I just bought Fallout New Vegas and installed it and put an icon on the desktop, it also put an icon on the desktop that says, GECK new vegas edition, it doesn't do anything, what is it for?
From what I understand, the GECK is used to create Mods for FNV. My knowledge of it ends there I'm afraid as I have yet to get a PC capable of handling FNV.
I was not aware that the GECK installed with the game; in fact I am positive that it didn't when I installed. It is usually something you have to seek out on the publisher's website, download and install separately.
The GECK is the game editor tool. It is used for creating in-game objects and events, as well as editing the maps for the game.
Its named for the high-tech terraforming tool mentioned on the last page of the Fallout (1) manual (and seen in later FO titles as a 'gadgety' suitcase full of tubes and dials).
The letters stand for Garden of Eden Creation Kit.