Strange Happenings In Cyrodill

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:21 pm

was playing oblivion not to long ago and this was just to odd not to share

i was running through the wood and was attacked by a gang of bandits i killed them easily of course but after words the battle music was still going i looked around and couldn't see anything. i decided to summon a daedroth after putting its shield on it takes off running i follow it to see what has been chasing me. instead of another bandit or a mudcrab. it runs up to a deer kills it instantly which wouldn't have been to odd if the battle music hadn't turned off directly after it killed the deer :blink:

anyone else have an odd tale to tell?

:mellow: just noticed the Ye Old Storyteller Inn thread.

... i really do need to look a bit harder before i decide its a good idea to make a thread
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Marta Wolko
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:29 pm

Closed because duplicate!
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noa zarfati
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