So it was my first companion in my anti ncr playthrough, haven't upgraded his armor or weapons, or even started his questline. His antennas that are connected to the top of Ed-e are oddly floating in mid air above him, his little maglite looking laser gun that's usually attached to his underbelly is floating on the ground. The antenna and the gun in place as I described Ed-e itself still floating above my head as usual.
The best part about it all is I know for a fact that he fires a red laser right? Now he fires the red laser and some sort of blue burst of energy. Can't tell if the dmg. Is better/worse since I'm actually just noticing for myself right now.
In all my playthroughs I've always chose ed-e over Rex and never seen this happen.
Anyone else have this happen? I play on xbox and have all dlcs ATM.