt saves because of it. I only use it for a timed save now and I rarely have any problems with it.
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Nadia Nad
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