I've been playing Oblivion a while now, I'm up to level 14 and it's been going fine so far. Today I loaded my game and strange things started happening. First, all my repair hammers break on the first use, every time. Second, every hit I take, regardless of how powerful it is and if I'm blocking or not, staggers me so that I'm unable to swing my weapon or to move out of the way, meaning I just get slowly beaten to death by any enemy I come across, including things like rats. Third, almost every container I come across contains 20 gold and nothing else. A few have had weak healing potions, but mostly just the gold, and never anything else. Also, it seems like my weapons and possibly armor and degrading unusually quickly but I'm not certain on that.
I have tried reloading on all the various save games I have, but it's the same no matter what. This is, needless to say, rather frustrating. I have a feeling I'm screwed, as I'm on the xbox and therefore can't use the console to fix something. I figured I'd ask for some advice first, though, before I started yet another new game...
thanks in advance for whatever info you've got.